Big P
Well-Known Member
You sir are an idiot..You being alive does this world no good at all
who you calling an idiot, you threatening me you little bitch??
You sir are an idiot..You being alive does this world no good at all
No Im pointing out the obvious you fuckin lame dick...and as for me bein a bitch..I would spank ur little bottomwho you calling an idiot, you threatening me you little bitch??
No Im pointing out the obvious you fuckin lame dick...and as for me bein a bitch..I would spank ur little bottom
damn I just read it that makes me even more sick.They do got things called knight sticks they could of used on him and he would of still been alive now.It sounds like the dude vince was chilling riding his bike the cops stopped him to fuck with him probably assaulted him so he snapped and beat the shit out of them and took off then the cops chased him down and shot an un armed man because they were in some roid rage because they just got there asses handed to them by one guy and I cant believe both cops shot at him also.It is sickening if these cops still have freedom for shooting an unarmed man.
The reason you would shoot, is because your a pussy, you cant throw no hands, fuckin bitch
yes but I think a couple cracks with a knight stick and some pepper spray from a couple officers could of probably done the trick but I also dont know this guy or what kind of state of mind he was in so I cant say if that would of worked or not he could of been dusted out of his mind for all I know when all this happend but if you have backup with you and its one unarmed guy your pursuing I wouldn't think they would have the right to use deadly force.didnt they tase him first?
to no avail?
Got information from someone who knows, that he got stopped 2 blocks away. Had a wii with him going to play video games; got stopped by the pd. He wouldn't give the police his name, so he got down with that cop and ran. Made it one block, and then got tased and fought with another cop. Ran home, went inside, cops came and banged on the door. Mom answers the door, lets the cops in. 3 cops go into the house, they get ahold of him. He fucks one cop up, one cops shoots and he keeps coming, and another cop shoots again and kills him
I never said i didn't own any weapons, but a real man doesn't need weapons...3 trained cops shouldnt have to do that...u by yourself, and some huge savage beating you down, I'd do it to, but not 3 on 1
yes but I think a couple cracks with a knight stick and some pepper spray from a couple officers could of probably done the trick but I also dont know this guy or what kind of state of mind he was in so I cant say if that would of worked or not he could of been dusted out of his mind for all I know when all this happend but if you have backup with you and its one unarmed guy your pursuing I wouldn't think they would have the right to use deadly force.
Now this cop was in a situation to use some deadly force lol but the suspect was also a pro boxer with over 100lb's on the officer and reaching for the officers gun when back up was far away.
death penalty.
^^^^Got information from someone who knows, that he got stopped 2 blocks away. Had a wii with him going to play video games; got stopped by the pd. He wouldn't give the police his name, so he got down with that cop and ran. Made it one block, and then got tased and fought with another cop. Ran home, went inside, cops came and banged on the door. Mom answers the door, lets the cops in. 3 cops go into the house, they get ahold of him. He fucks one cop up, one cops shoots and he keeps coming, and another cop shoots again and kills him
Dude If those feelings are true, you are the reason I own a firearm.. I would love to be the one to put you out of society's misery... I know their are a lot of people who could not, Unfortunately I could.. I am not a religious man but I honestly hope that during the remainder of your life you will be able to rid yourself of all the hate you harbor inside... It must be quite a burden..PEACE
lmfao is this your gang?Is this some sort of gangster reppin'? LOL
I see why you don't like the police, you're nothing but a thuggish piece of trash.
Is this your gang?
I bet you get shot and killed by police before my "whip" gets "bricked"... lmao.