Convoy? ..Convoy!

The right will go right into the ditch, the true assholes of Canada have no real political home, but I figure he will give them one. The left vote is divided among the liberals and NDP and make up about 2/3s of the country, so they have a shot in many places where they wouldn't normally. Divide the left and they can win with a minority.
Poilevre is more electable than O’Toole so that is a possibility.
Bergen is irrelevant. This will be the new Conservative leader:

I could be very wrong but my rudimentary poll of people I talk to (not many lol) all feel the same as me and the convoy was nothing but a bunch of idiots being idiots backed by idiots, but I tend not to hang with stupid people, I find them hard to tolerate and get in trouble. I would hope any political support will be dealt with by a loss of said support.
I could be very wrong but my rudimentary poll of people I talk to (not many lol) all feel the same as me and the convoy was nothing but a bunch of idiots being idiots backed by idiots, but I tend not to hang with stupid people, I find them hard to tolerate and get in trouble. I would hope any political support will be dealt with by a loss of said support.
Speaking from experience. They aren't idiots, they are enemies of the state. They reveal themselves though their support for that convoy.
Speaking from experience. They aren't idiots, they are enemies of the state. They reveal themselves though their support for that convoy.
Is that the Deep State? I would like to meet these people running things and whip their asses, they just are not doing a good job. Almost like they do not have their heart in it. Probably at it for too long and lost their direction. Yeah, that is it.
the Canadian government should shut them down for being malignant agents of a foreign power....freedom of the press is one thing, running an active disinformation network with the intent to cause harm should not be covered by the protections offered to a free and benign press
Well their current big "cause" is disappearing and they could mobilize a lot of energetic youth support, since 18-30 YOs are the most vaccine resistant. It was all rather vague and pointless, lot's of whining about "freedumb", to do as one pleases and be a pain in the ass without regard to other people's "freedom". As long as the money flowed the pointless party went on, fueled by the unvaxxed and those resentful at being forced to by mostly provincial mandates.

This sums it up