Convoy? ..Convoy!


Well-Known Member
If you want a soothing ear go to I mag
They hate America
I mag? I dont know what that is either. I love America, and freedom. Hence the reason I enlisted at 18 and did three deployments to the middle east. Dont ler your brain explode at that knowledge. I know, I know... us young whippersnappers and our "freedom". Why cant we just all comply like a good bitch?


Well-Known Member
I mag? I dont know what that is either. I love America, and freedom. Hence the reason I enlisted at 18 and did three deployments to the middle east. Dont ler your brain explode at that knowledge. I know, I know... us young whippersnappers and our "freedom". Why cant we just all comply like a good bitch?
Are you ok with the fact that the Trump campaign gave the Russian military the data Trump was given by the RNC on us Americans to help their attack on us?


Well-Known Member
Are you ok with the fact that the Trump campaign gave the Russian military the data Trump was given by the RNC on us Americans to help their attack on us?
Do you think I voted for him or something? Both parties are dumb and corrupt. You are putting all the bad things you hate and placing them on me as if I'm your target. I'm a libertarian


Well-Known Member
Here is the fun part gramps. Guess what I did with my GI/post 911? Nursing school. I'm an RN now.
So were you radicalized to come onto a forum like this to lie over time, or was it like all at once you woke up brainwashed one day?

Do you think I voted for him or something? Both parties are dumb and corrupt. You are putting all the bad things you hate and placing them on me as if I'm your target. I'm a libertarian
Is it that hard for you to actually just answer a simple question that you have to trigger into a 'both sides' troll?


Well-Known Member
There is where you are useless
You hate America and it’s government
Move out be happy
Life is too short
"Anyone who disagree with me is a terrorist and hates America!" That's the problem... no civil discourse. Just my way or the highway