Convoy? ..Convoy!

Make no mistake, the gloves are coming off and the governments mean business, white privilege and wrapping themselves in the flag won't help. Move or get bludgeoned with a truncheon, shot with rubber bullets, tazed, pepper sprayed and tear gassed. Violence is the governments prerogative and they are gonna exercise it as required.
Hey scrub did the women in that vid make your INCEL ass thirsty?

But a scrub is checkin' me
But his game is kinda weak
And I know that he cannot approach me
'Cause I'm lookin' like glass and he's lookin' like trash
Can't get with a deadbeat ass

So, no, I don't want your number
No, I don't wanna give you mine
And no, I don't wanna meet you nowhere
No, I don't want none of your time

TMZ called it.
Make no mistake, the gloves are coming off and the governments mean business, white privilege and wrapping themselves in the flag won't help. Move or get bludgeoned with a truncheon, shot with rubber bullets, tazed, pepper sprayed and tear gassed. Violence is the governments prerogative and they are gonna exercise it as required.
There you go. Now that's the DIY we all know and love.





If you don't have a car and you're walking
Oh yes, son, I'm talking to you
If you live at home with your mama
Oh yes, son, I'm talking to you
If you have a shorty but you don't show no love
Oh yes, son, I'm talking to you
Wanna get with me with no money
Oh no, I don't know

No, no, no, no


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If you don't have a car and you're walking
Oh yes, son, I'm talking to you
If you live at home with your mama
Oh yes, son, I'm talking to you
If you have a shorty but you don't show no love
Oh yes, son, I'm talking to you
Wanna get with me with no money
Oh no, I don't know

No, no, no, no

Now that this convoy business is getting interesting I might start paying attention to it. You know how much us Canadians love hockey fights!
They managed to collect every nut case in the country, fine them and jail the hard cases. Boy are these loonies gonna be surprised when reality arrives. Soon it will be more than citations when they clear the area to tow the vehicles.
Trucker protests: Demonstrators confront Ottawa police as they hand out citations
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Canadian judge issues an injunction that will allow police to forcefully clear out the anti-vaxxer trucker blockade at the Ambassador Bridge that connects Detroit and Canada — the busiest border crossing in North America.
They might do the bridge on the weekend, but Ottawa should be done on a week day, less tourist types, there to rubber neck and less outsiders. They should impound the trucks for a month at least and intern the idiots who get in the way and refuse police orders until trial. I imagine the Mounties have been adding to their domestic terrorist watch list and new laws are in the works to curtail foreign funding or organizing of future efforts. With $100K fines and taking licenses, the government should have some Trucks for auction, I understand there are about 20 big trucks and around 100 people at the bridge, so it shouldn't take long.
They might do the bridge on the weekend, but Ottawa should be done on a week day, less tourist types, there to rubber neck and less outsiders. They should impound the trucks for a month at least and intern the idiots who get in the way and refuse police orders until trial. I imagine the Mounties have been adding to their domestic terrorist watch list and new laws are in the works to curtail foreign funding or organizing of future efforts. With $100K fines and taking licenses, the government should have some Trucks for auction, I understand there are about 20 big trucks and around 100 people at the bridge, so it shouldn't take long.
The Windsor police are starting to move on the trucks at the bridge and they seem to be starting to clear Ottawa as well. The tow truck drivers on contract with the cities that are refusing to tow the tractors need to be sued for breach of contract as well. This is getting stupid and I agree that they need to bring in the armed forces and their resources to move these trucks
The Windsor police are starting to move on the trucks at the bridge and they seem to be starting to clear Ottawa as well. The tow truck drivers on contract with the cities that are refusing to tow the tractors need to be sued for breach of contract as well. This is getting stupid and I agree that they need to bring in the armed forces and their resources to move these trucks
Isolate and concentrate force, first do the border crossings, identify and detain the hardcore elements and impound the trucks. Next concentrate on Ottawa and do it section by section if required, clearing out idiots and towing trucks. They should kettle the hard cores and not disperse them, they need to be arrested, heavily fined and not allowed to reform into new blockades.