Convoy? ..Convoy!

These clowns have a big Youtube presence, I think some of them are faking their view counts. The 18 to 30 YO demographic has something to do with it too, time to go home children, the Mounties have entered your particulars in the database.

YouTube all abuzz as the paranoid fucks freak out about DoFo turning on them and the hammer coming down hard! It's now time to pay to play kids and the price will be life shattering.

I'm disappointed there was no deadlines or deliverables.

Give them until midnight to clear out, then start impounded trucks, suspending licenses and cracking skulls.
i have no problem with peaceful protest, but this has gone beyond a protest into an illegal occupation, and it's hurting other people, and doing more harm to the already fucked up supply chain...shit's got to end, and if American truckers have any sense at all, they'll shut the fuck up and get back to driving....
i have no problem with peaceful protest, but this has gone beyond a protest into an illegal occupation, and it's hurting other people, and doing more harm to the already fucked up supply chain...shit's got to end, and if American truckers have any sense at all, they'll shut the fuck up and get back to driving....

The Ford plant in Oakville and Three Toyota plants have been shutdown due to the ambassador bridge blockade. Thousands Regular Canadians just trying to support their families have had their livelihood taken away by a fringe group of white nationalist conservatives.
right, Governor... :lol:...i'm old, don't expect me to change now
I'm sure Doug Ford supports the truckers,maybe not publicly.
They are still in the closet in Canada, the way our political parties are structured helps keep a lid on extremism, riding associations choose their candidates based on a vote, but a bolt from on high can vaporize a candidate in Canada, if the party leadership wants them gone for good reason. We have the same social forces in Canada as America and this is how it looks from time to time as they are kept in the political wilderness and can find a "cause" from time to time.

DoFo should have ended this shit a week ago, we did in NS and we don't have nearly the issue. Not just the OPP will act against these idiots, the Mounties and metropolitan police will join in too. Highways are provincial responsibility in Canada, as is everything motor vehicle related, the feds can lend assistance when asked though and enforce provincial law.
after a brief review, it does appear he rational, logical Canadians elected a guy mayor who turned out to be an alcoholic drug addict...and then elected his brother Premier of the entire province?....that seems like...
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Yep, pissed off white suburbanites wanted to "Git them liberal fuckers downtown" and there were a lot of candidates dividing the vote. For Dougie, well family money allowed him to weasel his way into the leadership of the provincial conservative party. The liberal leader and premier was an unpopular lesbian bitch with an aggressive "sex education" agenda and other issues. The provincial NDP were a fiscal disaster when they briefly held power and not a viable option for many. So Dougie walked away with it...