Life is full of risk ... and it depends on how your property is set up in order to determine whether or not you can grow on it ... now where I grow on my property no one goes back there ... and if they did they would be trespassing ... plus I walk around my property everyday ... part of my daily constitutional ... so I get to see them everyday ... it not unusual at all for me to be in the area ... not that people won't trespass ... but I've never seen anyone ... plus I believe in Angels and that they will protect my ladies from humans and animals ... with that in mind I'm more than willing to take the risk.![]()
back in the late seventies I lost a house/property,cars etc.,etc.on Maui all because I got careless & lazy. Did I forget to mention greedy too?
If you don't mind me asking what area of North America do you live, and your property how big is it? I'm asking because you seem all to casual about the possibility of getting busted? With seven days a week, six of them have helicopters flying flying over the local grid. We residents of the Big Island have been waging a war against the "Pigs and their flying Machines". Just recently the "Island Council" reversed a decision to except funds from DEA for eradication of Pakalolo via Helicopter flights.
Hawaii Tribune-Herald :: Hilo, Hawaii
You haven't seen anything yet! Wait for the day that helicopters(several) converge on your home at daybreak with National Guardsmen repelling down ropes onto your property with M-16's fully locked & loaded pointed at you!! It gives you the feeling of being invaded by a foreign country...but it's our own brothers & sisters telling you they are gonna shoot you animals if you can't get them to stop barking. How the fuck do you get dogs to stop barking with helicopters less that 100 ft above your house hovering with that constant "Whack", whack" ,"whack" sound that their rotor blades. It took me years to get over that! It took me years to get over having my personal property confiscated too. All of it could have been avoided had I not been lazy with my stash.
Don't forget, the the feds figure each starter to be worth a pound!!! A neighbor of mine got bust right around the same time as me. He was given 15 years for growing?!?!