Cornell Univ. Corpse Flower has begun blooming.

It's pretty in a vagina/penis kind of way sorta..:-? I wish I had smellivision. Is it self fertile or is this thing putting out all this effort for nothing. You watch.... It's gonna flower and die.

Someone just bumped it. LOL. Chit for brains.
Your 4 foot bumblebee is not going to get any honey on his stinger cn. I wonder if they have a Greenhouse full of carrion beetles. Cool
Lmao, I love that mom that leaned that baby way in to get a good look, I hope the plant sprays that child with corpse smell.

Are you insane.....or just a troll called a mod. Spraying a kid with anything like that is fucked up to wish upon them.

Karma can't be outrun. I really hope your a smartass kid and not a real parent. Dick.
Yeah Gidget...Do you know what happens when a kid gets sprayed with corpse smell! I mean wtf. I think I just might put a POX on you... It really would have been pretty cool to have taken a little whiff of that flower. Probably would be blind now though.:-? Down Down Down goes your Karma meter!
I'm a bit pissed, was watching it all yesterday and finally read the page. THEY REMOVED THE COMPOUNDS THAT MAKE THE SMELL, that's why all those pesky people are sticking their face trying to smell it. No Fun.

There's a botanical gardens nearby that has one that blooms every so often, people try to predict the day to have their weddings there. I'm tempted.
Makes me want to go do some silly dancing by the whole veryone reloads the still shot all you see is a filpbook of me being
Merkzilla.. Say it ain't so!! No one would eliminate the smell. That would just make the whole thing sorta Dumbass. I guess I should have read the page but it's a buzz kill if it doesn't smell like the rotten festering corpse I was imagining. The smell is as important as how long it takes to flower.

The fact is now I want to squirt some kid with corpse spray. :evil:
Yeah Gidget...Do you know what happens when a kid gets sprayed with corpse smell! I mean wtf. I think I just might put a POX on you... It really would have been pretty cool to have taken a little whiff of that flower. Probably would be blind now though.:-? Down Down Down goes your Karma meter!
Oh good grief. I thought it was funny. Worst can happen is the family dog rolls around on the baby. Both squeal with delight. the cat stalks off in disdain. Extra win. I am assuming, of course, no large, badly caged reptiles in the household. That could be unfunny. cn

<edit> saw your last post, so I'll undelete the last bit about the trauma of large reptile vet bills. Babies ... one can make more, and the process is rather pleasant.
Hahaha I love that someone got offended. And I am a parent, so wish on me what you would. I hope you get it right back 10 fold.

And it was a comment on a live video, and if you seen how close the lady got with the newborn. Practically putting it inside the flower, you would wish some karma on them like I did.


*this post to be read with a touch of sarcasm* (for those who don't get it)
GidGet, I swear I was just kidding. I was not offended for even a moment. In fact I thought it was 1 of the funniest thing I have heard in ages. I don't know where you can purchase corpse spray. Frankly it would work better than pepper spray. I wish you and humor only the bet.s
Rottedroots, I was paging through a biochemicals catalog some years back, and I found a page of scent compounds used to train work dogs ... various drugs, explosives and assorted contraband. The also had two varieties of Corpse Scent ... "fresh", and the other kind. I think the term "advanced decay" was used. Unfortunately, it only came in tiny snap-neck ampoules. cn