Conversation with God

Prove? What do you expect a philosophical story to prove? I merely thought it was interesting. This 'god' happened to have come from completely naturalistic origins, just as I proposed in other threads that if a god does indeed exist, it has to have an explanation for its origins in order for us to have any kind of satisfying answer about our own. I find it similar to the Neale Donald Walsh books that I enjoyed some time ago. After reading the website of the author, he mentioned that if he wrote the story today, he would have changed some things. Not sure what, but IMO, the intervention implied by the question about the dinosaurs was totally out of place. If intelligent biological creatures can evolve without any interference as he said, then no interference was necessary, so why the asteroid?

Sorry I haven't been around the last few days, right after posting, I had some shit I had to deal with.

Ohhh a neat story like a fairy tale? ;)

EDIT: I didn't mean to sound like a dick earlier dude. I'm sorry :) I was just wondering if you or anybody else seriously believes this.

I found it neat to.. Just the same way I find ghost stories interesting. Gets your mind thinking.. In a different way.
EDIT EDIT: Just read my first post.. what a dick! lol I DID find the story interesting.
Why is it more believable?

And am I the only one that doesn't find this interesting? (no offense)

It proves nothing.

I say your right,the story proves nothing.It is believable only to an extent, mostly because he actualy has good explanations,IMO to the questions asked and i also found them to be entertaining.But i do not take it seriously.
Ohhh a neat story like a fairy tale? ;)

EDIT: I didn't mean to sound like a dick earlier dude. I'm sorry :) I was just wondering if you or anybody else seriously believes this.
I wouldn't expect anyone to believe it when the author himself says it is a work of fiction.
I found it neat to.. Just the same way I find ghost stories interesting. Gets your mind thinking.. In a different way.
That was the only reason for posting it, I found it interesting. Also, this subforum has been a little slow lately and wanted to stimulate more discussion I guess.