Convoy? ..Convoy!

Poor parenting coming home to roost

The term "soccer mom" comes to mind. Used to mean a mom taking kids to soccer practice in the minivan etc.

Now it could mean, an abusive parent. Everybody knows soccer and not "the vaccine" causes heart attacks! Those evil bitches !!!
Three Convoys (S.A, US and Can), all on the roll.
Not really a word in the media (or played down).
In Canada, they even moved road security cameras try and hide it from people :)
I assume they will be heavily censored ..and vilified by the authoritarians.
What strange times we now live :)

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Are the times strange or is it the people in these times?
A friend of mine called me on Thursday as he was driving on the 401 near the protests around London, Ontario. His observances included a Serbian flag that said "no gays" on it. Lots of hate/anger out there.

That's the problem with some people, they claim to be for "freedom of choice"...until they aren't.

To me, that flag doesn't add to the convoy's central message, is a dumb distraction and shoots the "my body, my choice" thing in the foot.
Where are all the servicemen and women protesting, after being injected, inspected, detected, infected, neglected, and selected?

Are you implying if obedient military people are too dumb to protect freedom of choice, it shouldn't be protected?
What I want to know is, what the fuck is wrong with these fuckers...?

I mean, as kids, we all got vaccinated without anyone, anywhere, raising an eyebrow?
I was a dad of two girls 15 months apart. Three + fucking years I was doing vaccinations. Seemed to be endless lol.

In basic training, you walked in a line with your underwear on only, straight to the doctor who said "drop your drawers" and bang in the ass goes your shot. No questions allowed lol.
That's the problem with some people, they claim to be for "freedom of choice"...until they aren't.

To me, that flag doesn't add to the convoy's central message, is a dumb distraction and shoots the "my body, my choice" thing in the foot.

Based on the behaviour of some of the participants, it's doubtful that they know the convoy's central message. One of the main organisers in Ontario isn't even a trucker. "It is being organized by extremists with some deeply noxious anti-Islam, antisemitic, racist views and who have also written a document in crayon legalese demanding the removal of the government."

This type of (freedom) protest wouldn't fly in Alberta due to recent legislation - Critical Infrastructure Defence Act. There were also many hateful messages/signs against the PM, the Canadian flag flown upside down, the Confederate flag was present and they spit on and threatened journalist. Many fringe groups (collective rage) have latched onto this protest, which taints the trucker's efforts. The racists within the protest likely aren't for equality - rendering the 'my body, my choice' slogan moot. I'm guessing people have cabin fever and some skipped work to wave to truckers at highway overpasses. Contrary to how it is being portrayed, this protest represents a very small group of truckers.

Even if the PM changed the rules for the truckers in Canada, the USA would have to agree to do the same. I'm only guessing that the rules for border crossing will be lifted soon enough, hopefully making the truckers feel like they had some influence.

I can't help but wonder, should there be another protest by the Wet’suwet’en Nation, would these same protesters support their cause?

I have family, friends and neighbours that are truckers and I'm quite aware of their importance, so, like with the farmers, I try not to complain about them with my mouth full.
A friend of mine called me on Thursday as he was driving on the 401 near the protests around London, Ontario. His observances included a Serbian flag that said "no gays" on it. Lots of hate/anger out there.

This convoy is so stupid and these guys are morons for blocking traffic. The authorities need to get the MC and DOT numbers off the side of each truck and fine the company then suspend the driver's CDL for a year
This convoy is so stupid and these guys are morons for blocking traffic. The authorities need to get the MC and DOT numbers off the side of each truck and fine the company then suspend the driver's CDL for a year
Exactly!!! Hard to gain sympathy by blocking the people trying to get on with their lives who are smart enough (seems that’s the tough part) to know they are helping other Canadians by getting the shots. Unfortunately it does reflect on all drivers. Dont want the shot? Don’t do cross border runs, or don’t drive ….. simple, and it’s still a choice so you still have your freedumb …….. you dumb fucks.