Copycat genetics

Checking in with/ya mike . How them P runtz still taking to the AutoPots ,Sabre &amare set up ? I’m speculating that you must of flipped em already . You still running a megacrop recipe or you shelf it ?
Hey man. Nah haven’t flipped yet. I’m expecting a possible move so I’ve been keeping them under low light and light food. Worst case scenario I’ll have to take cuts of the best 1-2 or something. But I’d like to be able to transport all ten to my next place. I’ll know for sure in the next week or so. Didn’t wanna start flower if they may end up culled anyway. Good news is if I do take cuts I’ll go back to rdwc and be able to do another light comparison haha
I tried to buy but the website said they were not accepting online payments anymore. How were you able to get them do you have to email him directly?
Yes his email is at the bottom of the page or if you’re on mobile there’s a little message box on the bottom right I think. You can try and ask if he will do 4 for 250 right now as well
Right that seems more like it. The 4 for 250 is for his new line pancake s1 and any of his other pancake crosses. All his 2018 stock is 100 a pack too
Mine are only 21 days into 12/12 so they're still in the boring stage. When I get some real buds "I'll be back" (Arnold Schwarzenegger voice). One thing is for sure. Neither one of his plants had ball issues but 1 out of 3 GPS plants did throw balls all they way up to 3rd week. Still on the lookout for em and that shit is stressful. Depending on how they turn out will determine whether I keep using him for my hunts....

Sad to hear about your situation @Mikenike , I was looking forward to seeing your results as well. Figured we'd be flowering at the same time.
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Mine are only 21 days into 12/12 so they're still in the boring stage. When I get some real buds "I'll be back" (Arnold Schwarzenegger voice). One thing is for sure. Neither one of his plants had ball issues but 1 out of 3 GPS plants did throw balls all they way up to 3rd week. Still on the lookout for em and that shit is stressful. Depending on how they turn out will determine whether I keep using him for my hunts....

Sad to hear about your situation @Mikenike , I was looking forward to seeing your results as well. Figured we'd be flowering at the same time.
Right now he has any 4 packs for 250 or any 10 for 500. Half off single packs. I think it ends tomor. Ask for his master list. He has over 2000 crosses. He says he doesnt use CS or STS and that whatever he uses doesnt cause herms. I dont know though time will tell. Just scooped up mr big stuff, gary payton, plat banana runtz, and modified cake this morning. All reg priced at 250 but only paid 250 total.
Right now he has any 4 packs for 250 or any 10 for 500. Half off single packs. I think it ends tomor. Ask for his master list. He has over 2000 crosses. He says he doesnt use CS or STS and that whatever he uses doesnt cause herms. I dont know though time will tell. Just scooped up mr big stuff, gary payton, plat banana runtz, and modified cake this morning. All reg priced at 250 but only paid 250 total.
I know all that but good looking fam. I'm on his email list and I listen to his live whenever I get a chance. Dude knows his shit and from what I can see he ain't lying. My two copy plants are beautiful and had zero issues even though at one point during the grow my pH was fucked up big time from a broke meter. 1 out of 3 of my GPS plants did throw balls on lowers though all the way to the 3rd week and heisen uses colloidal silver which copy says is a no no so go figure.
The guys stuff is no better than anything else out there. He's just selling it for ridiculous prices. I wouldn't risk buying anything from some dude on instagram. The entire seed industry is a joke with people using terms like "Gear" to describe the ridiculously named strains being sold for outrageous prices. It's like they're marketing to children with some of the names. Many of the names are merely combinations of the parents from their pollen chucks. There are few breeders that actually breed. Anyone can chuck pollen and many of us do. I've made my own crosses that are much better than strains available from some of the so called breeders out there.

Copycat, Jackass, insert name. None of their stuff is worth some of the insane prices they charge. But for some reason some of these clowns end up with a cult following. Or perhaps they are just shills. Either way it's all a big money grab with half the stuff out there being a pollen chuck sold for $30 a seed. The same people praising some instagram pollen chucker are the same people bragging about the dozen bottles of water they feed their plants. Your friends might be impressed but you won't impress any real grower.

Enjoy your instagram dude pollen chucks.

250 for a 4 pack. Each pack is fem. How is that expensive??