Convoy? ..Convoy!

i would think parking ticket are in order or better yet fee that they charge truckers for overnite parking at truck stop.
I’m really thankful I’m not living near a blaring transport horn. I don’t think I’d hear it for long, I’d either have a souvenir horn or be in jail :(. Not making any friends doing that shit and blocking people from work sites because they can’t get near them. Fucking crazy and Canadians to boot, who’d a thunk :wall:

they'd be in jail here if they did that shit ie disturb the peace.
Remember when they called in the army for some natives in Quebec protesting a golf course and doing blockades? I figure it might be time soon, for some tank movers and military tow trucks along with some contractors. One truck at a time, impounded for 60 days, fines and impound fees. Gather evidence with video and start issuing tickets, in NS we quickly passed a law that has $100K fines per day/ incident.

We can also let the profit motive take over, pass a law that says if you can move an obstructing truck, you own it! Just contact the cops and fill out the forms, they take care of the driver and you go to work, you also get to keep whatever is in the cab! Greed will quickly solve this problem and those trucks will disappear overnight, like magic! :lol:
It's a testament to the kindness of canada, I honestly can't imagine that in any city here. We are all tightly wound and someone would start shooting.

Though I did see a story on politico that we may get to find out. Pretty excited.
you're exactly right, if that was going on in a city within 100 miles of me, i'd be there starting shit...especially after hearing about their heinous juvenile behavior while "championing freedom"..storming soup kitchens set up for the poor, harassing store owners and shoppers, public defication...on the steps of a house flying a rainbow flag...i'd love to go open that soup kitchen back up, and just wait for those fucks to try that shit again...