Cops came, I happened to be there...

Thank God none of you are my friends ...wont even take a minor slap on the wrist for your
I don't know if you've ever been in trouble with the law Corso .... BUT dependent upon the situation, no one should have to take the heat off of anyone. I've been there and done that, guess what. It did nothing for anyone except get us all pinched...

....I understand your logic. but that shit doesn't hold water in court. If VERT was that important of a piece of the puzzle to get him free i think the charges would be more serious on him. ALSO if he knows nothing....he SHOULD NOT be charged. period.
wow! so you dont have to a court date? you dont even need a lawyer till youve been arrested! your friend is a joke! i would wait, you might get a summons in the mail for charges against you but so doubtful! you would be likely to be a witness against your friend than a codefendant! tell your boy to fix it!

No I have not been notified by the court. One of the others who was there when the police came is a 215, he hired a lawyer to look into it and talked with the DA. Basically they want the grower to pay $70k and then give everyone the same misdemeanor. Even though three of us were not involved with the grow, the DA just basically wants to add up his conviction record to show he is fighting mj cultivation. The DA told this lawyer that right now we have an offer to take a misdemeanor for possession of more than 1 oz., and the penalty is 200 hours community service, 2 years informal prob, and eventually can be expunged from our records. If we don't agree and want to fight it we will face felony charges. Who knows, maybe the lawyer is right, maybe the lawyer is trying to make some money and keeping this other guy in suspense.

So I'm just waiting it out until I am notified by the court. And not talking with anyone.
China eh, what is the punishment for a small grow in China?

I'm not sure. Lots of mj for sale by the Uyghur ethic Chinese around China though. If a foreigner living in China is smoking, its not really a problem unless you are causing trouble or involving mj with locals. I would say a small grow is doable, but thats where my family lives so wouldn't test it.
I don't know if you've ever been in trouble with the law Corso .... BUT dependent upon the situation, no one should have to take the heat off of anyone. I've been there and done that, guess what. It did nothing for anyone except get us all pinched...

....I understand your logic. but that shit doesn't hold water in court. If VERT was that important of a piece of the puzzle to get him free i think the charges would be more serious on him. ALSO if he knows nothing....he SHOULD NOT be charged. period.

Well I was not involved with what they had going on and shouldn't be charged, but what do you do when some bs charges are brought against you... Seems if I do get charged I have no choice but to spend lots on a lawyer and play their game. Can't imagine accepting responsibility for this just because I fear a potential felony or spending thousands and waiting years for it to be dropped. Really disappointing...
sounds like your friend is trying to get you to pay for his lawyer...whole situation sounds shady! cops were his friends in costume most likely lol
Well I was not involved with what they had going on and shouldn't be charged, but what do you do when some bs charges are brought against you... Seems if I do get charged I have no choice but to spend lots on a lawyer and play their game. Can't imagine accepting responsibility for this just because I fear a potential felony or spending thousands and waiting years for it to be dropped. Really disappointing...

Have you received any document saying that you received this charge? or any charge? Has your name been noted in any reports of you knowing and/or being involved in the charges against your friend ......

You do need a lawyer .... but before all that. You really need to know if you've been named a suspect in this situation, AND IF YOU ARE ... what is supposed role in the whole thing. Dude my case is nothing like yours ......two different states, but there were other people who could've been suspects in my case. but the fact that they claimed they knew nothing kept all of them out of harms way....EVEN the people that ratted and knew about my grow......POINT is. You didn't know anything, the cops showed up.

Until you receive any documents from the police, i wouldn't move on anything, GET A LAWYER and let them take care of it. Guarantee that a lawyer will tell not to plead to anything.
Yeah I can agree with most people here. Quit talking to this joker. This smells awfully fishy. If they were gonna charge you they probably would have had it done before you even went back home.
If the police put on their statement though that they actually SAW you trimming that's what you're to have to deal with though. It's your word against the officers unfortunately. Now the report should have a case # and everything on it. As fishy as this is what I would do is contact that particular department and see if you can get a copy of that report FROM THE DEPARTMENT THEMSELVES. Don't use any numbers on the report you have or anything. Just look em up on the net. Call me paranoid but this comes off as some sort of elaborate scam.
Even if it's not your buddy dragged you into this to save his own tail. His lawyer trying to give YOU advise is nothing more than helping his client (your buddy) out. That's what lawyers do. His lawyer trying to get YOU to sign shit is on his CLIENTS behalf to take heat off HIM. Not you. That's what they're paid for. The only people dirtier than police are lawyers. Especially criminal defense lawyers.
Your friend is no longer your friend though. He's rolled over on you. There's very few people I call friends. One in particular I'd have his back to the grave. Back in my wilder years he was offered a chance to roll over on me doing stupid stuff then and didn't. They were so pissed they tacked another charge on him for it =/ That's a friend man. Not one that sings.
I don't wanna get too personal or anything but how do you know and meet this dude? And how long? If you don't want to answer that's cool.
Yeah I can agree with most people here. Quit talking to this joker. This smells awfully fishy. If they were gonna charge you they probably would have had it done before you even went back home.
If the police put on their statement though that they actually SAW you trimming that's what you're to have to deal with though. It's your word against the officers unfortunately. Now the report should have a case # and everything on it. As fishy as this is what I would do is contact that particular department and see if you can get a copy of that report FROM THE DEPARTMENT THEMSELVES. Don't use any numbers on the report you have or anything. Just look em up on the net. Call me paranoid but this comes off as some sort of elaborate scam.
Even if it's not your buddy dragged you into this to save his own tail. His lawyer trying to give YOU advise is nothing more than helping his client (your buddy) out. That's what lawyers do. His lawyer trying to get YOU to sign shit is on his CLIENTS behalf to take heat off HIM. Not you. That's what they're paid for. The only people dirtier than police are lawyers. Especially criminal defense lawyers.
Your friend is no longer your friend though. He's rolled over on you. There's very few people I call friends. One in particular I'd have his back to the grave. Back in my wilder years he was offered a chance to roll over on me doing stupid stuff then and didn't. They were so pissed they tacked another charge on him for it =/ That's a friend man. Not one that sings.
I don't wanna get too personal or anything but how do you know and meet this dude? And how long? If you don't want to answer that's cool.

Yes I have quit talking to him and his wife. I have not been charged with anything, only this guy telling me I will be. He is saying that we all need to accept this deal from the DA and take a misdemeanor. Its all or none, either all of us accept or we will be charged with a felony. The other guy who was only mentioned as a trimmer hired a lawyer, his lawyer saw the police report and it only says we were there trimming. Just one sentence about us mentioned in the report, very minor mention in the report. It didn't say the police saw us trimming, just that we were there for that. And they didn't see anyone trimming, nobody was trimming when they came. They asked me and I said no I have nothing to do with what was happening in the backyard. The other guy said yes he was trimming, he is 215 and the grower showed him all the proper scripts that were hanging at the door to go into the grow area. They asked our names, addresses, ss#, phone, they said ok you are free to go. Didn't detain anyone or say they wanted anything to do with us. They were after the guy who owns the place and his wife.

Yes it really does seem like the growers lawyer involved us in this to help his client.

I know the grower because I grew up with his wife. She is a designer and I live in China, so my purpose for visiting them before going back to China was just that I was travelling with my wife to show her CA and I wanted to talk with my friend about fabrics and try helping her get something going with her designs. Her husband was growing and I really don't have any connection to him. Last year they had a child pass, then he got popped for driving with weight in another state, and they just had another baby a few weeks after this went down. So they are doing all they can from keeping her husband out of jail. But they took the risk I guess, they should handle the repercussions. Maybe if the guy said hey man I f***ed up and violating felony probation, help me take some heat, take a minor misdemeanor to help save me from jail, I really might have considered it. But to be shady and just pull me into it is not cool. And like you mentioned, he is paying a high dollar lawyer who probably has connections with the DA, and they worked out something to make everyone happy except us three other 'trimmers', basically us taking a bs charge. Lawyer gets paid, country gets paid, grower gets off and back to growing so they can bust him again next year, DA gets more convictions on the record, we other three that had nothing to do with it get f***ed. Yea maybe its a minor misdemeanor, but one dude is a teacher, we all have clean records and kids, not trying to get into the legal system like this.
your freind is a RAT. a snich, he is trying to save his own punk ass! hire a lawyer,dont ever talk to him again and for gods sake stand up for Yourself! i hate rats and lawyers...
no charges filed against you as of yet???? this seems WWWWWAAYY fishy. for real Vert. when cops have their suspects's only a matter of hours, days, maybe even a week if charges are brought against you. Obviously your friend has caught a charge ........ I'm sure he has all the paperwork to prove it. Where's yours? .... Don't do shit. sit back, relax and if worse comes to worse brother. YOU DIDN'T KNOW ANYTHING.

And just for the record ...nothing will take the heat off your friend ... he's a convicted felon on probation. Any contact with the law involving his actions will land him wherever it may be. The fact that he's a multiple offender is reason enough for the courts to take any action necessary to detain and/or prosecute him.

once again .... You knew nothing. Believe me i said. I've been in this situation, After my grow was found hours later people showed up to clear my belongings out of the house (and clear the rat out off of the residence). the cops showed up (due to the scared rat inside) They weren't charged, questioned, or suspected of anything..... once again You don't know anything. I just hope you told the cops that.
Well I was not involved with what they had going on and shouldn't be charged, but what do you do when some bs charges are brought against you... Seems if I do get charged I have no choice but to spend lots on a lawyer and play their game. Can't imagine accepting responsibility for this just because I fear a potential felony or spending thousands and waiting years for it to be dropped. Really disappointing...

and again if what you're saying is true .... hiring a lawyer is optimal and best case scenario. BUT this sounds like something a public defender could get someone off of. Circumstantial evidence and suspects are brought up on charges as soon as charges are filed. when your friend was charged and/or received papers. You should have the same time. ..... stop talking to your friend ..... if he named you in a statement to police .... he's afucking rat. hands down....if it makes you feel better. I'd say you are in the clear. just stick with I KNOW NOTHING if problems arise
sorry for the repost again. but one more thing. His lawyer can not make a deal for you, or represent you. It's a conflict of interest, in every state. Two persons being charged with the same case can not hold the same attorney UNLESS it's approved by the judge AND you..... ssorry for all the ranting. Coming off of a charge recently has me schooled in what and what not to do
sorry for the repost again. but one more thing. His lawyer can not make a deal for you, or represent you. It's a conflict of interest, in every state. Two persons being charged with the same case can not hold the same attorney UNLESS it's approved by the judge AND you..... ssorry for all the ranting. Coming off of a charge recently has me schooled in what and what not to do

No charges have been filed against me.

I told the police I was not involved and knew nothing, they didn't care to speak with me any further.

Everything just points to this guy and his lawyer bringing me into things, they probably say since I was mentioned in the police report as being there and trimming (which I was not trimming and never said I was), they think they can put me into the picture to lessen the charges on him. His lawyer is just being a good lawyer (shady but keeping his clients interests in mind)... So I'm not really sweating it, just waiting it out...
Good for you man. I don't even know you and you're on the other side of the globe and I STILL wouldn't want to see anyone get dragged through the legal system. Especially over some rat.
I personally wouldn't take the heat for anyone if I wasn't involved.
I hope things go your way though. And by go your way I hope all that BS just flies right over you.
No charges have been filed against me.

I told the police I was not involved and knew nothing, they didn't care to speak with me any further.

Everything just points to this guy and his lawyer bringing me into things, they probably say since I was mentioned in the police report as being there and trimming (which I was not trimming and never said I was), they think they can put me into the picture to lessen the charges on him. His lawyer is just being a good lawyer (shady but keeping his clients interests in mind)... So I'm not really sweating it, just waiting it out...
Well if that's the case. You called the cops to ask about charges being filed, you gave the police a statement, they were done with you. CASE CLOSED. Worry no longer.. that is unless you're willing to accept a charge on behalf of your friend ........ffffuck that.
Hope you never have to deal with the law again ... glad this all worked out!!
if they arrest you they might as well cuff a
ll his neighbors and relatives as well lol
In some instances they can and they will ;)
Yer so called "friend" is a bitch.....keep yer PIMP hand STRONG AND let him know you will fuk his wife's pudding pie when he is locked up if he fuks with u again, be like u hear me ,nasty nasty nasty do you hear me nasty mmmm nasty.
I got an update on what happened:

The grower and his wife accepted the deal from the DA. They paid the money and took the misdemeanors. Originally the DA said it was an 'all or nothing' deal, meaning they had to plead guilty along with us three trimmers who were there. We had to plead guilty to the misdemeanors or we would face a felony charge. Seems the DA accepted charging just the grower and his wife. The DA got what he wanted except adding a couple more convictions to his record.

So now I'm not sure if the DA is going to go after us three trimmers that were there. The county got its money, got a couple convictions on the record... As I mentioned they wanted use three trimmers also, but somehow he accepted charging just the grower and his wife without us three agreeing to the charge. Hope its finished and I'm clear.

I'm not sure if the DA can charge them, then try to charge us. Seems like once they plead guilty to having the grow it wouldn't be possible to charge others for the same grow.
Are you SURE the deal would change for your friend? It sounds like he's pressuring you to take the deal, which, I can't completely blame him for if that's the case. But drug charges follow you for life. And how do you know you can trust them to expunge your record in a year?
No no no, it doesn't pass the smell test my friend. It sounds like you're gonna need a lawyer dude. Also, 100 hours of community service is a lot of time. I know guys on their 4th dui who haven't gotten that much time. Sounds like them wanna charge you with something serious. Did you ask them what the basis of the charges were?
The laws in Cali may say that you being there makes you guilty, so idk but I'd say get a lawyer, and fight this.

100 hours community service is nothing. Thats only 2 weeks and 2 1/2 days...... Better then even being in prison for a day.