Well-Known Member
yoooo how do i get my id/license backkk?? the cop just took my id today!! i hella need dat shit?? anyone know


thans so muchhh??? ??


Winter Woman

Well-Known Member
Did you get his badge number? If there isn't anything else hanging over your head I'd contact his superior and if that doesn't work I'd possibly contact the city attorney.


Well-Known Member
your license is your property, he cant deprive you of your property with out due process, call a lawyer, sue them, 15 million, offer to settle for a few hundred thousand.. lol

smokey mcsmokester

Well-Known Member
Why only half the story? How do you expect legitimate answers when your only giving a tiny peice of the story? Why did he take your card in the frst place?


Active Member
usually when a cop takes your license.... you lost it! revoked.. did you do anything illegal in a car or were you just walking around? I was in court a few weeks ago and another kid was in trouble because of some driving infraction and the judge asked him if he had his license and he said the cop took it! the judge said well then your license has been suspended

LT1RX7 Drifter

Active Member
they are only legally allowed to punch a hole in the license as it is your property, they ARE NOT FOR ANY REASON to take you id or license from you as it is also against the law to not have valid id on you in the US, which would put you in a "catch 22" and unknowingly commiting an arrestable crime in some states


Global Moderator
Staff member
against the law to not have valid id on you in the US
I had to do some research on this one, but as far as I can tell you are not required to have id if you if you are not driving, nor riding on a commercial airline.

When do I have to show police my ID?
"This is a tricky issue. As a general principle, citizens who are minding their own business are not obligated to "show their papers" to police. In fact, there is no law requiring citizens to carry identification of any kind.

Nonetheless, carrying an ID is generally required if you’re driving a vehicle or a passenger on a commercial airline. These requirements have been upheld on the premise that individuals who prefer not to carry ID can choose not to drive or fly."



Well-Known Member
if they took it because it was already suspended you will most likely not get it back soon.
Get in touch with the DMV and they may have more info.
And ask them for an ID card not a license. same agency just one says you are you and the other says you are
licensed to drive.

either way save $$$, An id may be around $20. a suspended license will be more.

guy incognito

Well-Known Member
Dude put the fucking bong down and write a coherent sentence. How do you reasonably expect to get advice when you only give parts of a story, and don't even do that very well?


Well-Known Member
u dont no how to fuckin read man...

n also ya its suspened becuz tickets i guess i fuckin paid all my shit off my insurance said i was good!!!! im fuckin pissed..


Active Member
Where I'm from they can take your id after getting pulled over and give you a court date on the ticket to come before the judge and pick it up or have it suspended further. Either way the judge will tell you your situiation and if you paid all of your tickets. Really depends on the situation, did the cop give you a ticket? And if so look for a court date and DON'T be late.. I was late 4 minutes becausi had to get a ride and they wouldn't let me in the courtroom!

Edit* most the time the cop will take your id if you've had multiple tickets and late payments so you show up to court and pay your fine/s. Good luck man. And also if what I was talking about is the case, then your ticket is your license until you go to court.