Coralife lunar t5 HO lamp

Hey guys. my buddies a really big salwater enthusiest and hes getting rid of this light for 100 bucks. what i like about it (im unsure if ittl make a difference) is the 4 blue led lights on the sides. they also have there own cord so they can be turned off during flower. holds 4 t5 ho lamps, which equals about 20k lumens total with bulbs. this should grow 2 plants nicely with a 2 bulb t8 mounted in the back for supplemental lighting.

What do you think?


Well-Known Member
yes that will work. my roommate does the same line of work as well so we have an abundance of t5, t8, MH lights sitting around. and a RO water unit. its nice.

just get the right spectrum bulbs for it.