Well-Known Member
I recall reading in Coot's/MountainOrganic's thread on Grasscity about multiple people swearing by their Chaplin (I think?) sprayers and how they are the absolute best for watering with. If the Blumats prove to do more harm than good I'll likely end up going with this route as well. Some incredibly knowledgeable people on that thread and pretty much all of them exclusively used those sprayers to water the pots for the exact reasons that greasemonkey pointed out. I'm feeling like a bit of a moron for not having picked one up from the get go, but live and learn.
Do you plan on finishing them in the 1g pots or will you be transplanting them soon? I had similar problems to you, but that was at around week 5 from seed and was because the girls were ready for more dirt. Once I transplanted and hit them with some aloe, coconut water, and kelp they all took off. Then around week 6 of flower I started getting the same issues again. I'm thinking what greasemonkey said about soil compaction and improper watering is what my issues were, because I never had issues until the girls got rootbound.
Watering in itself is a damn science in organics/living soil. It can be pretty tricky to dial in your watering with organics and many people have this issue at first, but once it's dealt with the results are nothing short of phenomenal. That's exactly why I'm looking into Blumats for my watering though. I love organics because it allows me to put the soil in charge of the plants and the soil has always done a much better job than I ever couldJust has me thinking though, if I allowed my soil to be put in charge of the watering regime as well with the Blumats then I can only imagine the results.
I've used Blumats in the past and will be setting them up shortly for a grow. Love them. Once they get set up watering is a thing of the past. I didn't trust them at first and made a tea to feed my plant and everything I hand-watered in came out the bottom.