Convoy? ..Convoy!

Traditionally, social protesters view their legal risks that include fines or incarceration as part of the protest. What do you want to bet these guys cry like babies and demand they be freed because "they were mean to me, so unfair".

Does Canada have any gazpacho police like we have in the US?

No soup for you.

Looks like our cops need looking into too, our version of the cops buying Dylan Roof a burger and an milkshake on the way to jail, after he mass murdered black people in a SC church. The cops have been far too friendly with these assholes when you consider their behavior against natives, unions and other groups who are peacefully demonstrating. I think a lot of our problem is insubordination among the cops and it needs to be looked into and stomped on hard.

They left in shame after harboring a dozen heavily armed terrorists who could have created a fucking disaster for them and the cops who foolishly shook their hands, they should have been called fucking fools.
Maybe arrests under the emergency act should include some cops? Just to send a message, there's no fucking way this is the chief's fault alone, there is mass malicious dereliction of duty involved here. Perhaps we should look into the RCMP providing police services to Ottawa moving forward, why not, they provide them for entire provinces now and if the local cops don't want to do their jobs, why have them?
I got an idea, since it's American policy they need to change, these Canadian truckers should have a convoy to Washington DC! Why as soon as they cross the border someone can hand them the American crowd funding cash to buy fuel for the trip and to finance their occupation of DC. They don't need to get tested, provide proof of vaccination or wait two weeks, just crash the border crossing boys! The American border guards won't shoot!;-) yer so special the bullets will bounce off anyway! I'm sure Uncle Sam will provide a warm welcome to a few hundred semi trucks crashing the border and making for DC waving foreign flags... Isn't that what the US army is for?:lol:
No, the National Guard is for that. Fortunately Virginia and Maryland have robust National guard presence. The "takeover" would be done in 48 hours. That's why the American cowards chose Canada.
No, the National Guard is for that. Fortunately Virginia and Maryland have robust National guard presence. The "takeover" would be done in 48 hours. That's why the American cowards chose Canada.
The "takeover" is done here too, the focus is gonna be on Ottawa and it will get as ugly as they want it plus more. They never had much popular support and recently lost a lot of sympathy in the battle for hearts and minds, many Canadians hate their fucking guts now! 2/3 of the country supports jailing the fuckers for a couple of years, so the government kinda has a free hand, especially with the residents of Ottawa. The element of surprise is over, the rightwing nuts exposed themselves and Canada's domestic terrorist watch list grew. Besides the "cause" that fueled much support from some youth is being removed, restrictions are being dropped as hospitalization numbers drop. I think the government needs to make it clear, that if they tow their vehicle at this point, they won't get it back, it will be seized for being used in a crime.

I wouldn't expect them to get past the border guards, they are heavily armed and the Mounties would be busting them up on this end before they even made the border. We are on to them, governments and citizens are figuring out how to deal with the miscreants.
If they have to tow it, they lose it, seize anything that has to be towed.

The complex challenge of ending the protests in Ottawa

The federal Emergencies Act gives authorities more power to break up the Ottawa protest, but removing the trucks and protesters will be a complex, time-consuming and potentially dangerous process.
If they have to tow it, they lose it, seize anything that has to be towed.

The complex challenge of ending the protests in Ottawa

The federal Emergencies Act gives authorities more power to break up the Ottawa protest, but removing the trucks and protesters will be a complex, time-consuming and potentially dangerous process.
you go in with armed squads, arrest the people still there, deal with the resisters, and then start towing the trucks out...maybe time consuming, and potentially dangerous, at least to the protestors, but hardly a complex process....