Someone turned off the lights lol!!Visiting hours are over, no more pesky people blocking the view of the stinky flower.
Lmao, I love that mom that leaned that baby way in to get a good look, I hope the plant sprays that child with corpse smell.
Oh good grief. I thought it was funny. Worst can happen is the family dog rolls around on the baby. Both squeal with delight. the cat stalks off in disdain. Extra win. I am assuming, of course, no large, badly caged reptiles in the household. That could be unfunny. cnYeah Gidget...Do you know what happens when a kid gets sprayed with corpse smell! I mean wtf. I think I just might put a POX on you... It really would have been pretty cool to have taken a little whiff of that flower. Probably would be blind now though.Down Down Down goes your Karma meter!