Cory and Trevor upgrade

Cory and trevor

Well-Known Member
Updating and expanding the place-veg room 3-21-13 a.jpgFlower room, moved these lights to the far side on the new circuit to clean up the old area3-21-13 g.jpg a shot of the old area 3-21-13 h.jpg and the other side. So I had 2 x 1000watt lights one each HPS and MH I want the same set up over here doubling me up3-21-13 i.jpg3-21-13 j.jpg16x8 ducting with 2 6" intakes in the end cap, this runs out he flower room wall and into the veg room where I will add another intake once I get a hood for the new 600 watt CCMH I added in veg3-21-13 b.jpg that is the drying tent and ez cloner as well as where I want to take my pics at then of life in the corner there, nice blue light in the back white backdrop, the shit is sitting on the big-ass air intake I built for both rooms. runs opposite the hot air out duct. There is the duct in the veg room3-21-13 d.jpgA long view of the zipper door into flower3-21-13 e.jpg and the MH side of my running lights3-21-13 f.jpgmy enter key isn't entering tonight so if this looks fucked up its because it is fucked up due to that fact. Tomorrow new journals with individual plant pics. PEACE



Well-Known Member
Rooms looking good. I find the enter key not working and other shenanigans when I'm using IE. When I switch to Google Chrome the problems go away.

Cory and trevor

Well-Known Member
Thanks for the chrome tip, bet that was the issue. I do play music for them. I keep tight records and noticed when I do about an average of 15 grams dry weight increase in the final for all strains. So that was an easy choice, on in the morning and off at night. call it crazy but I gots data to back up that hippie idea so I am going with it LOL.


Well-Known Member
I like to crowd surf my canopy myself :hump:
