Cool tube or air cooled hood or cooled tube with hood


Well-Known Member
I haven't noticed anything. what do you mran
With certain ballasts they produce( rfi ) radio frequency interference. It can cause extreme static and shutdown of radio, TV, cable etc. Just google it or maybe someone with a little more experience on the subject can chime in. I haven't had that problem cause to this point I've used only led lights.


Well-Known Member
i have replaced both my cool tubes with vented hoods now.... I found the tubes raped my light.... /shrug, dunno how else to put it... my plants like the hoods better, nothing special some ipower vented hoods.... outside of a multi bulb vert stack, i wont back cool tube no more....

As far as the parabolics, just point a fan at it, just the vert growers do w/ bare bulb grows....