Copycat debut build


Well-Known Member
IMG_0324.JPG IMG_0325.JPG IMG_0326.JPG IMG_0328.JPG IMG_0330.JPG IMG_0332.JPG IMG_0331.JPG IMG_0324.JPG IMG_0325.JPG IMG_0326.JPG IMG_0328.JPG IMG_0330.JPG IMG_0332.JPG IMG_0331.JPG I was on my way to buy T-5s when I decided to check out the LED section a year ago. I got hooked, bought A51 W90s for a 3x3 and a TastyLED T4-1750 for a 2x4. The DIY aspect interested me and when I finally committed to making this a hobby, I tried my build skill.

Many thanks go to @SupraSPL, @Greengenes707, whose videos I watched first, @Growmau5, @robincnn and the usual suspects. Special thanks go to @Rahz, for the patience to answer questions. Nothing new about the simple in-line design and I prefer it.

This makes a nice 150W+ stand alone fixture. It's clearly not enough for the 3x3, so...
