Serve and Protect issue: Every week, Tampa Police handle over 11,000 CALLS FOR SERVICE (meaning someone calls the police needing help).
Seems like Tampa sure is serving and protecting, also... go to your local ghetto and watch the cops make a bust on a gang house, that's serving and protecting too.
Officers down issue:
Officer Josph Fulton suffered a fatal heart attack while pursuing a vehicle on County Road 2101 at approximately 3:00 am. He had attempted to make a traffic stop of the vehicle on East Jefferson Extension but the driver refused to stop.
Trooper David Lane was killed in an automobile accident while on patrol in the town of Catskill.
Officer Martinez was driving home on his personal motorcycle after appearing in traffic court Thursday on official California Highway Patrol business.
Detention Officer Dionicio Camacho suffered a fatal heart attack while conducting defensive tactics training at the agency's academy.
Doesn't matter how they died, they were all on duty or coming back from being a witness at court...
Part of the job... just like your construction workers.
Cops are trained to be knowledgeable in the laws of their city/state/country and to enforce those laws. Fines bring in revenue but they also cause people to think twice about breaking laws... what would you rather have than fines? Jail time? What other measure would you suggest to combat law breaking? Doing away with all the laws? Let the pedo's and the MS13 members run free doing as they please?
You should visit a favela in Brasil... see how it is with no police, or police that're so corrupt it'd make US police look like Park Rangers.