Cop lives across the street. what to do


New Member
I put my dog in the basement every night and leave a light on for fido, i have my grow room down there and havent really made it to stralth as of yet, but getting a bit nervous about this fuck across the street. If he see's a light on all the time do you think he will suspect anything. Im home all day everyday being that i work from home and my kids play in the neighborhood. What are your thouhts. Im gonna move my grow to a storage area in the basement in a few weeks, have to wait to get some weed so i really get into it. :weed:

Joe Camel

Well-Known Member
light proof the place and make sure you have a serious odor control.

So what, I have cops in my neighborhood. Dont mean I invite them over.

Change your light schedule during the day.
Just be cautious man.

Dont do dumb shit like filling up 5 gallon buckets of water outside and bringing them in everyday.

Or on trash day dont have a bunch of empty soil bags.

Just be smart he's a neighbor just like anyone else.

grow cautiously around anyone.



New Member
I was gonna put up some draapes over the windows, but from what i can see its not very visible when you look in on the sides, i have 3 windows that are those fuckin window blocks, i guess im just paranoid, hes a 25 year old cop with everything to prove i just wave to the pig and say hi when i have to. but i live next to a bunch of old people. and im cool with all them, i think im alright, but just get a bit nervous.


Active Member
Just keep to your self and all should be good. My buddy who has a perpetual 100+ plant system up north actually shares a wall (attached homes) with a cop.

Watch your smell, and just try to be a good neighbor.


Active Member
Like mentioned earlier; light proof everything. put up a curtain or drape of some kind, then come behind it with black plastic that touches the walls bordering the windows. Do some odor control if you are venting to the outside, which it is assumed you are. A carbon filter is a must... Cops are trained to respond to the odor of grass, not dismiss it. you don't want this guy ever nosing around your place because he smells something funny. In all honesty this guy probably doesn't give your house a second thought, and only because he has no reason to. You best not be giving him a reason to! Many people grow with cops living around them. You just be cool about it and never be brazen or irrational. Wave to him, but don't be all weird about it if you know what I mean. what do your kids know about what you do? Nothing I hope. Keep that Basement door locked well, kids like to talk... I grew in my old complex and the parking lot was a favorite spot for a couple of cops who pulled in and parked to talk to one another. It made me nervous of course, but I also know that they didn't know shit about what I did. If you have some kind of HID fixture running and it is visible from the street, you need to stop that immediately, those lights are bright and well attract attention.


Active Member
If you have your medical license don't sweat too much just make sure you are within your local guide lines. Like mentioned above don't throw away suspicious items that can be seen. Best bet invest in a nice secure grow room in the basement. Without alerting too much suspicion. I think they would have to come up with more than "he leaves his basement light on to get a warrant." Secure the basement windows from prying eyes.


Well-Known Member
If you have your medical license don't sweat too much just make sure you are within your local guide lines.
Governor Pawlenty has vetoed the medical marijuana bill in Minnesota so that wont work.

How many plants do you have? Could you put them in a home made tent?


Active Member
Its all about how you carry yourself,

Although one time me and this dude went to hawaii together, he tried to bring some bud brownies with him, but he was so paranoid and messed up from eating some brownies, he fucking walked over to the trash can all slowly like a terrorist and slowly threw the brownies away.. haha what a num nuts, he made it worse by doing that, but yeah still trips me out how good he can play it off now.

Damn Jeep Beep Sounds sketch. Your friends got balls.


Well-Known Member
I'd be more worried about nosey neighbours than police living nearby. With adequate odour control they would never know what you're up to. The nosey neighbours are the one's who'd snitch, police tend not to be in the vicinity unless they have a reason to be, especially when they're off-duty.


Active Member
Just be kewl and don't give the cop any reason to give u a second glance. Keep the light under control and u should be ok.....
The trash is a big thing, watch how you throw out things such as old nutrient bottles, soil bags, old pots, garbage trimmings etc. I double or tripple bag everything, as well as put it in with other trash


New Member
yeah fuck pawlenty that POS, i have a good room in the basement that i will eventually turn into my grow area, and i can hide it nicely.


I'd let him see me breaking into my own house so he can come over and arrest me. Then we could go to the White House for a beer. bongsmilie