Cops use smart meter technology to bust


Well-Known Member
This is a story I lifted online and full credit is given at the end along with the link to verify. This is not new and RIU has posts on it but I was not aware of just how many are being busted by "smart meters"! To the story:

Smart meters can help police bust indoor marijuana growing operations. It does so because the smart meters provide highly detailed energy use data, that could be used in real time surveillance of neighborhoods, communities, cities and eventually the nation's entire electrical grid.

In central Ohio, law enforcement officials file as many as 60 subpoenas each month for energy use records of people suspected in indoor marijuana growing operations. It seems that most of the residences with indoor pot growing operations are in quiet neighborhoods without much traffic.


According to Drug Enforcement Agency, the subpena is only "one tool" used to catch illegal grow house operations. What typically happens is that police may receive a tip of suspicious activity and undercover officers might not find anything illegal during a routine surveillance of the suspect's residence. So then "utility consumption records" can be sought which could be one indicator police use to get 'probable cause' to go search the place.

Using smart grid for surveillance to catch indoor pot farmers is not new. We found references to this going back to 2005 see: "Never Get Busted" document "fishing for pot" and the Dallas Criminal Defense Lawyer Blog reported on "Texas warrantless surveillance program" in which Austin Energy provides police with "customer usage information" to find grow houses.


In writing this article, I did some investigating and found some people who traffic in pot willing to talk with me about there smart energy concerns. They indicated there are many ways around that kind of smart meter surveillance and monitoring. The primary one, don't opt for smart meter technology, if you can. They cited the use of solar energy panels to feed back energy into the grid, gas generators and the tapping of nearby electrical utility lines illegally for power (smart grid makes that more and more difficult however). One fellow indicate the possibility of 'meter tampering or bypass', but I didn't really understand how that works, but thought I should mention it.


The growers say the trend now is "hydro" and "chronic" so called: "one hit wonders" - or the growing of high quality medical grade marijuana, through cross breeding and genetics. So marijuana grow operations are forming that are tending to be cultivating smaller crops that interestingly enough sell for more money. So it will be interesting to see how this will evolve over time. If marijuana was legalized the government could tax the fucking shit out it, like they do now for alcohol and cigarettes. But that is my personal opinion.


But law enforcement is only the beginning of how smart grid can be used to spy and commit what might be called: "soft forms of espionage".

Insurance companies for example could use the smart grid data as real time surveillance to determine if people are present in the home they are asked to insure as a primary residence. The press also could use smart meters to monitor and report on celebrities and politicians energy usage and meter data.


Everything has a "dark side" as Darth Vader would call it. So to smart meter technology. Criminals may want to see the data to determine the "point of least energy usage" which would give then the best time to come around the house to burglarize it maybe...or see what kind of high dollar appliances you might have to rip off! Creditors too could use that data to theoretically determine in behavior indicates credit worthiness for example. And I can think of a billion others, but you get my point.

The scariest report I saw was the fact that smart meter grids could include as many as 440 million customers meaning 440 million "new hackable points" by the end of 2015 (reported by Computerworld), according to Lockheed Martin General Manager of Energy and Cyber Services.
So besides privacy concerns for criminals - smart grid presents new vulnerability to the electrical grid itself.

In the near future we may see a time when energy will be regulated and more controlled ad so will your usage of that energy.

Welcome to George Orwell's 1984."


New Member
Smart meter installations peaked in 2011 with funding from the stimulus package. Out of all the residences in the US currently about 15% have smart meters, over 75% of those are just peak time meters meaning they can be read remotely and they are for more accurately estimating your bill. Instead of going by a basic monthly charge where all your hours of use are the same price, they can read how many if any hours of use were during non-peak hours so it will cost less. We don't have one on our home yet but my parents in the next state over do.

Some groups say by 2016 all residences will have them, other groups say maybe 50%, and even others say we will peak at about 1/4 of the country in the next few years. There is no money for it anymore, even though most power companies profit billions every year most will not volunteer this technology into their regular infrastructure costs unless government forces them which has not happened. It's more about environment then security or snooping. The cops now just have more info if they get a subpena. They can now know when you use the most power compared to before when all they could see it monthly use. Not a big deal.

Being there is already an epidemic of hackers breaking into these smart systems and committing theft and fraud, the FBI has warned against power companies expanding this technology. Supposedly it's fairly easy to hack into these systems using optical convertor devices connected to a laptop with the right software. They also say a certain type of magnet can stop recording of consumption usage all together while not affecting the flow of electricity. A study showed in Puerto Rico alone, on of the first "states" to have the majority of the smart meters installed on most residences, about 400 million in electricity is lost each year from hacking of smart meters.

In Germany the fraud is so great power companies there are rethinking the tech altogether as well.

Some in the tech world say the tech for hacking these devices will grow at such a fast rate the government and power companies will not be able to keep up with them. It may even destroy smart meter tech altogether. Most states you will be allowed to "opt out" of this tech with a monthly charge fro a person to come out and read the meter as your punishment.

This smart meter technology will be such a clusterfuck for years to come there isn't much to worry about other than someone stealing power from you.

Well-Known Member
LOL want to know a way to beat the meter... Read your meter to see when the guy is coming to check it.

What you do...

Drill a small hole through the plastic meter cover. Take a pin or paper clip and stick it in there to stop the spinning meter.

You will get free electricity for as long as the pin is in.

My buddies uncle told us he used to do this back in the day and funny thing is it still works today.


Well-Known Member
LOL want to know a way to beat the meter... Read your meter to see when the guy is coming to check it.

What you do...

Drill a small hole through the plastic meter cover. Take a pin or paper clip and stick it in there to stop the spinning meter.

You will get free electricity for as long as the pin is in.

My buddies uncle told us he used to do this back in the day and funny thing is it still works today.
But what if the electricity that the company reads coming from your home does not match what the meter reader clocks,then your fucked.


Active Member
LOL want to know a way to beat the meter... Read your meter to see when the guy is coming to check it.

What you do...

Drill a small hole through the plastic meter cover. Take a pin or paper clip and stick it in there to stop the spinning meter.

You will get free electricity for as long as the pin is in.

My buddies uncle told us he used to do this back in the day and funny thing is it still works today.
not a good idea man


Well-Known Member
Good old generator I so much love you. 25000w officially there in case of power outage on the farm, god know why mine is on all the time. Very fortunately Diesel is tax free for farmers in Canada


New Member
"Drill a small hole through the plastic meter cover. Take a pin or paper clip and stick it in there to stop the spinning meter.

You will get free electricity for as long as the pin is in.

My buddies uncle told us he used to do this back in the day and funny thing is it still works today".

This will just get you caught.

max green

This is a story I lifted online and full credit is given at the end along with the link to verify. This is not new and RIU has posts on it but I was not aware of just how many are being busted by "smart meters"! To the story:

Smart meters can help police bust indoor marijuana growing operations. It does so because the smart meters provide highly detailed energy use data, that could be used in real time surveillance of neighborhoods, communities, cities and eventually the nation's entire electrical grid.

In central Ohio, law enforcement officials file as many as 60 subpoenas each month for energy use records of people suspected in indoor marijuana growing operations. It seems that most of the residences with indoor pot growing operations are in quiet neighborhoods without much traffic.


According to Drug Enforcement Agency, the subpena is only "one tool" used to catch illegal grow house operations. What typically happens is that police may receive a tip of suspicious activity and undercover officers might not find anything illegal during a routine surveillance of the suspect's residence. So then "utility consumption records" can be sought which could be one indicator police use to get 'probable cause' to go search the place.

Using smart grid for surveillance to catch indoor pot farmers is not new. We found references to this going back to 2005 see: "Never Get Busted" document "fishing for pot" and the Dallas Criminal Defense Lawyer Blog reported on "Texas warrantless surveillance program" in which Austin Energy provides police with "customer usage information" to find grow houses.


In writing this article, I did some investigating and found some people who traffic in pot willing to talk with me about there smart energy concerns. They indicated there are many ways around that kind of smart meter surveillance and monitoring. The primary one, don't opt for smart meter technology, if you can. They cited the use of solar energy panels to feed back energy into the grid, gas generators and the tapping of nearby electrical utility lines illegally for power (smart grid makes that more and more difficult however). One fellow indicate the possibility of 'meter tampering or bypass', but I didn't really understand how that works, but thought I should mention it.


The growers say the trend now is "hydro" and "chronic" so called: "one hit wonders" - or the growing of high quality medical grade marijuana, through cross breeding and genetics. So marijuana grow operations are forming that are tending to be cultivating smaller crops that interestingly enough sell for more money. So it will be interesting to see how this will evolve over time. If marijuana was legalized the government could tax the fucking shit out it, like they do now for alcohol and cigarettes. But that is my personal opinion.


But law enforcement is only the beginning of how smart grid can be used to spy and commit what might be called: "soft forms of espionage".

Insurance companies for example could use the smart grid data as real time surveillance to determine if people are present in the home they are asked to insure as a primary residence. The press also could use smart meters to monitor and report on celebrities and politicians energy usage and meter data.


Everything has a "dark side" as Darth Vader would call it. So to smart meter technology. Criminals may want to see the data to determine the "point of least energy usage" which would give then the best time to come around the house to burglarize it maybe...or see what kind of high dollar appliances you might have to rip off! Creditors too could use that data to theoretically determine in behavior indicates credit worthiness for example. And I can think of a billion others, but you get my point.

The scariest report I saw was the fact that smart meter grids could include as many as 440 million customers meaning 440 million "new hackable points" by the end of 2015 (reported by Computerworld), according to Lockheed Martin General Manager of Energy and Cyber Services.
So besides privacy concerns for criminals - smart grid presents new vulnerability to the electrical grid itself.

In the near future we may see a time when energy will be regulated and more controlled ad so will your usage of that energy.

Welcome to George Orwell's 1984."

Very interesting read there, We here in the uk are nearly getting there with the smart meters but i wondered what the negatives were.

The Count

Well-Known Member
switch to LEDs where you can run 2 500watters for the cost of 1-1000watt HID and your energy usage isnt sky high


Well-Known Member
switch to LEDs where you can run 2 500watters for the cost of 1-1000watt HID and your energy usage isnt sky high
Man you could trade that nice chopper for a stationary bike rig to a generator keeping the big light & having a workout at the same time, but of course work only if you can pedal 12H a day.


New Member
"switch to LEDs where you can run 2 500watters for the cost of 1-1000watt HID and your energy usage isnt sky high"

Don't take this advice.


Well-Known Member
LOL want to know a way to beat the meter... Read your meter to see when the guy is coming to check it.

What you do...

Drill a small hole through the plastic meter cover. Take a pin or paper clip and stick it in there to stop the spinning meter.

You will get free electricity for as long as the pin is in.

My buddies uncle told us he used to do this back in the day and funny thing is it still works today.
I had an uncle that did that. He has an electric fence so the meter reader would wait outside for someone to come
and open the gate but nobody ever did. He didn't seem to get busted and was saving money but i don't think
that would work anymore.


Well-Known Member
I have posted before reguarding smart meters and LEO. I'll leave the majority of that answer in that post, but I would like to chime in on the smart meter. To qualify my post here let me say that my wife works for our local electric supplier and part of her job is to maintain the meter program. Because I grow I took a large intrest when they converted to smart meters. Here's what I know. It's true most electric companys don't have "true" smart meters, but most companys are converting to "smarter" meters. They don't have the ability to know what you are running in your house, but the do recieve usage and more importantly to you, trending information on your usage. What I mean by this is these meters have the ability to graph out your power consumption. Normaly, I would say individual trending is not looked at, but if you have a much higher than average power consumption, LEO wants to know this. Some companys oblige them some do not. If your consumption raises eyebrows at the supplier AND They want to help fight the drug scourge, They might tip off LEO just the way a nosey neighbor might. The police can't come knocking on your door from this alone, but they can stop by your supplier and that is when trending would become much more important to you. With trending, they could look at the times your consumption goes up and down. twelve hours on and twelve hours off stands out like a sore thumb. Believe me I've looked at the program. I only have a small grow, but if you are into production, I would suggest using two flower rooms. Offset the run times and therefore the electric load by using half the lighting in each room. That way the load is spread over 24 hours. If you are talking 2000 or 3000 watts, that would keep your profile much lower. If you are using much more than that you'd better have better cover than that to fall back on, in my opinion, just in case.


Well-Known Member
This is almost as funny as the threads where guys with two plants in their back yard are worried about the hellicopters coming to bust them.


Well-Known Member
Discrimination. One dead plant is illegal to have.. others can be genetically engineered to produce the highest yield before the effects of such are fully understood, and then fed to hundreds of millions of people.

We have no one to blame but ourselves sadly.. What if everyone on RIU formed a political action committee and donated 1/4 of their profit from every harvest and took that shit to congress -state OR federal? No need for a PAC even... just one lawyer with a couple million should be enough to lobby that idea into action on a state senate basis.. maybe a hundred mil for National recognition.. and I know no one wants to fork out hard earned cash, BUT - those who do would most certainly have first dibs on licenses for production and distribution. Money. That's how things get done, in my opinion. Gotta spend it to make it.


Well-Known Member
switch to LEDs where you can run 2 500watters for the cost of 1-1000watt HID and your energy usage isnt sky high

two 500 watt leds? You must have lots of disposable cash around cause the 500 leds i saw were make ya puke expensive! Not sold!