its true hoodlums, you got a special breed of citizen out there that is happy to get another loser off of welfare
you boys come around my area and I got hot ones for each and every one of you badasses
then Ill call your momma and she will agree that you had it commin
99% of you are broke as a joke, dumb ass fuck, and blame all your inbred genetics and failures on the man lol
do you know what its like to be a real man, gentlemen????
not just a neiborhood parrot on the street playing with a $2 pistol and his meat cuz the only gurls you can get are 16 year olds whos parents are crack heads
you think your tough cuz you live in a shity neighborhood? thats some funny ass shit,
so chi i like you man, but with all that tough talk you ever splayed a bullet into somones body big guy? what would you do it somone drawed on you?
I had a mother fucker do a kick door into my house while my kids where there. Hes lucky i wasnt home cuz he would be dead. luckly my homie was next door and started fuckin with him and almost got shot, 3 min later we had 8 cops swaming my house. and a choper flying above,
dont ever be dissing cops around me bitches untill you got some fucker running around you house with a pistol!!!!!!!!!!!!!
you got shit to say to me about it
im still looking for that mother fucker.
no wonder most of you will end up wid a hole in your head or a dick in your ass in lockdown
also ant, you being in a set just proves to me how gulible you are and what a do bitch you are, if you were a good friend you would have encourged peace & freindliness in your hood
instead your attitudes gets you and your friends killed for NOTHING
and your buddies momma is the only one who deserves to greif
and you have the nerve to come on here and blame anyone else but yourselves.
my friend is alive and well, and guess what I make sure they dont do stupid shit rather than encourage it like you.
maybe you will be next and we wont have to listen to your childish ignorence,
dont you know gangs just use you and then leave you to rott?
you little kids got a lot to learn no doubt
but it will take about 3 of your cousins gettin blasted and about 25 years in the penitentiary
anyway you guys make your choices i made mine and got the fuck out of the hood or so you like to call it. all it is a bunch of noobs with pistol trying to be somthin cuz they didnt have a daddy to beat thier asses into submission.
god help you poor mothers
and for everyone else you should think for yourselves
all these wanna be thugs will do is get you killed and destroy your future
Dude, what the fuck are you talking about, why did all this talk of fuckin gangs come about. I dont understand why your stupid ass wont comprehend what Im saying.
Who are you calling hoodlums, and what special breed out here, are you talkin about people from the U.S. cause if thats the case he need some higher education.
YOu act like you are all hard, when in reality you aren't shit. Your some pussy ass bitch, who can hella run his mouth of the computer, and act like your hard, when in fact your just a pussy foreign, shit talking, piece of trash.
HOw the fuck do u know, what my money situation is. I have enough money to fly out there and beat ur netherlands ass. As for being dumb... why dont you look in the mirror, u are the ignorant fuck that can't even spell "oh Im from the netherlands, so that my excuse for spelling" right?? Your a loser, why dont you go get yourself a girlfriend, so you can stop wasting your time trying to run descent people into the ground. YOu are useless little queer. Yeah I fuckin know what its like to be a real man, I have myself a hot old lady, and anythinng I could ever want out of life. I am the guy I set out to be, not the douchebag, who runs there little cum dumpster.
Hey $2 pistol, ok that's why I own a shot guy and a sigsaur .45 calibur hand gun...dont came at me, run shit you dont know what you are talking about. Plus they never leave the house unless Im going on a trip. We dont tote guns, we aren't fuckin gangsters. Ill punch a gangster in the mouth, they are the most pointless thing on this fuckin planet, and they are the reason descent people get shot by the fuckin police. And you are gonna tell me I am one. See another reason, you dont know shit about what you are talking about.....and for the rest of your unreadable message, a set isnt even a gang, its the town or neighborhood you live in.
You need to get yourself a higher education, before you come out me thinking you are all proper and talking ok. Fuck anyone that reads through your message could see that your an illiterate fuck...and u could spend some of the money you have and go hire a teacher. So atleast then you can sound like you have some sense.
Oh and pleased take that American flag off your avatar picture, you arent from here and its making me sick that I have too look at that.