Corey Lewandowski House Hearing

Democrat leadership does not support impeachment. Wonder why? Seems like democrat constituents strongly support impeachment. Hmmm...
Democrat leadership does not support impeachment. Wonder why? Seems like democrat constituents strongly support impeachment. Hmmm...
How weak

You tried that shitty tactic before telling us to fear for our lives from some IG report that amounted to nothing

I don’t give a shit about impeachment other than to put your party on record. It’ll be voted out soon enough

Why don’t you cry about the deficit anymore
Did you know that a president that appoints 3 or 4 Supreme Court justices can be prosecuted when out of office?
He better chose well, people tend to get real comfortable when they get what they want and are quick to forget others that helped them get there. They better have some real good dirt on the next people. Also there may be enough Republicans in the senate that won't give Trump another judge with this short of time, people are surprisingly patriotic sometimes.

Its a lot to hang not going to prison for life on.

What do you guess the Sundays shows will concentrate on, the clear obstruction of justice that took place in front of the world, as well as further proof that Trump will say anything to plant any story he wants in the media without worry. Or the story that look really bad too, but the exact details are going to be selectively leaked by Trumps trolling network at just the right times.
"Corey Lewandoski was perfect" - Trump sweaty answering questions that he wants to lying his ass off to the press, just like all of his minions have repeatedly told us that is perfectly ok to do.

Nothing Trump says (outside of when he has been sworn in) anymore matters.
I am not sure I could pick him out as being drunk, but he might as well be.

Looks like he might have reconsidered his senate run after openly admitting that as Trump's minion, he is fine with lying to the American people as long as he is not under oath planting 'fake news' and being offended when being called out on it.

MANCHESTER, N.H. — Corey Lewandowski told a local radio host Tuesday "it's fair" to say he is reconsidering a Senate run in order to defend President Donald Trump from impeachment and help him get reelected.
So the person who while under oath had to admit to the American public that he had lied to the American public, and made it clear that he had no obligation to tell the truth unless he was under oath, decided to bail out of a senate run... Shocking.

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lol @ his judges comment, Trump has been appointing racist and evangelical idealists to the court who are very unqualified.
Yes resurrecting an old thread. Seems like the best place.

You can grope all you want as long as you're not groping the donors with money. The guy is finished. He'll never work in politics again. At least not in trump world but nobody else will take him. Maybe he can get a job at Walmart.

Yes resurrecting an old thread. Seems like the best place.

You can grope all you want as long as you're not groping the donors with money. The guy is finished. He'll never work in politics again. At least not in trump world but nobody else will take him. Maybe he can get a job at Walmart.
