Controling plant height


I have a question to throw out there I seem to have a plant Female for sure and she is going sky high real fast I have stopped moving the light to try and keep her from
maxing out the rooms height I have cut back on the Nutrients, I have been at 12/12 for over three weeks now man is it getting big not just tall but massive around as well.
Any Ideas??


Well-Known Member
If you start toping,it will help.But don't trust me,I don't have any experiance in toping.You might or might not be able to in flowering stage.I read alot that toping will help youre plant stay shorter & bushy.


Hmm not sure either on the topping I seem to have like four cola or at least tops, one Main of course which is the tallest.. She is going to max out in about another week for sure. I got maybe two foot left in height.