I'm going to kill off some strains I had to work for. Not the best feeling. Not sur
I mean they checking u out,c how long u been running clean that shit up they coming back
Oh shit that makes sense.

Could they contact the electric company to see how long I've had high bills?!

This is a sad day for my Pheno hunt.
Killing off all the strains/phenos that I can to get to a more reasonable amount.

I think I'll end up with about 20 different phenos/plants. 6 are large, the rest are in a clone tray so they are small. Not sure if that matters.

Trying not to focus on the loss and trying to make something positive out of this. At least my house is getting clean. NO sleep for me till I get this taken care of. Longest process for me will be to get all the drying plants into bags to move and store. UGHHHH
I'm going to kill off some strains I had to work for. Not the best feeling. Not sur

Oh shit that makes sense.

Could they contact the electric company to see how long I've had high bills?!

This is a sad day for my Pheno hunt.
Killing off all the strains/phenos that I can to get to a more reasonable amount.

I think I'll end up with about 20 different phenos/plants. 6 are large, the rest are in a clone tray so they are small. Not sure if that matters.

Trying not to focus on the loss and trying to make something positive out of this. At least my house is getting clean. NO sleep for me till I get this taken care of. Longest process for me will be to get all the drying plants into bags to move and store. UGHHHH
did he count &take pics of plants
Do you not have a single friend that grows? I mean shit, even if you don't have friends, post on craigslist and tell people you need to get rid of your plants and they can have them for free.... as long as they give you a cut back in a couple months.

No need to throw them in the trash.
did he count &take pics of plants
No he didn't count or take pics of the grow area at all.
At first he asked me "How many plants do you have" I said "i dono" he responded "Like 500? I said "No more like 70ish".
Then I showed him my Dr. Rec and Grow paperwork which says "Qualifies them to cultivate a larger number of medical cannabis plants than the established floor of 18 plants (6 mature 12 immature) under California Health and Safety code section 11362.77 (a) & (b).

It doesn't specify a limit to how many plants or how much bud I can have at one time. .
No he didn't count or take pics of the grow area at all.
At first he asked me "How many plants do you have" I said "i dono" he responded "Like 500? I said "No more like 70ish".
Then I showed him my Dr. Rec and Grow paperwork which says "Qualifies them to cultivate a larger number of medical cannabis plants than the established floor of 18 plants (6 mature 12 immature) under California Health and Safety code section 11362.77 (a) & (b).

It doesn't specify a limit to how many plants or how much bud I can have at one time. .
that the best news so far,just clean up get your numbers in check at least they cant come back with pics of dozens of plants.i would keep it going if legal, fuck them
Looks like your good then :o. But just to review, and not trying to preach but.... First it's your parents property right? A rental to boot correct? And now due to possible trouble your moving them to your parents shed without them knowing..... Ummm perhaps you may want to give your choices some more thought, just saying :).
Looks like your good then :o. But just to review, and not trying to preach but.... First it's your parents property right? A rental to boot correct? And now due to possible trouble your moving them to your parents shed without them knowing..... Ummm perhaps you may want to give your choices some more thought, just saying :).
I get what you're saying. I need to grow the fuck up and start being responsible for myself.
Well if you're legal with plant counts and all don't sweat it if you ain't legal then kill everything over the limit and get any bud over the limit out of the apartment. But never let police in your house even child services need a warrant and a damn good reason to get one. I don't have a problem answering my door for cops because I have dogs and they ain't getting pushy they always let me walk out and never try to enter. :bigjoint: but yeah without dogs don't answer the fucking door!! Cause they will push their way in every time.
No he didn't count or take pics of the grow area at all.
At first he asked me "How many plants do you have" I said "i dono" he responded "Like 500? I said "No more like 70ish".
Then I showed him my Dr. Rec and Grow paperwork which says "Qualifies them to cultivate a larger number of medical cannabis plants than the established floor of 18 plants (6 mature 12 immature) under California Health and Safety code section 11362.77 (a) & (b).

It doesn't specify a limit to how many plants or how much bud I can have at one time. .
That rec sounds wonky. The ca state law is 12 immature plants or 6 mature plants. So I would check to make sure your doctor is actually legit. They can write over that but the number has to be specified. I have 64 and 6 lbs, but it's printed on the Rec.

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is everyone growing in legal states on here? i was just wondering because im trying to wait for ohio to be legal before i start.
Not anymore . You will need a permit for that. Lol. And rec counts above the state limits were never legit . You would have to prove it in court in regards to SB 420.
Not anymore . You will need a permit for that. Lol. And rec counts above the state limits were never legit . You would have to prove it in court in regards to SB 420.

Well on second thought maybe not if you can fit that in a 100sf or 500 if your a caregiver. Lol
I'm going to kill off some strains I had to work for. Not the best feeling. Not sur

Oh shit that makes sense.

Could they contact the electric company to see how long I've had high bills?!

This is a sad day for my Pheno hunt.
Killing off all the strains/phenos that I can to get to a more reasonable amount.

I think I'll end up with about 20 different phenos/plants. 6 are large, the rest are in a clone tray so they are small. Not sure if that matters.

Trying not to focus on the loss and trying to make something positive out of this. At least my house is getting clean. NO sleep for me till I get this taken care of. Longest process for me will be to get all the drying plants into bags to move and store. UGHHHH

Numbers and compliance! THIS is all that matters!!!
THAT is what matters NOW!
IF he don't have pic's of "illegal" #'s or weights = your GOLDEN!

As far as people saying "Don't let them in" How do you DO that without a quick trip to the lock up for hindering/obstruction /resisting, if you piss the guy off and be SURE as hell to NOT touch them in anyway! Shit, around here, in my state, all you have to do is argue and you get warning. Continue and you get nicked! MIGHT not hold up in court but even the charge/arrest by the cop GIVES him the RIGHT of entry!

Knock on door and you answer. Cop there? Answer questions! Wants to enter? Inform him that without a paper he can not! If he barges in...BE POLITE! Request he leave! If threatened with Obst/Resisting - back off and comply! Record if possible! Write down EXACTLY what happened and what was said and SAVE these notes for any POSSIBLE court from results!

Do not "fight" or "argue" at the door! It's the cops - do as your told even if they break civil rights! The civil rights are going to be the down fall and the dismissal of all charges other then enforcement of standing bench warrants!

Trust me on this one!

We used to have volleyball parties at a friends in the city.....we would dose up, get a keg and play volleyball and listen to the Dead.
Back yard full of people, doobs blowing, beer flowing, a good time! NOT loud but there was noise....By about 8pm we would wind down the outdoor stuff and move inside for respect of neighbors!
One sat. keg was in the garage and the door was up.....Cops drive by - no biggie....The female driver jambed the brakes and backed up. They get out and walk up to the garage door. She took the lead and asked for ID's. 3 of use were in the garage including the property owner. I said no one is under age here. She said they were answering a "complaint" of underage drinking!
The house owner said that we had been here all day and NOBODY underage even came on the property! She asked to "see" who was inside and barreled in the house through the connecting door! We all poured in behind her and she was demanding ID's from everyone in the house! I said you've made an illegal entry and was breaking our civil rights! She turned to me and said I was an inch from arrest for Ob/Resisting and to "shut up". The rest were politely talking it over with her and I quietly picked up the phone and dialed the number of another close college friend that happens to be my lawyer (He couldn't be there that day - sadly)/
He was told the details. he had me inform the officer what i was doing and had me have the homeowner TELL the officer to leave and that she was breaking our civil rights!
She refused to comply and 4 of use began to stand firm and request she leave (The other officer just shrugged and turned away but still watched. (He later told several of us that she's an ass hat "bitch" - lol). This just pissed her off and she arrested us for OB\RES and took us in. We got processed and released on bail.

We hit court that Monday and when described to the judge what happened. He read the report and asked us if the other people on the scene would support our story. When told "yes" he dismissed everything, including a contributing for the home owner even though NO underage people were there!

He said that the arrests were a civil rights violation and that HE was sorry for the police wasting our time. My lawyer said we could file on the officer and the dept.....But after that shit, no one wanted any further issue's and let the matter slide!

I don't "hate" cops! I hate what they have become. Back when I was growing up you were told they were your friends and there to help you! Chris (my lawyer) says that nowadays, "Their job is not to "help" you. It's their "job" to arrest you!"

Good Luck!
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Numbers and compliance! THIS is all that matters!!!
THAT is what matters NOW!
IF he don't have pic's of "illegal" #'s or weights = your GOLDEN!

As far as people saying "Don't let them in" How do you DO that without a quick trip to the lock up for hindering/obstruction /resisting, if you piss the guy off and be SURE as hell to NOT touch them in anyway! Shit, around here, in my state, all you have to do is argue and you get warning. Continue and you get nicked! MIGHT not hold up in court but even the charge/arrest by the cop GIVES him the RIGHT of entry!

Knock on door and you answer. Cop there? Answer questions! Wants to enter? Inform him that without a paper he can not! If he barges in...BE POLITE! Request he leave! If threatened with Obst/Resisting - back off and comply! Record if possible! Write down EXACTLY what happened and what was said and SAVE these notes for any POSSIBLE court from results!

Do not "fight" or "argue" at the door! It's the cops - do as your told even if they break civil rights! The civil rights are going to be the down fall and the dismissal of all charges other then enforcement of standing bench warrants!

Trust me on this one!

We used to have volleyball parties at a friends in the city.....we would dose up, get a keg and play volleyball and listen to the Dead.
Back yard full of people, doobs blowing, beer flowing, a good time! NOT loud but there was noise....By about 8pm we would wind down the outdoor stuff and move inside for respect of neighbors!
One sat. keg was in the garage and the door was up.....Cops drive by - no biggie....The female driver jambed the brakes and backed up. They get out and walk up to the garage door. She took the lead and asked for ID's. 3 of use were in the garage including the property owner. I said no one is under age here. She said they were answering a "complaint" of underage drinking!
The house owner said that we had been here all day and NOBODY underage even came on the property! She asked to "see" who was inside and barreled in the house through the connecting door! We all poured in behind her and she was demanding ID's from everyone in the house! I said you've made an illegal entry and was breaking our civil rights! She turned to me and said I was an inch from arrest for Ob/Resisting and to "shut up". The rest were politely talking it over with her and I quietly picked up the phone and dialed the number of another close college friend that happens to be my lawyer (He couldn't be there that day - sadly)/
He was told the details. he had me inform the officer what i was doing and had me have the homeowner TELL the officer to leave and that she was breaking our civil rights!
She refused to comply and 4 of use began to stand firm and request she leave (The other officer just shrugged and turned away but still watched. (He later told several of us that she's an ass hat "bitch" - lol). This just pissed her off and she arrested us for OB\RES and took us in. We got processed and released on bail.

We hit court that Monday and when described to the judge what happened. He read the report and asked us if the other people on the scene would support our story. When told "yes" he dismissed everything, including a contributing for the home owner even though NO underage people were there!

He said that the arrests were a civil rights violation and that HE was sorry for the police wasting our time. My lawyer said we could file on the officer and the dept.....But after that shit, no one wanted any further issue's and let the matter slide!

I don't "hate" cops! I hate what they have become. Back when I was growing up you were told they were your friends and there to help you! Chris (my lawyer) says that nowadays, "Their job is not to "help" you. It's their "job" to arrest you!"

Good Luck!
Terrible advice you obviously know nothing about the law a cop can't force you to open your door without a warrant I've done so plenty of times and never been arrested they just leave one even threatened to get a warrant I called his bluff he pretended to try dicked around and left 30 minutes later and never came back.:bigjoint: