Coolltube pipes bubbled up?


Well-Known Member
So i run 2 6inch cooltubes independet from the carbon filter.

I have 6inch a1 415cmf on 2 cooltube 6inch 600w

6inchl1 on filter out
6inch a1 on intake

My cooltube and my extraction was seperate with cooltube in the chimney but the pipe started to fillup..
So i guesssed the chimney got blocked by somthing so what i did was...

Got a 6inch y piece to 8inch

So both my cooltube 6inch and extraction 6inch connect to an 8inch vent to extract..

The cooltubes pipe is still expanding like the car garage inflatable advert man.

So i guess? The expansion is due to the 415cmf hitting the restriction from the bulb and backfireing like a bottleneck forced preassure through the tubes??

Also think my fan is on the floor level and has 2 90degree bends to hit the tube.... Could this be the issue wonder if i put the fan ibline to the cooltube if that would make a difference? Or only hide the fact theres less pipe to bend?

I cant remeber this happening. And it seems yo do it reguardless of it its on the extraction vent or not...
Isnt thw heat off 2 cooltubes gona melt the fan if i make it suck?

No mate, its warm air , not really that hot.

When I used to run 3 of them I had one of my thermometer probes inside the duct at the exit point, don't remember the temp now but I was surprised it wasn't nearly as hot as I thought.

Is your ducting acoustic or insulated? Because that stuff has millions of holes inside the inner duct so it would inflate like a Michelin mans arm.
No mate, its warm air , not really that hot.

When I used to run 3 of them I had one of my thermometer probes inside the duct at the exit point, don't remember the temp now but I was surprised it wasn't nearly as hot as I thought.

Is your ducting acoustic or insulated? Because that stuff has millions of holes inside the inner duct so it would inflate like a Michelin mans arm.
Normal duct bro

Noticed it goes up and in the roog so has a 180 in it so am sure thats why

Gona try it on the inline hole running inline blow before i suck haha
30 reduction then plus another 15 tot he light so 45 of the air being fapped in the pipes.

30 reduction then plus another 15 tot he light so 45 of the air being fapped in the pipes.


The basic rule of thumb I use when sizing a fan.

room size X1-X3 = m3/h
Add 15% To the m3/h for each 600w
Add 10% m3/h for each 5m duct run
Add 15% for each 90 bend
Add 20% for a filter
= total m3/h required to do all with one exhaust fan.

on the understanding that each duct run is the same diameter as your fan.