Corey Lewandowski House Hearing


Well-Known Member
Aside from using this as a promotion for his senate run in 2020, it will be interesting how todays hearing goes since Lewandowski never worked for POTUS. Trump called 'absolute immunity' on a couple other guys that seems pretty flimsy if it would hold up.

Mueller Report on Trump trying to get a private citizen Corey Lewandowski to (Edit: Not fire) tell the Attorney General of the United States to shut down the Russia investigation.

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The Green Personal Privacy I am guessing must deal with Trump?

Anyways..... Should be interesting, or more obstruction.


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Wow, he opened up with full on 'Dear Leader'.

Hank Johnson (D-GA) 'You chickened out'.

Rep Karen Bass (D-CA) treated him like a idiot kid who obviously didn't do his homework in the middle of class who has been disruptive all year.
Look it up, take your time, I am not going to waste the classes time waiting for you to finally crack your book and read this for the first time. Not that I ever was that kid....
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Just obstruction by this guy. How could anyone try to say the message from the president in the safe and gone on vacation without delivering it. It common troll tactics, it really is going to be interesting how this ends up.
lol, waste of time.
So @Bugeye do you have the juice to talk directly to the head troll Parscale/Foreign government handlers? Or are you just some troll from a secondary source like stormfront? Because I got to give it to him, theTrump troll moot a few weeks back really helped them decide to just go for full troll.

I think Zoe Lofgren (D-CA) got to the meat and potatoes of the Russian connections finally. At the end he seemed really fast to separate himself from any polling data, he answered that shit real quick at the end of her time. It's obvious this guy is just there because he was caught asking a friend to ask Sessions to stop the Mueller investigation. The friend who Trump just told to not honor the subpoena.

Around 3 minutes in he reads his obstruction letter to talking about if Trump offered him a pardon. This guy. I think Trump is just rolling the dice on hoping he stuffed the courts enough/have at least one true believer on a jury to get him off when this is all said and done.
Yes you are.

And if they didn't hold truth to power the conspiracy theorists would have a field day.

There's shit to seriously investigate there.

And it's not stupid fake shit about birth certificates either.

What year did your mind totally close?
They aren't going to get shit for new information out of this hearing. You heard it from me first.
They aren't going to get shit for new information out of this hearing. You heard it from me first.

Looks like there are more notes that Lewandowski took from Trump, that he wouldn't directly answer if he gave them to Mueller or not. Those are going to be subpoenaed I bet. All this shit is in the Mueller report, but it is good to get a more clear look at what they are investigating him from. He doesn't seem to be in on the foreign government con that Trump was pulling off. He has more of a INCEL look about him, a true believer I believe Trump called him right?
They aren't going to get shit for new information out of this hearing. You heard it from me first.
And the beat goes on.

Too funny that Trumpsters continue to treat this as if it were a judicial trial. There is plenty of evidence to convict all of them in the court of public opinion. After Trump loses the election, then the real trials with real risk of sentencing for perjury and obstruction of justice apply. For now, the mood music of these hearings played throughout the election cycle is enough.

And there it is. I am pretty sure this is Jenga for him, even second the point of order afterwards basically admits he just hit the wall of obstruction. The Nixon thing Nadler pulled out about criminal actions are not official Whitehouse business, and giving him the chance to respond was too far. This is basically all Trump's allies have been doing all along, the Democrats have basically been letting them just hang themselves for Trump one after another until either Trump wins re-election and they all get pardons, or Trump loses and they are all in trouble.

@Bugeye can your boy Parscale pull off another winner, who do you guys have now that Cambridge Analytica turned out to be a criminal enterprise? Or whatever government yanks your chains, are they running something better?

Looks like Rick Gates is getting hung out to dry by the small fries, and he is going to just burn all the big guys. This is why in the time before the first amendment they just murdered the book keepers after conspiracies. Now everything is trackable, people are not smart enough to outsmart all their breadcrumbs they leave around.
Big fun watching Corey lie all day about what he can remember. Where have I seen this movie before? Oh, that’s right, every other congressional hearing in recent history. But this this one will be different! Lol
They aren't going to get shit for new information out of this hearing. You heard it from me first.
It was only when Nixon told everyone in his administration to ignore subpoenas that the GOP finally came around and decided he had to go. Not that that will happen this time. For better or for worse, the GOP is in bed with 45 until the bitter end.

Anyway, the election is too close to do any real impeaching. The Democratic leadership are just trying to keep the base appeased with these hearings. Kind of like Benghazi.
It was only when Nixon told everyone in his administration to ignore subpoenas that the GOP finally came around and decided he had to go. Not that that will happen this time. For better or for worse, the GOP is in bed with 45 until the bitter end.

Anyway, the election is too close to do any real impeaching. The Democratic leadership are just trying to keep the base appeased with these hearings. Kind of like Benghazi.
Except Russians and every other foreign government got the invitation by Trump and are continuing to push disinformation on a epic scale to our citizens (and any other weakness they have found in democratic nations). And Trump continues to make it easier for them to do it too by cutting funds to the agencies that would be able to combat this.
Big fun watching Corey lie all day about what he can remember. Where have I seen this movie before? Oh, that’s right, every other congressional hearing in recent history. But this this one will be different! Lol
The whole point is to sit trumps best and brightest down and have them lie to America you tard