Cosmic Events


Well-Known Member
Always an interesting concept, OP. I'm currently at the point of understanding that everything that happens in this universe since the BB is definitely determined (events couldn't happen any other way then the way they unfolded), but not determinable (too many factors and uncertainties to know exactly what will happen before the events unfold). This seems to add some spice to existence because as things happen in the only way they could, sentient beings cannot exactly predict them...


Well-Known Member
I don't believe in the BB. In order for evolution to occur, you've gotta have a lot of time. Literally, millions of years for an entirely new species to develop and I don't think there's ANY way humans have been around for more than 50,000 years. Look how far we've come in 2000.... We've gone from nothing to this and if we had been here even a half a million years ago, there would be a lot more of us... We reproduce like fkin rabbits.


New Member
As hard as it is to conceptualize all things are predestined, we think we have control and sometimes we do alter our path, but in the end we are all "on a rail". What will happen will happen and nothing we do in this life will make us live one moment longer.


Well-Known Member
Always an interesting concept, OP. I'm currently at the point of understanding that everything that happens in this universe since the BB is definitely determined (events couldn't happen any other way then the way they unfolded), but not determinable (too many factors and uncertainties to know exactly what will happen before the events unfold). This seems to add some spice to existence because as things happen in the only way they could, sentient beings cannot exactly predict them...
i dunno with enough of the variables a deterministic universe is very predictable. possibly that goes out of the window once life forms/ higher life
but even then we are nothing but a product of the atoms that make us and there have been evidence pointing towards free will being an illusion

I don't believe in the BB. In order for evolution to occur, you've gotta have a lot of time. Literally, millions of years for an entirely new species to develop and I don't think there's ANY way humans have been around for more than 50,000 years. Look how far we've come in 2000.... We've gone from nothing to this and if we had been here even a half a million years ago, there would be a lot more of us... We reproduce like fkin rabbits.
please can you read this before you say we're 50000years old again
why would their be more of us? before the industrial revolution we didnt have the technologies to support that many humans as soon as we got that our population exploded but before it was a a steady rate for last couple of thousand years


Well-Known Member
i dunno with enough of the variables a deterministic universe is very predictable. possibly that goes out of the window once life forms/ higher life
but even then we are nothing but a product of the atoms that make us and there have been evidence pointing towards free will being an illusion
Agreed that free will is an illusion, that was the most difficult concept for me to accept in the last 20 years. The universe is highly predictable for us even at this stage of development, but as I understand it there are too many x factors and uncertainties to make exact predictions in every case regardless of future technological advances...


Well-Known Member
eliminate each factor one by one, work out the uncertainties the universe might be infinitely big but its only got a finite constructive parts

overwhelming maybe but not insurmountable given enough knowledge and computing power

edit: still struggling with the will part here ;)


Well-Known Member
I don't believe in the BB. In order for evolution to occur, you've gotta have a lot of time. Literally, millions of years for an entirely new species to develop and I don't think there's ANY way humans have been around for more than 50,000 years. Look how far we've come in 2000.... We've gone from nothing to this and if we had been here even a half a million years ago, there would be a lot more of us... We reproduce like fkin rabbits.
Really? You want to turn this thread into anti-evolution? Thee aren't there enough evolution vs. creationism/ religion vs. science threads that you have to do it o this one too?

Come on man, use the search function, there's a zillion threads here already that can tell you how you are so full of shit and why discussion of the BBT should not immediately lead to a discussion about evolution.

eye exaggerate

Well-Known Member
These days I see a lot of 'make this happen, make that happen'. Not much room (=time) for letting things happen in their own way.


Well-Known Member
Really? You want to turn this thread into anti-evolution? Thee aren't there enough evolution vs. creationism/ religion vs. science threads that you have to do it o this one too?

Come on man, use the search function, there's a zillion threads here already that can tell you how you are so full of shit and why discussion of the BBT should not immediately lead to a discussion about evolution.
i agree gargantuanganja's had absolutely nothing to do with the price of fish ;)

but the OP's intent was so incredibly vague that this discussion could be about absolutely anything*
*one of my first impressions was the op has either experienced something really bad or committed something really really bad and was looking for some sort of atonement

but thats the cynical side of me coming out over such vagueness


Well-Known Member
These days I see a lot of 'make this happen, make that happen'. Not much room (=time) for letting things happen in their own way.
thats the other end of whats happened tho

the day before the lottery tickets are drawn the chances of a number coming up is however many million+ to one
the moment the numbers have been drawn the chances of that number having come up =1


Well-Known Member
I don't believe in the BB. In order for evolution to occur, you've gotta have a lot of time. Literally, millions of years for an entirely new species to develop and I don't think there's ANY way humans have been around for more than 50,000 years. Look how far we've come in 2000.... We've gone from nothing to this and if we had been here even a half a million years ago, there would be a lot more of us... We reproduce like fkin rabbits.
Don't believe in the BB if U don't want to, but GEEEEZ your in the weeds on everything else U said.


Well-Known Member
I don't have the energy to argue with people who don't have any idea what they're talking about. Peace.
so you disprove the big bang by the false claim that humans are less than 50000 years old and you evidence towards is there should be more humans. and you claim everyone else doesn't have any idea what they are talking about?
your right you shouldnt try arguing it.
nearly forgot the passive aggressive sign out.. PEACE