Corona virus support bill

What an absolute joke, at the last minute turdy rights in all these new powers into this aid bill so they can have unlimited power to raise taxes and do whatever they want. So no aid unless they get their unlimited power without any parliament oversight. Kiss your rights good bye soon, the plan is all falling into place.
I wrote this and posted in politics this morning, where it actually survived without comment:

My grandmother survived the 1918 Spanish flu pandemic. She used to always tell us that sickness travelled in the wind. Of course no one believed her. I had a bit of a vision yesterday, that she could possibly have known these things. Self isolating is pretty easy for country folk, yes they would wonder about these things if people became ill while isolating. This is like a time capsule that was handed to me from previous generations, and I am listening.

I’m not talking about any wind here. I’m talking about strong winds. How long can a water droplet stay suspended in strong gust? All is takes is a cough into the wind and it’s loaded. Imagine a strong wind blowing through a city of sick people. If I have to go out in a strong wind it will be with a mask for the near future.

Want to hear my granny’s advice? Wear a coat and a hat if you go outside, especially if you are sweating (working). Limit your exposure to strong winds. Always keep a mint candy in your mouth when outside. Always drink water regularly, and have something warm to drink when you come in.

The intent of this is not to scare people, or spread misinformation. As pointed out in this thread already, six feet might not mean shit, nobody truly knows.

Anybody with the time to do so should read the historical accounts of the 1918 pandemic, there is wisdom to be found. If anyone likes what I wrote, please share it.
I wrote this and posted in politics this morning, where it actually survived without comment:

My grandmother survived the 1918 Spanish flu pandemic. She used to always tell us that sickness travelled in the wind. Of course no one believed her. I had a bit of a vision yesterday, that she could possibly have known these things. Self isolating is pretty easy for country folk, yes they would wonder about these things if people became ill while isolating. This is like a time capsule that was handed to me from previous generations, and I am listening.

I’m not talking about any wind here. I’m talking about strong winds. How long can a water droplet stay suspended in strong gust? All is takes is a cough into the wind and it’s loaded. Imagine a strong wind blowing through a city of sick people. If I have to go out in a strong wind it will be with a mask for the near future.

Want to hear my granny’s advice? Wear a coat and a hat if you go outside, especially if you are sweating (working). Limit your exposure to strong winds. Always keep a mint candy in your mouth when outside. Always drink water regularly, and have something warm to drink when you come in.

The intent of this is not to scare people, or spread misinformation. As pointed out in this thread already, six feet might not mean shit, nobody truly knows.

Anybody with the time to do so should read the historical accounts of the 1918 pandemic, there is wisdom to be found. If anyone likes what I wrote, please share it.
Your grandma was a smart were most grandma's from the day...why? because they were survivors
this one takes the cake.... sorry long rant
So I go to the bank today to set up a bill payment so that it can be paid thru the bank machine...of course that was my mistake...
The whole scene was completely insane.... with the bank manager absolutely loosing his mind... as each person entered they were being yelled at by this psycho .the bank has taped off squares on the floor exactly 2 meters apart and this freak started to loose it on my brother and another couple behind him...why you might ask... because their shoes were touching the tape marks on the floor....yep touching... everyone was keeping their distance of course but the old woman with the walker got shit on by this dick weed bank manager because her foot was touching the tape on the floor and he kept yelling at her to tell her deaf husband to stand closer to her....meanwhile the old fellow could barely stand up and walk... as they moved to each taped off box...he either started saying shit like move 1 " closer or your foots touching the line.... I'm thinking ...come on buddy give it a rest hitler....
So as each person finished with the teller the next in line would move to the next tape marks...on the floor... again he starts in on the older couple...

The tellers now have plexiglass sneeze protection newly installed, and as you approach the teller you have to stay 6 feet from the counter and if they require you to sign something, you first have to wait until the teller backs up 6 feet from the window and gives you the go ahead to move towards the window... then you go to sign whatever and find they have left the pen inside of the plexiglass blockade and in the holder it cant be pulled out and slipped below the 1.5" crack they have left,without breaking the pen holder do it.....anyways it snapped...

I deposited my pay and took out some funds and then asked the teller if I could set up the bill problem she says...
So I take my phone out and begin to look for the tax roll numbers to set bill payment....and I start getting yelled at and shit on by this bank manager again...
because the toe of my boot is touching the tape on the floor...maybe 1/2".... so he tells the teller to back up 6 feet and to not serve me until I comply with the orders he is giving to me...(this dude was power tripping(big time) on me and everyone else in line) was really quite disturbing actually... You could tell he was just aching and pushing for someone to tell him to fuck he could have a reason to kick them out or call the cops....all under the guise of being the big man protector.....
And to anyone saying he was just doing his job...bullshit...this dick had the manner of a bull in a china shop...

Up to this point I have not said a word....and this dude is still going off on me because I quote "he has to protect his employees from people like me."... finally I spoke up and said "really? cause if your door was locked and the lights off I'm pretty sure I would not have come in..and frankly I really wished I had not." I then turned to the teller and told her I was deeply sorry.

The whole time I'm thinking....if you really cared about your employees MR would close down these branch's then....its not like we couldn't telephone bank or online bank or use the bank machine.....this is one essential service we really do not need open.... fuck them
You know full well if the banks had to layoff their employees...the would be discarded without pay and without any hesitation....
Well this type of situation brings out the best and the worst in people. I guess he's waited his whole life to be in charge.
Maybe at boy scout camp he never got to lead. You should have called him commandant.
What are ya gonna do right. Your correct, he would have called the cops at the first sign of insurrection. They would have beat you with their clubs just to keep them in practise and a nice sheen on the leather. Then they would search all your devices and communications for the " Big Lead " they know your hiding. You fuckin punk!
ya would have been all boot stomping and the CBC news covering it live...prolly put the place on lock down,while they film and re-enact
the 1/2" social distance infraction case......what was'nt apparent was whether they had measured to the face of the tape or the center of the tape or to the outside of the tape... but I know the elderly woman behind my brother and I was told she was to far back from her tape stripe,even though she was clearly behind it.
Oh and my bro was told not to talk to me while in the line... and seeing we current live in the same residence this 6.5 feet was not possible for him and I to maintain, while traveling in his Kia to go there...
Anyhow last trip out for me....I can pay everything via the phone now...
"he was just aching and pushing for someone to tell him to fuck off "
He would have got MORE from me. A good loud dry cough.. Oh Sorry...... Got your bs stuck in my throat. :-P

There are OTHER BANKS after all,
For inquiring minds...

Corporate welfare and corporate interest free loans is what America does best
Sad Dems let that part through
Corporate welfare and corporate interest free loans is what America does best
Sad Dems let that part through

Ummm, they put oversight into the mix. Trump has stated publicly that he will not respect that oversight, enforce it, or comply with it.

Please, do perform even a cursory investigation before opening your mouth.
and its IMPOSSIBLE to get an idea of the death rates...No Matter WHAT THEY TRY AND BULLSHIT YOU!