CooldDude's 2nd run PC Case+Grow Bin: +Speed


Active Member
Ok so today my +Speed (Lady#1) is one month old exactly (from popping soil).
1-1.jpg 1-2.jpg 1-3.jpg

My T.D (Lady#3) is looking good but she doesn't like N, I've heard this before but just didn't recall!!
2-1.jpg 2-2.jpg

And my DIY bong!



Well-Known Member
Ok so today my +Speed (Lady#1) is one month old exactly (from popping soil).
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My T.D (Lady#3) is looking good but she doesn't like N, I've heard this before but just didn't recall!!
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And my DIY bong!
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Nice grow man looking good so far! were pretty much on the same timeline so will be interesting tooo see who harvests first!!

That DIY boong of yours... is that a spliff in it? if so we call that a 'dooby', if theres water in the bottle.. a 'purified dooby' :D just thought that may interest you :P



Active Member
Haha thanks for the info man, yes, we shall call it however you want to, it's doing the same job! :-o

Yeah, I think I'm gonna be first, max 20March is the harvest!!

Cheers mate!!


Active Member
Hey Dude... All's going well I see.

I love the light-bucket, really intrigued to see how the grow goes with it. I've got my roll of 5050's now, but haven't got around to rigging them up to the box.

Also kudos on the bong.. I made one almost identical about a week ago! Go DIY.

I really need to buy a bong.


Active Member

What's up, everything ok?

Thanks! Yeah, although I will add some top lighting cos' she needs to stretch!

Yeah, congrats too mate! DIY lovers!
Me too, but they're kinda expensive for now.. It will happen someday!



Well-Known Member
I'm not too sure I reckon I'll be around that time too! Game on! Haha keep it up man great work


Active Member
Hey Hanky, it's personal now.
Haha just joking! :joint:

Thanks man, you too!

So I gave a visit today at my previous Lady#2 (+Speed) and she's doing fine! A lil bit stunned from the failed FIM but fine!
1.jpg 2.jpg

She's been transplanted in a 6lt smart pot now under one 22w warm white cfl along with some NL autos (they have their own lighting)!



Well-Known Member
Hey Hanky, it's personal now.
Haha just joking! :joint:

Thanks man, you too!

So I gave a visit today at my previous Lady#2 (+Speed) and she's doing fine! A lil bit stunned from the failed FIM but fine!
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She's been transplanted in a 6lt smart pot now under one 22w warm white cfl along with some NL autos (they have their own lighting)!

He he he! Nothing wrong with healthy competition!

Your girls looking lovely, where did u get the +speed seeds from? What's the total time meant too be with them?


Active Member
Hey thanks again Hanky!

I got them from sweed sidz (last word not written this way obviously)!

They have a life of max 60 days! I've seen people harvest in 52 days though!! Guess it depends on the phenotype, plus lights and temps etc?



Active Member
Hey guys.

I was planning on updating on Thursday. But.. Bad news!

Today I went too hard on LSTing her cos' she was getting kinda big, and I snapped my main stem.
That's right. It didn't fell off, because a part of the stem was still holding her.

I tied her up as I could cos' it was difficult in there.
A couple pics of the tied up main stem:
1.jpg 2.jpg

Do you think it will recover? I mean she's beggining to flower so I bet I'll loose some yield in the end, but how much is the question?


lee harvey

Well-Known Member
It should be fine as long as the stem is still attached.. might stress the plant a bit but it will recover


Well-Known Member
I think it will recover, I have had worse! Good job on catching it early, it might, might set back just that branch a few days behind, but small chance.



Well-Known Member
I reckon it'll be ok, but u might loose the race now ;) unfortunate mate but onwards and upwards ey


Active Member
Guys thank you all for your love and input.
Dunno is she'll recover fast though, it's really difficult to keep her tied tight in that spot. Goddamnit.
So if she don't bounce back hard in one week, I won't have a way to LST her more, cos I won't be able to bend her!



Well-Known Member
Cooldude...who is that sexy avatar? As far as the snapped stem goes, I have napped a handful of stems and some I broke completely off. In the half dozen I have broken, only one did not make it. because I did a shoddy job with the tape. As long as her stem was touching when you taped it you should be good. You'll get a big knot where the break it, and if she really likes it, you will get an explosion of growth!


Active Member
Hey Mad, thanks mate!

Tori Black is my avatar, she's a pornstar! :hump:

I don't know if the stem was completely touching each other cos' it was a difficult spot!
Even today it's not going any better.. I'm worried.

Do you think if I pull the main stem off that I will loose a big part of the yield?

Cheers and thanks pal!!