Coservative Repulicans are they good company for You?


Well-Known Member
Hmmm Ive been bad with labels so I'm a republican/libertarian and I HATE the religious right although I'm religious myself I just never want to hear a politician talk about God.


Well-Known Member
You mean aside from producing the means and ensuring that you have the freedom to post your ideas on the internet?


Well-Known Member
a reporter asks him if he shares any blame for the recession, and Reagan replies, 'yes, because for many years I was a democrat'

That was pretty funny.

I have a few conservative republican friends, and they're all great people. :peace:


New Member
hmmm sometimes they are when my folks send me money lol.
Well, one day you'll be out on your own with your very own job, earning your very own paycheck, with your very own State, federal and FICA taxes taken out of it. Then you'll find out that the old adage: "A conservative is a liberal that's been mugged," has a certain ring of truth to it. :lol:


Well-Known Member
Well, one day you'll be out on your own with your very own job, earning your very own paycheck, with your very own State, federal and FICA taxes taken out of it. Then you'll find out that the old adage: "A conservative is a liberal that's been mugged," has a certain ring of truth to it. :lol:
"Mugged by reality" is how it goes.

Since I am an employer I get to pay to match everyones Medicaid and SOS tax, including my own. Gotta love the double taxation I pay. But its still not enough for Obama.

I just love being lectured by kids who earn less than I pay in taxes about how I need to contribute more in the name of fairness when the company that I built through my hard work and sacrifice puts food on people's tables.


New Member
"Mugged by reality" is how it goes.

Since I am an employer I get to pay to match everyones Medicaid and SOS tax, including my own. Gotta love the double taxation I pay. But its still not enough for Obama.

I just love being lectured by kids who earn less than I pay in taxes about how I need to contribute more in the name of fairness when the company that I built through my hard work and sacrifice puts food on people's tables.
Well be thankful for small favors as the saying goes. At least you can write off the employee contributions you make. I'm an independent contractor, so I have to pay both sides of my "contribution."


Well-Known Member
Well, one day you'll be out on your own with your very own job, earning your very own paycheck, with your very own State, federal and FICA taxes taken out of it. Then you'll find out that the old adage: "A conservative is a liberal that's been mugged," has a certain ring of truth to it. :lol:
you have no clue lol.:roll:

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
Good and well meaning individual people come in all political persuasions. A well meaning person can often be wrong though and hypcritical. Many so called conservatives and liberals fit this description.

Government in any form is used as a tool by people to foist there agenda on others. For instance, I can agree with many conservatives that government needs to be small and frugal, yet disagree with them that there should be government control over my own body. It's my body damn it.

I can enjoy organic gardening, herb and hating war with liberals, yet disagree with them that my wallet is an open coffer to fund their ideas of "social justice" .

I find Libertarians the best company, they tend to be more consistent and less hypocritical.


Well-Known Member
I like that^^^ although I thing the Lines are draw. The third party is just taking votes away from the dems or the republicans. I like to think I'm a moderate,,I love my guns, I love my weed, Feel any church that favors politics should be taxed like any othe buissness. I'm pro-choice,,I'm a Man. I feel there is to many taxes..I take things from all sides and make my conclusions. Just yet to find the party of choice. They are all corrupt. But to label me, cause I lean one way or the other is complete B.S.,I just feel the dem party has more in my interest, Than the Republicans. Especially when it comes to Bud. I guess you just have to fight fire with fire.
P.s. who neg Rep. me? Fdd or cracker? at least have the balls to let me know.

tea tree

Well-Known Member
every conservative republican I know had been into coke. The last one I spent three days in bed with snorting coke for our first date. We talked about our mutual here Oliver North and Ronald Reagan. I watched a lot of family ties once and that Alex Keaton routine has always wokrded with the ladies.