Cosmic Events


Well-Known Member
or Intelligent Design. That's the scientific term for "it". He knows and sees and hears everything. Even if you don't believe. Which he doesn't care if you do or don't. He couldn't give a fuck less, from my perspective..


Well-Known Member
Intelligent design and science are immiscible fluids. cn
what if science is "it" letting us think that "it" doesn't exist or rather letting us perceive the concrete reality. in which is their's no ryhm or reason for shit. unless you make up one... or rather he allows you to "make up one" (lol)..if He exists......NEITHER HERE NOR there


Well-Known Member
maybe you can only know of believe god exists if He allows it to be pre-ordained. or rather pre-ordained it. in which it is just a big machine

matrix and i'm neo. mad at morpheus, but glad and feel lucky that He allowed me to fucking be in it. i.t. e.t.

i.d. + intelligent = intelligent/logical/miraculous in some cases design = dee sign ;or The Sign AKA The intelligent Sign aka God aka Allah aka Jehovah in which i'm a witness of him...... as you are. by reading this. cause you;re witnessinggggg.


Well-Known Member

You're just speaking nonsensical jargon that doesn't mean anything to anyone.


Anyone can string a set of words together to form a sentence, that doesn't mean they will all make sense.

The relationship with God is personal. You must believe it on faith. Wtf is the point of this thread?


Well-Known Member
I originally thought that this thread was about "cosmic events". Then alot of it was deleted. Now it's about abunch of ideas that seem to come straight from a hookah.


Well-Known Member
maybe you can only know of believe god exists if He allows it to be pre-ordained. or rather pre-ordained it. in which it is just a big machine

matrix and i'm neo. mad at morpheus, but glad and feel lucky that He allowed me to fucking be in it. i.t. e.t.

i.d. + intelligent = intelligent/logical/miraculous in some cases design = dee sign ;or The Sign AKA The intelligent Sign aka God aka Allah aka Jehovah in which i'm a witness of him...... as you are. by reading this. cause you;re witnessinggggg.
Look, the only "matrix" that exists is delusion itself, which can possibly be anything u imagine it to be,this includes God, for he is only of the mind and one will rhetoricaly dialect themselves into thinking he communicates with them and has created all things.U ask if something happens dose it have to?No it simply dose.This is outside of thinking about guided phenomena of existing.The universe is complex,occurences are random to the Unbias thinker,yet there is an order of magnitude to all things,greater or lesser happenings/occurances.Was it purposefuly apparent or not?I think not,we want to rationalize with purposeful meaning,but can we think away from that box and observe the inherent nature of the cosmos without prejudice,.I think that we are an embodiment of chance and probability,were here to observe from a vantage point that is only here for a blink of an eye to eternity.Dose the universe have purposeful existence?Is it here just so we can be alive on earth?...I dont think that even for a second.There is no purpose to the universe itself,it has to be created with intentions of serving a purpose to be purposeful,like one would make a house for living or build an airplane for traveling the sky.The scale and scope of the cosmos goes beyond intent and meaning to humankind.We are merely observers of it and putting to it, our own sense of meaning.Try to think about it with no bias or prejudgement and see what exists,for just what it is....Hope this makes some sense.


I don't believe in the BB. In order for evolution to occur, you've gotta have a lot of time. Literally, millions of years for an entirely new species to develop and I don't think there's ANY way humans have been around for more than 50,000 years. Look how far we've come in 2000.... We've gone from nothing to this and if we had been here even a half a million years ago, there would be a lot more of us... We reproduce like fkin rabbits.
I remember reading that Homo Sapiens "may have" enslaved the Neanderthals, kinda like Cattle. Then we basically used them for labor, food, w/e. It would help for you to broaden your imagination to include the infinite possibilities of exactly what "might" have happened, and what it means for a species to survive over Millions of years . . .


Active Member
Thats like saying why haven't dinosaurs multiplied like rabbits. Theres plaugues, diseases, virus', natural disaster wars, crusades. Mother nature always tends to find a ballance. We may yet drive ourselves to extinction. The earth has a mycellial mind that was spored from far away. Only the fungus can turn rock into dirt. If we tried to live in harmony minus our destructive nature It would be like avatar or similar. A symbiotic universe.We take and we take and we take but forget to give back.


Active Member
I remember reading that Homo Sapiens "may have" enslaved the Neanderthals, kinda like Cattle. Then we basically used them for labor, food, w/e. It would help for you to broaden your imagination to include the infinite possibilities of exactly what "might" have happened, and what it means for a species to survive over Millions of years . . .
If they where seperate species than how could the crow magnuns and neanderthals chromosomes match to interbreed with eachother. A better explanation would be that they where decendants of the same species from before the continent split.


Active Member
The blue prints may have been here from the beggining. Its all part of the all and all carries a similar frequency. What is it, water. Hydrogen turns to water when you burn it and electricity turns water to hydrogen. Could our planet be a burnt out or imploded star?


Well-Known Member
If they where seperate species than how could the crow magnuns and neanderthals chromosomes match to interbreed with eachother. A better explanation would be that they where decendants of the same species from before the continent split.
Not all species are different enough to prevent interbreeding and isolation of two groups of a single species is often a main factor in the creation of new species. This is a fundamental part of evolution, i.e. species y is descended from species x. This was not he case for us as both chimpanzees and humans originated on the African continent.