Corn pop

I have a Technics Direct Drive SL-Q6. No tone arm though, it has linear tracking, and the "needle" is in the cover.

I still have about 200 albums from the 60's and 70's.

I also have my portable tape case that has 36 8-track tapes in it. :lol:

and the question still remains, how will this help repair the legacy of slavery … any Motown in your collection ?
I used to play classical music for the kids when they were young at nap time ...sorry no damn record player
Well, in all honesty, my turntable broke a while ago when the magnetic strip on the inside of the wheel just disintegrated in a heat wave. I've been hoping to come across a new one for some time and there are some damn nice vintage ones but the prices are quite steep. As an inveterate vinyl hunter, I figure one will cross my path sooner or later and I will reacquaint myself with the couple thousand platters currently boxed up. Not really too upset about it as turntables don't go particularly well with four year olds anyway. I just plugged a bluetooth receiver into the stereo and play dj with my phone. What it lacks in fidelity it makes up for in diversity of selection. He may not speak French yet but he knows it when he hears it.

So I know where Old Joe is coming from even if he botched the handoff.
I have around 500 LP's from the '60's into the early '80's. Many are pristine, all are in superb shape.

And a Technics turntable with a short in the tone arm so bad the 'pops' would blow a speaker.

And the guy who used to fix them went out of business and moved to Fla.

Very disappointing, like to find one some day. Carver power amp still works.

Have you tried removing the cartridge and cleaning the connections with De-Oxit D5? I'd give that a shot
Have you tried removing the cartridge and cleaning the connections with De-Oxit D5? I'd give that a shot

I always had 2 cartridges I switched back and forth. I used the good one on those Original Master Recordings they came out with in the late '70's.

I used to blow everything off with compressed air. The short could be a ground problem, sometimes just touching it makes it pop or could be coincidence.

I tried cleaning it up a Iittle before. Theres a lot of tiny wires there.
one of our "neighbors" still rocks a Technics reel to reel. his amp/speaker combo is pretty shitty though.
BIL #2 was a rock and roller. He had a good reel to reel. {he used the band amp in the house, and I learned the hard way not to crank it when there were only 1 pair of speakers hooked up} I hated it when they broke up and he took his boxes of tapes back to Longmont.
What they said about Hillary, but I didn't vote for the hag, much as the criminal DNC tried to drag her over the finish line.
The disinformation campaign on Hilary was targeted heavily in Michigan. And every other swing state. It is worth thinking back about what it was that you had heard and bring it up here. There is a lot of trolling on this site (and any other site with a comment section/video game chat/etc), so don't be afraid to use the blocking feature.

It is hard to trust new accounts because they are made daily by paid foreign trolls to spread disinformation, please don't take it personal when making a post if you troll and it happens. It has been going on for so long, real people with good insight have lost their patience for figuring out which is which.
The disinformation campaign on Hilary was targeted heavily in Michigan. And every other swing state. It is worth thinking back about what it was that you had heard and bring it up here. There is a lot of trolling on this site (and any other site with a comment section/video game chat/etc), so don't be afraid to use the blocking feature.

It is hard to trust new accounts because they are made daily by paid foreign trolls to spread disinformation, please don't take it personal when making a post if you troll and it happens. It has been going on for so long, real people with good insight have lost their patience for figuring out which is which.
I hate Donald Trump but the list of donors to the Clinton Foundation tells me a lot. And DWS is one reason I will never call myself a Democrat again. Back to the point, I don't share your confidence in Biden winning easily over Trump.