Coping with a Suicide


Well-Known Member
I didn't know this guy by name or face, but I went camping with a few friends, we came across a river which looked pretty clean so we all went for a swim and a couple of us were chasing this small fish under water down the stream(trying to be clever and catch it), then we heard a scream from one of my friends girlfriends, we looked up and we were under a bridge and just saw these two legs, swaying slightly off the edge of this bridge and it turns out the guy had been hanging there for close to a week.
Not very pleasant to say the least, a couple of our camping group needed the help of psychiatrists to help them get over the experience.

Have you ever known anyone close to you that has taken their own life? Did you see it coming? How did you deal with the loss, and how did you feel towards the person who committed suicide? Do you think it was selfish? Do you have pity for someone who felt that they had no other way out? Do you still have questions for that person? Will you ever find closure? What would you have done differently had you known what they were thinking? Do you think there was any way to prevent it?
Back onto the OP though, the only thing I can suggest is that you try and keep yourself occupied, remember the good times and if need be, try and seek professional help. The pain will never go away if it's someone close to you, it only lessens as time goes on.

One word of warning to anyone on the forums who've never seen a suicide, if you discover a suicide NEVER look at their face. I still have nightmares on a regular basis.


Well-Known Member
See...what gets me is how can someone who has everything going for them just fall victim to such a dark depression. Not a drug addict, nor sick or coping with a loss of their own. Employed with a decent job, a significant other who they're still in love with, living in a beautiful place with great people...What pushes someone like that to take their own life? How can that situation make someone feel so trapped and desperate that they have to take such devastating measures?

Lemme try to explain. For real. I will be a suicide. It's a choice I made a long time ago. I'll not sit and wither in pain, I'll never know a day of lunacy caused by debilitating brain injury. When I can no longer function in daily life, because of pain and degeneration, or, when I can no longer remember significant acts and deeds (the day I call the boss lady the wrong name, because my brain's skipped track... The day I don't remember a birthday, that I've committed, as they are a base set of 3.) I'll go and test ride either a B-King, or a Hayabusa. It'll be the only ride I ever take without leather or a helmet. And, it'll end either into a mountain (NorCal/Oregon,) Into the Rio Grande (New Mexico,) into the tunnel (Boston,) or off a cliff/into an overpass (the midwest, Japan, South America.) I'm so broken already, that the doc gave me 50/50 on surviving another fully geared crash. No worries. And, since I've been riding for almost 30 years, no question of ability. Suicide? Nope, not on a bike, not "dignified" enough for my ego. Payout the the boss lady and my dear mother. And, peace and freedom for me. My life gets better daily, I know my pain, but rarely do others see it, same with the brain slippage. On that day when it's either suffer or sleep,,, I'm over.

Your friend may have made certain choices similar. It's not always "depression." Sometimes, it's a set choice, and it's for the best, whether those left behind know it or not.