Cosplay Corner

I give Sunni plenty of attention, hehe

She did post a very lovely bra pic if you remember. I'm not saying that to 'shame' her, I'm saying that because ir's col she felt comfortable enough with herself to do it and it was gorgeous. But she's also a wonderful person.
Then do so, i'm allowed to speak my mind if I see fit ;)

Jealous of kuroi rflmao awww ur cute :) I don't want the attention she seeks thank u, i have my own stalkers, and i luv every single one ;)

You're green-eyed monster is hanging out again. Can you please censor that too ? Thanks Sweetie !
I don't think April's jealous. She won. Always has and slways be a step above me and I just accept that.. And she's hot. I'd kill for her legs..

While me may clash on a number of things I won't drag it into this thread but thanks Gyro. I'm just trying to not be so 'problematic' for everyone.

I did give in to requests of a thong and it was inappropriate; there was more skin than pretty undies so I take responsibility for that. However I don't remember any 'pucker' showing. I HAVE seen more from other members though 0_o Remember Jadeey?!

I still stand by the argument that Cosplay as a hobby is not sexual. Cosplay in your bedroom is sexual. Girls using it as an excuse to get half naked, then it's sexual; the same with the slutty Halloween costumes that were posted about last year. Actually Halloween costumes can be classed as Cosplay as more people pick characters from media and literature. I'm glad the tradition of handmade costumes in continued.

I'll have to post pictures of these goths in My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic costumes. They are Fijians, meaning they are a humanoid version of the pony so just with corresponding colors, hair, markings/makeup/accessories etc that make them recognisable as the character... Plus ears and tails. Very popular with the scene kids lol

The Bronies are really cool too when well done. Yes, guys in my little pony.

Also, some amazing velociraptor Halloween costume and the Walking With Dinosaurs Live costumes.. They ate so ridiculously convincing..

Will post pics/video later.

I don't dislike u, not at all, I expected way more from u, I was disappointed by ur choices. Butt they are ur own, not mine.

I do agree that cosplay does not seem sexual unless the person dressing up makes it so. But most girls i've seen do it as an excuse to dress like an anime skank, nothing more, that's sad.

Ur costume was lovely, but sorry others had awesome outfits in the videos i saw, now that's dedication since a few seemed pretty expnsive. I like making costumes since i have the skills :)
LOL a person like urself, u might think she does, we don't because of her own behavior

Like you said opinions are like assholes.....

So what you are saying is that you will never forgive her and that anyone who gives her a compliment is subject to grief from the green-eyed monster ? GOTCHA

I'll try to be more careful in the future...
Like you said opinions are like assholes.....

So what you are saying is that you will never forgive her and that anyone who gives her a compliment is subject to grief from the green-eyed monster ? GOTCHA

I'll try to be more careful in the future...

Don't assume things, read my posts, silly ;)
I respect that and totally understand x

We've big done things the other doesn't like at all but that's it whats important is now..

Even if we didnt like eachother I like to respond on a case by case basis, not alter how I acknowledge people based on whether I like them. I disagree with people I love at times and will give people I don't like/don't like me credit where it is due.

You are right though the girls in the video just posted were um... Yeah.. There comes a point where it's not even sexy, just.. Yeah. I was at a con where a girl cut the front of her sailor uniform down to the bottom of bra level and another panel showing all of her back. It would have actually been better if she wore a bikini too Cosplay like Gurren Lagann's Youko, it's the fact she took something innocent and chopped bits out of it to deliberately show more. But actually I shouldn't be bitching about other girls like that..

Did you see the Rikku/Gippal couple's Cosplay? Very tastefully done and sweet. It must be great to share the hobby with your partner.

Aw April I have to see you Cosplay just once... Or even if you made a costume and sold it to make a bit of cash it'd be cool to see it. I sell ears and tails by the way, people. Nice and fluffy.

Have you seen the groups of people who make and dress ip in costumes from Cats! The musical? They're always running around and dancing and stretching and things.

Urca I might do Kraehe though her tutu has a very deep plunge.. I'm pretty flat chested do I might get away with it. I'll have to see if I can dye my ballet shoes black, too.
I respect that and totally understand x

We've big done things the other doesn't like at all but that's it whats important is now..

Even if we didnt like eachother I like to respond on a case by case basis, not alter how I acknowledge people based on whether I like them. I disagree with people I love at times and will give people I don't like/don't like me credit where it is due.

You are right though the girls in the video just posted were um... Yeah.. There comes a point where it's not even sexy, just.. Yeah. I was at a con where a girl cut the front of her sailor uniform down to the bottom of bra level and another panel showing all of her back. It would have actually been better if she wore a bikini too Cosplay like Gurren Lagann's Youko, it's the fact she took something innocent and chopped bits out of it to deliberately show more. But actually I shouldn't be bitching about other girls like that..

Did you see the Rikku/Gippal couple's Cosplay? Very tastefully done and sweet. It must be great to share the hobby with your partner.

Aw April I have to see you Cosplay just once... Or even if you made a costume and sold it to make a bit of cash it'd be cool to see it. I sell ears and tails by the way, people. Nice and fluffy.

Have you seen the groups of people who make and dress ip in costumes from Cats! The musical? They're always running around and dancing and stretching and things.

Urca I might do Kraehe though her tutu has a very deep plunge.. I'm pretty flat chested do I might get away with it. I'll have to see if I can dye my ballet shoes black, too.

LOL only if I get to dress up like LA Moufetta :)

I was a dancer way back when, also a gymnast, and a rep league hockey player :)

People who truly know me, know I never hold a grudge, I always forgive but never do I forget ;)

Sorry kuroi I wont bring up the past anymore, seems u finaly got my point :) FINALY!!!

Wish u and ur new "friend" all the best :)


And for April

see, i totally disagree that cosplay is not sexual in some way.. . and here's why...

every single pix of someone in cosplay has been a smoking hot chic dressed in not much in the way of clothes.. not one chic has been a fatty or an out and out beastly looking thing... not one, 11 pages of barely clad women strutting around in what i would dare call slutty outfits for the most part..
and even if kuroi thinks that it's not sexual, trust me, people looking at you in these outfits aren't thinking how they want to take you to church with them on sunday, far from it... look at that last pix you put up there, i mean what do you think everyone is thinking when they look at you bending over from behind like that showing off the booty??
nice costume?? fuck no, more like let's go home and have some fun... sorry, just the way i see it..
I don't have a problem with cosplay even though it seems kind of weird TO ME.. But I don't get how they could say that cosplay isn't sexual in any way.. BS. If you have ever watched an anime show, you can tell that the characters are slutty.. Then these girls act like them. Maybe the girls aren't trying to be slutty (still doubtful), but they sure as hell look like they are.

Dave Chappelle says it best..

If a woman wears a short skirt to work, she has no right to complain when a man gives her the attention that she was seeking by putting that dress on in the first place.
In the immortal words of dave chappelle,
"The girl says, 'Wait a minute! Just because I'm dressed this way does not make me a whore!' Which is true. Gentlemen, that is true. Just because they dress a certain way doesn't mean they are a certain way. Don't ever forget it. But ladies, you must understand that is ***** CONFUSING! It just is.
Now that would be like me, Dave Chappelle the comedian, walking down the street in a cop uniform. Somebody might run up on me, saying, 'Oh, thank God. Officer, help us! Come on. They're over here. Help us!' 'OH-H0H!!! Just because I'm DRESSED this way does not make me a police officer!'
All right, ladies, fine. You are not a whore. But you are wearing a whore's uniform."

No offense cosplay people (cosplayers?).