
Been a few months since I posted - update. I've continued to smoke regularly (so by my math this would be smoking for the last 7-8 months after stopping for a year and a half). My problem has not gotten worse - in fact it has improved. Why? I really don't know. I also had an appointment with a new doctor - who diagnosed my issue as Tietze syndrome (which has a lot in common to Costochondritis) after my description of symptoms. Lab and blood work did not reveal any concerns. Not really a treatable condition - and not fully understood. I still get the feeling this issue is more complicated than a couple of labels, and there may be a lot of different reasons people get this pain. To answer a question - there was nothing of note on my x-ray scans, or at least nothing my previous doctor could see.
I think there is real truth to -a senile fungus- posts. When I smoke, I've always had the tendency to over indulge, because I like to get where I want to be fast - and move on to other stuff. I've thought about this pain a lot - and I notice that when you take a particularly big hit - the area behind your ribs can get absurdly tight. You don't think about it, because your brain is still reeling from oxygen deprivation and the THC onset effect. People who smoke and get this pain (generally speaking) seem to immediately jump to the conclusion this is a result of the smoke, but perhaps this can be a completely mechanical issue - correctable with proper physical rehab. I generally am very physically active, and have noticed no difference in how I feel after I work out (better or worse), but I have not specifically done exercises for this area of my body. I could do a lot to improve posture, strengthen my core and upper body.
Regardless, in my case I had a year of hell - another year of discomfort, and now I'm back to regular smoking. While I can still feel the point of discomfort, and it does vary in how it feels - the condition has improved dramatically (I always hesitate to openly state this - its like taunting the issue always makes it feel worse the next day...).
Hi Guys

New member here from Birmingham in the UK. I'm so so so glad I've found this thread, I came across it whilst randomly googling "costochondritis cannabis" and this was the first link that came up and you won't believe just how much comfort I got from just knowing that I wasn't alone with this, I'm afraid this could be a fairly long post but please bare with me.

I'm 25 very fit and healty, exercise regularly (mountain biking/climbing) and have been self-medicating with Cannabis now for the past year and a half for ADHD, I smoke it through a bong at least twice a day and it is amazing in calming me down and helping me concentrate.

It was about 3 weeks ago that I was doing some work on my car in the evening after work and hit a bong (UK Cheese), almost instantly I felt unwell, my chest felt very very tight and I started to get really sharp pains from the left side of my chest and really went into panic mode, I was home alone and genuinly thought I was having a heart attack, I felt really detached from the situation like I wasn't in my own body and I was kind of watching myself from above, I couldn't catch my breath and I honestly thought I had minutes left on earth. I locked the house up and walked into the street to try and calm myself down and if I did keel over and have heart attack at least someone would find me :/. I took a walk up the street and ended up feeling even worse to the point that I ended up seeking refuge with a security guard that was manning the door at a Synagogue a few minutes from my house, I just asked if I could stand and talk with him for a few minutes until the pain eased off but he was insistent on calling an ambulance to which I begged him not to and he didn't. After about 15 minutes the pain eased and I walked back home and thought that would be the end of it, I put this down to being dodgy weed even though it's the same stuff I always get and my same dealer.

3 days later I was up in the Yokshire Dales on a driving holiday with friends, I hadn't smoked any weed since the incident but randomly whilst driving, the tightness came back and so did the pain, we were miles and miles away from any village, no phone signal and I was terrified and decended into another full on panic attack to the point where I was sweating, breathless and threw up. Again 10-15 mins later the pain passed but I still felt odd for the remainder of the holiday, this time the tightness remained and so did the pain, wasn't so much sharp, but a dull pain, was certainly worse if I sat down and eased if I stood up. I returned home on the Sunday of that weekend and went into work on Monday and had another "episode", I was sent home to go to the doctors.

I booked an appointment and went to see a doctor at my local Surgery that I haven't had to visit before since I'd moved house. He examined me told me it wasn't heart related and likely a strained muscle from working on my car, told me not to work on the car for a while and take some Paracetamol to ease the pain and that the pain from the muscle causing me to have panic attacks because I was convincing myself it was a heart attack. He also told me he didn't think this was due to the cannabis and if anything, inhaling deeply from my bong just expanded my chest enough to aggrevate the muscle and cause the pain. I took some Paracemol and about 20 mins later I threw up again and the pain was back. I rang the surgery back and they booked me in for another appointment the next day with my registered doctor who wasn't in the day before.

Again I explained my symptoms to my registered doctor who examined me a little more thoroughly, I showed him where I was getting the localised pains which is right on my breastbone slightly to the right of my left pectoral, it's really painful like pressing on a bruise, the area can't be any wider than the diameter of a 10 pence piece, I also have the same pain in the centre of my lowermost left rib. The doctor again told me he didn't think it was heart related and told me that I must just keep telling myself this to avoid the panic attacks, he advised me that the cartilidge that joined my pectoral to my rib could be inflamed or it could be lung inflamation, prescribing me a rather high dosage of Cocodimol and Ibuprofen.

At first this was working really well, the pain almost dissapeared totally however it has gradually returned and the meds are having little to no effect. The temperature has dropped here in the UK significantly the past week and I've noticed just walking around in the cold brings the pain on very quickly, Bonfire Night I was at a firework display and was outside for about an hour, the pain came on again all of a sudden and this time worse than when it came on for the first time when I smoked the cannabis. I rang NHS Direct and they advised me to go straight into hospital.

In I went and after 3-4 hours waiting and after an ECG, Chest X-Ray and Blolod Tests I was dischared with a clean bill of health and no heart problems found at all which was very re-assuring, they advised me that my doctors diagnosis was correct and to keep taking the Ibuprofen and half the dosage of the Cocodimol. The pains come and go and it's very unpleasent and really messes up my day, even though I know it's not my heart it still worries me but I've been panic attack free so that's something I guess.

Today was the first time I've tried Cannabis since the first time I experienced the pains and I was back at square 1, I rode it out but was minutes away from calling an ambulance as I felt like I was going to die!!!!!

Neither doctors or the hospital have diagnosed me with Costochondritis but after hours of research this evening I'm convicned that this is what I have and again I'm so glad I found this thread, I totally sympathise with everyone here that is suffering with this and wish for all of us to be able to get over this and eventually become pain free. I can't imagine a life without cannabis but more importantly can't imagine a life with this constant pain and discomfort.

Now I've found this condition, I'll be approching my doctor again next week and I'll report back.

I'd be interested what you guys think and wish all of you the best of health and a speedy recovery if possible!!!!

Stay strong people
After seeing your doctor and reporting him about Costochondritis tell me what he said and ask him about smoking cig regularly will worsen or not!
Hi Guys

New member here from Birmingham in the UK. I'm so so so glad I've found this thread, I came across it whilst randomly googling "costochondritis cannabis" and this was the first link that came up and you won't believe just how much comfort I got from just knowing that I wasn't alone with this, I'm afraid this could be a fairly long post but please bare with me.

I'm 25 very fit and healty, exercise regularly (mountain biking/climbing) and have been self-medicating with Cannabis now for the past year and a half for ADHD, I smoke it through a bong at least twice a day and it is amazing in calming me down and helping me concentrate.

It was about 3 weeks ago that I was doing some work on my car in the evening after work and hit a bong (UK Cheese), almost instantly I felt unwell, my chest felt very very tight and I started to get really sharp pains from the left side of my chest and really went into panic mode, I was home alone and genuinly thought I was having a heart attack, I felt really detached from the situation like I wasn't in my own body and I was kind of watching myself from above, I couldn't catch my breath and I honestly thought I had minutes left on earth. I locked the house up and walked into the street to try and calm myself down and if I did keel over and have heart attack at least someone would find me :/. I took a walk up the street and ended up feeling even worse to the point that I ended up seeking refuge with a security guard that was manning the door at a Synagogue a few minutes from my house, I just asked if I could stand and talk with him for a few minutes until the pain eased off but he was insistent on calling an ambulance to which I begged him not to and he didn't. After about 15 minutes the pain eased and I walked back home and thought that would be the end of it, I put this down to being dodgy weed even though it's the same stuff I always get and my same dealer.

3 days later I was up in the Yokshire Dales on a driving holiday with friends, I hadn't smoked any weed since the incident but randomly whilst driving, the tightness came back and so did the pain, we were miles and miles away from any village, no phone signal and I was terrified and decended into another full on panic attack to the point where I was sweating, breathless and threw up. Again 10-15 mins later the pain passed but I still felt odd for the remainder of the holiday, this time the tightness remained and so did the pain, wasn't so much sharp, but a dull pain, was certainly worse if I sat down and eased if I stood up. I returned home on the Sunday of that weekend and went into work on Monday and had another "episode", I was sent home to go to the doctors.

I booked an appointment and went to see a doctor at my local Surgery that I haven't had to visit before since I'd moved house. He examined me told me it wasn't heart related and likely a strained muscle from working on my car, told me not to work on the car for a while and take some Paracetamol to ease the pain and that the pain from the muscle causing me to have panic attacks because I was convincing myself it was a heart attack. He also told me he didn't think this was due to the cannabis and if anything, inhaling deeply from my bong just expanded my chest enough to aggrevate the muscle and cause the pain. I took some Paracemol and about 20 mins later I threw up again and the pain was back. I rang the surgery back and they booked me in for another appointment the next day with my registered doctor who wasn't in the day before.

Again I explained my symptoms to my registered doctor who examined me a little more thoroughly, I showed him where I was getting the localised pains which is right on my breastbone slightly to the right of my left pectoral, it's really painful like pressing on a bruise, the area can't be any wider than the diameter of a 10 pence piece, I also have the same pain in the centre of my lowermost left rib. The doctor again told me he didn't think it was heart related and told me that I must just keep telling myself this to avoid the panic attacks, he advised me that the cartilidge that joined my pectoral to my rib could be inflamed or it could be lung inflamation, prescribing me a rather high dosage of Cocodimol and Ibuprofen.

At first this was working really well, the pain almost dissapeared totally however it has gradually returned and the meds are having little to no effect. The temperature has dropped here in the UK significantly the past week and I've noticed just walking around in the cold brings the pain on very quickly, Bonfire Night I was at a firework display and was outside for about an hour, the pain came on again all of a sudden and this time worse than when it came on for the first time when I smoked the cannabis. I rang NHS Direct and they advised me to go straight into hospital.

In I went and after 3-4 hours waiting and after an ECG, Chest X-Ray and Blolod Tests I was dischared with a clean bill of health and no heart problems found at all which was very re-assuring, they advised me that my doctors diagnosis was correct and to keep taking the Ibuprofen and half the dosage of the Cocodimol. The pains come and go and it's very unpleasent and really messes up my day, even though I know it's not my heart it still worries me but I've been panic attack free so that's something I guess.

Today was the first time I've tried Cannabis since the first time I experienced the pains and I was back at square 1, I rode it out but was minutes away from calling an ambulance as I felt like I was going to die!!!!!

Neither doctors or the hospital have diagnosed me with Costochondritis but after hours of research this evening I'm convicned that this is what I have and again I'm so glad I found this thread, I totally sympathise with everyone here that is suffering with this and wish for all of us to be able to get over this and eventually become pain free. I can't imagine a life without cannabis but more importantly can't imagine a life with this constant pain and discomfort.

Now I've found this condition, I'll be approching my doctor again next week and I'll report back.

I'd be interested what you guys think and wish all of you the best of health and a speedy recovery if possible!!!!

Stay strong people

After showing results to your doctor and telling him about Costochondritis tell me what he said to you About it and ask him about smoking cig will worsen it or not!
Wow, no one has anything to say?
Well I've gone ahead and answered my own question, though maybe it may be too soon to know.. The pills I got from my hospital visit dont completely get rid of the pain or uneasyness..and the first night of taking them I suffered some other the side affects.. waking up in the middle of the night with a killer headache.. and they've kicked the crap outta my guts.. which makes em not soo much fun to take when they make me feel worse..
Anyways I decided to give mary-jane another try.. And well it was kinda nice.. though being stonded seems to make the pains all the more noticable sometimes they come and go.. thats the only thing that make it not soo much enjoyable.. on the plus side this time around I know I'm not having a heart attack so I just deal with it reminding myself its not my heart... and another plus I got sleep.. and didnt have to waste most of my night sitting up or tossing and turning...
I've had this previously back in 2008/09 over depression and stress. I too have had this for almost a few weeks now. I've been taking iboprophen and naproxen or Tylenol extra strength. I was in Mexico for a week and it was the most uncomfortable ever!!! Can't sleep a whole night w out waking up crying and wishing I got shot in the head I stead! I finally came back to the states and smoked a nice dab as I took a steamy hot shower which helped me soooo much! I refuse to give up smoking weed bcuz I have terrible anxiety. My fiancée has been so supportive in helping me w using a humidifier to help ease the pain. Also before I got costochondritis I had had a really bad flu and a tooth infection which got taken care of in Mexico by a dentist. So my migraines went away and so did my arm pains. But when it comes back (chest pain) I just put a heating pad on my left boob/chest to ease me and I swear it fall asleep like a baby. I wake up probably once every night instead of 3/4 times. I hope this helps someone out there. The first time I had costochondritis I was 21 and I'm 29 now. I won't give up Mary Jane. But I will change the way I smoke. I smoke raws only, and I don't hot box. Unless it's in a steamy hot shower w the water on real high. Giving up dabs for a while but not joints. I pray this goes away bcuz it's so frustrating to have.
Reading all of these comments was very comforting to me. I as well as many others here, have pretty bad anxiety and depression and weed really loosesns me up and makes me feel relieved. I have been smoking almost daily for about 2 and a half years with no breathing problems or chest pain. About a month and a half ago I got a really bad case of the flu (which I wasnt too worried about) but then a week after the flu I started getting mild chest pain, about a 3/10. This worried me very much as I had never had chest pain despite being a heavy smoker. I naturally assumed it was my lungs so I went to the ER saying my lungs hurt. It turns out I had acute bronchitis which is common for those who have just had the flu or cold. I was perscribed predisone and antibiotics.

The next few weeks I had completely stopped smoking weed in order to let my bronchitis heal (usually only lasts a couple weeks) and felt better after week 3. After I stopped taking the meds I was perscribed I started to feel chest pain again and was really worried this time. The pain was getting worse every day and I wasnt able to sleep much. My family isn't the wealthiest and we don't have health insurance so I really didn't want to go to the doctor again. After another week of chest pain the axiety and wondering was eating me up and I really thought I had some kind of terminal illness. So I urged my father to take me to the same ER the next morning. I wasn't able to sleep the whole night but I felt a lot better once we got to the ER. After a quick physical evaluation they concluded that it wasnt anything to do with my lungs or heart (huge relief) and they said it was Chondrocoastal Junction Syndrome or Tietze Syndrome which is a rare similarity of costcochondritis. The doctor said that it was most likely a result of the bronchitis that spread to my breastbone. Its been only 3 weeks since I was diagnosed and the pain has been on and off throughout each day. I was perscribed predisone again (steroidal med) but havent touched them as asprin and alieve have been working just fine. I recently got laid off and was pretty upset so I decided to smoke for a few days (after quitting for over a month) and the pain definently flared up making it difficult to enjoy the high.

Im only 18 and from what it looks like this will be a problem that will persist well into my 20s and be a recurring problem. This post has given me alot of hope showing me that even though the pain makes life much more uncomfortable, it is bearable. I salute all of those who have to live with this horrible shit, and wish you all the best.
Hey Everyone, looks like there has been quite a few people on this thread already but I figured I would speak about my situation as well and see what kind of info/feedback I could get. I am 22 years old, was a smoker for years and loved it. Like many of you I had to quit smoking because of chest pain and realizing it was worse when I smoked. I tried edibles and same thing, it gave me intense anxiety and would cause me to think something was severely wrong.

Its been about a month since I quit smoking and I have been eating better, exercising regularly, stretching, and it still feels the same pain in the center of my chest. After doing a lot of research I have come to the conclusion that the cause of the pain is most likely Costochondritis. I have not been diagnosed by a doctor but I have an appointment this Wednesday to get checked out and see whats going on altogether.

After reading all the posts here I feel better but I am somewhat confused as I feel that this could have been caused by a few different things. Please let me know what you think! :)

I was in an accident back in September of 2015 and at the time was diagnosed with whiplash, and have been dealing with severe back pain ever since. The biggest takeaway from the accident is that because I had moved to the area just a year before I did not establish a Primary Care Physician (PCP) as I was only 20 years old and was only thinking about working and paying the bills. The doctors have refused to see me because my injuries are related to a motor vehicle accident and because I have not settled the claim with the insurer of the party at fault. It has been a huge mess but more recently was able to get an attorney that helped me get my appointment this Wednesday. This whole situation led me into a depression that I am still trying to work my way out of naturally, and as many of you know the marijuana helped a lot with that.

Sometime back in January I was pretty sick with a bad cough, and they told me it was just influenza and let me know I should be fine within a few days. A week or two passed and I still had the horrible cough, but my body truly felt better. It wasn't till after this sickness that I started feeling the chest pain, but I kind of put it off thinking it was nothing to worry about.

Also I feel that I should mention I have been working at a desk job for the last year and a half. The job itself is very stressful and I feel this could have something to do with it as well since it only adds to my plate with the car accident, stress, and the fact that I don't get much exercise anymore.

Any feedback would be awesome and I truly feel your pain guys, (literally) and hope we can all get through this with the least amount physical/mental damage.

Take care
I went to the ER from chest pain and lack of breath and chest tightness, turned out I had Pleurisy. 2 days later after struggling to breathe and having the same symptoms I went back and was diagnosed with acid reflux. I was then on prednisone, Pepcid, an anhistemine, and an albuteral inhaler. The Pepcid made me hallucinate so I had to get off of that. I was then having major anxiety to the point of where I didn't sleep for 3 days straight and I decided to go back to the doctor. He then told me I might have cancer which cause my anxiety to increase even more, but I was also given anti seizure medication called gabopentin. I am currently on the third day of taking gabopentin and I have to say it is the only thing that has really helped my marijuana withdrawal. If you feel like you're having constant heart attacks or pain In your chest try taking gabopentin. I'm currently taking gabopentin, omeprazole (acid reflux medication), Allegra (allergy med), fluticasone (allergy steroid). I was smoking weed 2-3 times a week for 2 years and the past 5 months everyday until I quit cold turkey, so I have pretty bad withdrawal not to mention it's already difficult to breathe because I have severe allergies. It's now 16 days in from quitting and I'm pretty sure I have developed costochondritis from all of the anxiety from withdrawal not to mention deep breathing very often so I feel I can get a full breath. I hope everyone here will find this useful because I've gone through straight hell the past couple weeks with panic attacks and shit. Good luck!
Mannnn thank god I found this forum, sorta thought I was having heart attacks or angina or some shit! I'm 18 and smoke like a blunt or two a day for 2 years now (I know unhealthy as shit), but this pain really started when I worked out my chest way too much. It pretty much just feels like tightness in my lower left peck, right where my heart is lol. Smoking bounts definitely makes it hurt does laying down. My nightly routine for the past 2 years is a blunt before bed, so this really fucked that up! It really sucks reading all these comments though cause it seems like this is a lifelong problem...would seeing an OMT help? I was reading on a bodybuilding forum (this is a common problem for bodybuilders too) that steroids is the best thing for it, but then again ask a bodybuilder how to fix a stuffed nose and he'd probably recommend steroids haha. Lmk if anyone has any remedies cause this shit sucks, I feel like a pussy every time it happens cause I think it's a heart attack but I know it's not. Not tryna live w this for the next 10 years!!
Hey guys, I posted in this topic when I was 19. About a month after I posted I was back to smoking occasionally again, maybe 2 or 3 times a week. Eventually after about 3 months all pain went away completely. I increased how much I was smoking until I was smoking pretty much every night. Then just before i turned 20 it came on completlety randomly again when I was smoking alone out my window, tight pain in the lower part of the left side of my chest. It was so bad I called an ambulance.

I stopped smoking again for a couple of weeks and again, it evetually got a bit better so I smoked occasionally again and eventually almost every evening. I continued on like this with nearly no issues for almost 2 years until about 5 months ago when it happened again. Now 22 I havent smoked since. I have quite dull chest pain fairly often now and I am hoping that if I just leave it for a good while and don't go back to smoking often then i'll be okay. It is irritating and I have been daignosed with costochondritis but the bud isn't worth the chest pain for me. I miss smoking with my mates though, but whenever I am offered weed the dull ache surfaces.

I am convinced that a large part of the pain is is triggered by anxiety, I can smoke tobacco whenever with no pain and I think the paranoia of smoking weed combined with a preemptive anxiety of pain is what brings on the severe stuff which is perhaps harder to control when I am high. Also, and this may just be me, I was a bit depressed when I was smoking very often because at the time I was away from my friends and had shit all else to do with my time but smoke and therefore did pretty much nothing but go to work and get high and I think this may have something to do with my pain too. Looking back, the pain I have experienced when smoking has come on at times of being a bit down.

The only advice I can really suggest is to stop for while and then if you start feeling better, not to sink into smoking loads again and to try and keep it occasional. I dont know whether that really makes a difference but I have a feeeling that If I had just stuck to being a littkle bit careful after an episode of pain and just smoked occasionally then perhaps I would have been able to keep that up. It isn't a massive part of my life anymore but it used to be, i'd just like to eventually get back to where occasioanlly chilling with my mates with a joint is fun not painful.

Hope everything works out good for everyone.
Been a few months since I posted - update. I've continued to smoke regularly (so by my math this would be smoking for the last 7-8 months after stopping for a year and a half). My problem has not gotten worse - in fact it has improved. Why? I really don't know. I also had an appointment with a new doctor - who diagnosed my issue as Tietze syndrome (which has a lot in common to Costochondritis) after my description of symptoms. Lab and blood work did not reveal any concerns. Not really a treatable condition - and not fully understood. I still get the feeling this issue is more complicated than a couple of labels, and there may be a lot of different reasons people get this pain. To answer a question - there was nothing of note on my x-ray scans, or at least nothing my previous doctor could see.
I think there is real truth to -a senile fungus- posts. When I smoke, I've always had the tendency to over indulge, because I like to get where I want to be fast - and move on to other stuff. I've thought about this pain a lot - and I notice that when you take a particularly big hit - the area behind your ribs can get absurdly tight. You don't think about it, because your brain is still reeling from oxygen deprivation and the THC onset effect. People who smoke and get this pain (generally speaking) seem to immediately jump to the conclusion this is a result of the smoke, but perhaps this can be a completely mechanical issue - correctable with proper physical rehab. I generally am very physically active, and have noticed no difference in how I feel after I work out (better or worse), but I have not specifically done exercises for this area of my body. I could do a lot to improve posture, strengthen my core and upper body.
Regardless, in my case I had a year of hell - another year of discomfort, and now I'm back to regular smoking. While I can still feel the point of discomfort, and it does vary in how it feels - the condition has improved dramatically (I always hesitate to openly state this - its like taunting the issue always makes it feel worse the next day...).


I went through this issue just recently. Ive had chest pains in the past before that forced me to quit smoking weed for several months to a 1 year and a half, but this was much different than that. Theres a burning sensation with this chest pain and for someone who cries maybe twice a year, I was crying my eyes out in the emergency room. Eventually, after an X-ray and urine sample the physician told me that it was costochondritis. He prescribed me Naproxen which he explained as a stronger version of Motrin and its 500mg each. He told me the pain wouldn't immediately go away but instead would progressively get better as I took the medicine twice daily. This has been true, and its been about 3 days now since I've been to the hospital. I can feel the difference because its not as uncomfortable to sleep now or get up. Today, I decided to smoke to see how I would feel since Ive been reminding myself its not actually my chest or heart, but more so my ribs. I feel fine to be honest. Only took about 2-3 small hits to be on the safe side but after reading these forums I feel a lot better. We have to remember pain is also a mind thing, and I realize now looking back at when I did go the ER I was in a lot more pain because I was freaking out in my head. Once I calmed down, it wasn't as bad but definitely there. If weed isn't hurting you, don't let anyone tell you to stop if you want to keep smoking. Also, became the ribs are inflamed I have been icing my chest for about 20 mins at least 3x a day, and I believe this has also helped so try that too.
my wife has this. and mixed connective tissue disorder. they kinda compliment each other but in a severely negative way. has had it for over 20 yrs. it's awful when it flares up. all they give for it was prednisone. she enjoys the bud, and helps her tremendously. she has many medical problems, but they check her blood every few months. whatever it is that they check for, her levels have been much lower since she started smoking herb. but like i said, she has so many htings wrong with her, but the pot definitely helps. her doctor signed for her to get her card, and she's the only patient she'd done that for initially, but since her blood levels are so much better with the herb- she now is signing for other patients to get them their marijuana cards. it's pretty cool what happens when doctors listen to their patients and are willing to try something to control pain besides opiates/opioids.
I'm so glad to find this thread again I was a regular smoker love maryjane couldn't start my day without it until I started getting these pain in my chest in early January/February for the first couple time it wasnt bad i went to the clinic and they first thought i was wheezing and had breathing problem s so they gave me an inhaler it work ok but not the best so I thought ok I'm heal lets smoke i jus smoked a nice bong rip and listening to music when the pain hit and boy I freak the hell out I thought I was having a heart attack I was praying in my head and everything at first I was like ok calm down let get you some air it help a little but my arm would cramp up under my boobs like my boobs felt heavy as fuck so I finally went to the hospital multiple times because of it they dianose me with Costco man that is a Scary feeling I was you gotta be kidding they gave anti inflammation pills which didn't work for crap like I took alot still didn't feel like a change so I took a little break from smoking and it help butttttttt I knew it wasn't me smoking because the pain would come back without me smoking and I was like well crap what can I do to fix this I have tried so many things muscle rubs,hot baths, massages, nothing work now as I continue to smoke every other day the pain come back it feel super uncomfortable ilthat my left arm would crap up I would have to have my arm under my left boob all the time until the pain went away but I know that it my muscles inflamed so I just wait. For it to pass it'll take up to an hour or so to pass then I can move again and can finally enjoy my high I even would drink alcohol first then smoke to balance it out it's works and I'm just on balance high but boy drinking is annoying to deal with in the morning and just annoying to do so I slowed that down so now I just smoke and drink wine with help ease the pain I even tried CBD it help ease the high to but the tightness of my muscles and cthe heavy Ness off my boobs still there so I'm trying to find way to help streach my muscles and ease the inflammation so I can go back to smoking everyday cause being sober is not bad it's just smoking just make everything feels better definitely give me tips of what I can try
Im 21 F I was diagnosed today. I’ve been smoking regularly cigarettes and joints for about two years. Lately in the past month I’ve feeling really off and felt like something was wrong but I kept putting it off. I have neasuea all day all the time. I first really noticed the neasuea after my grandmothers funeral (first funeral I’ve been to and first time anybody close to me has passed away) everytime I’m in the car or bus I feel like I’m going to puke. So I just thought it was anxiety. Then I got a cold and had flem but I just put that off as well but I felt like it kept getting worse not better. When it was weeks and weeks going by and no improvement. But I really started to get worried when I felt like it was hard to breathe. I feel like I can’t take a deep breath and even if I tried it hurts so bad. So after smoking a couple days ago I felt like something was wrong with my ribs and when I’d lay down on the floor applying pressure in my ribs it would be extreme pain. But I just kinda pushed it aside because I am trying to lose weight so I just assumed it was nothing. So then I did a ab workout and also smoked and that combo almost caused me to call the ambulance I was so close. I actually thought I was dying I was in the worst pain I’ve ever been in my whole life. It would hurt more before going to bed when I’d lay down or sit with bad posture. So then a couple nights ago I ate edibles and I had a panic attack from the pain and again thought I was dying. Felt like my heart was beating out of my chest and I think a lot of it had to do with me putting it off for so long and being so worried about it that I also caused myself to freak out from the pain I was feeling causing the pain to feel worse. Last night again before bed I did end up icing it because I honestly felt like my rips were bulging when I’d lay down on the floor and I learned quick ice was not good it made it hurt so much more. So I told myself to calm down I’d go to the doctor tomorrow (which was today) there’s nothing I can do about it right this second I’m not dying. I thought I was having a heart attack and couldn’t breathe. So I go and I’m diagnosed with this. I think nothing of it I get home from the doctors eat dinner have a bath I’m feeling fine ish just a dull pain kinda in the background. I smoke my first joint of the day around a hour ago and again major flair but this time I know what it is so I’m not scared so I googled “Costochondritis and weed” and found this. Thank you! Doctor said if it’s not feeling better in a couple weeks to go back so we will see. I’m going to get a heating pad tomorrow because I think without one I will die. I also feel like my mental health and this are not a good combo. I’m hoping for the best. I really don’t want to give up what I’m smoking daily to help me live day to day. But I may have to switch to oil and also I think this is a good sign for me to quit smoking cigarettes. I don’t feel like the cigarettes make it flair, so far I think it’s, bad posture, laying down, weed, and cold/ice.
I’m hoping for the best with this and I hope I’ll be pain free soon. Also all the doctor said was to take Advil or Tylenol but it’s not doing ANYTHING to help
This forum is amazing. I’ve been dealing with pain in my side for 3 weeks now. I went to the er because I thought it was a heart attack then they told me all my numbers are good and ekg is fine. I still had the pain which is just unbearable, I can’t cough or I’m in severe pain so I’ll take baby hits or just smoke it like a bowl rather than the bong dad is a diabetic and started to think it was my pancreas. So I went in second time today and they said it’s definitely not my pancreas. The doctor said it seems like chest wall inflammation and I got a ct scan so I’m still waiting for the results but I did a google search on what he said I found costochondritis which I’m pretty sure that’s I have. My advice is rest , Tylenol, ease up on the weed a little and pray that this shit goes away sooner then later. Gl
Hey guys! I know this a long shot some of you will still be checking this but I stumbled across this forum and it made me feel so much better, I then also found this guy
who seems to explain the inflammation and exercises you can do really well!! The comments are full of people thanking him saying their chosto has gone after years of nothing working! Hope it helps you :)
Its good to know im not crazy thank you everyone my friend just thinks its all in my head but im 99% sure ive got chosto as well chest pain lower left almost the middle but a bunch of negatives on tests at the hospital buddy said i had acid reflux/heartburn which was also bang on i would wake up often with acid choking me out water barely helped but otherwise im healthy as a horse they say so ive had major back pain in the past major anxiety at a different points in life 10+ years of smoking cigs and cannabis and it all caught up at once i took off a week of smoking weed to go to mexico back in january and my chest has never been the same since the first couple times were fine when i got back but it got progressively worse pritty much overnight for a while i would just monitor my pulse after smoking because i was convinced my heart was skipping beats and just not working right turns out its inflammation on a truly sinister scale and thats when my heartburn reached crazy unbearable levels so i changed everything completely cut out carbohydrates entirely for a month since ive been slowly adding them back in the idea is that an excess of sugars and starches will lead even more inflammation, stopped cigs i still smoke weed the 2 BEST things that helped me were jogging and hot showers both seemed to stop it in its tracks good luck!

Genuine solution that doctors don't know about.. I'm 24 and have had costochondris for about 6 weeks... I play sport but had to stop playing because of this, it really messed me up, multiple runs to the e.r I was convinced I had a heart problem each time but the EKG would come back fine, in fact they would tell me I had a healthy heart with a low resting heart rate so I was so confused... my thoughts were the EKG couldnt pick up what i had, prehaps a rare condition or something. They would tell me im anxious and need to relax, try give me valium but i dont really roll like that, I Knew SONETHING WAS WRONG WITH ME but they would always tell me im fine. I booked an appointment with the doctor and she said had costochondris, but even after I got told what I had still didn't believe, honesty I thought I was fucked, this video changed everything just knowing there was a solution was so comforting.

Guys, I’ve had this tab open for weeks because I found a solution to this problem but kept forgetting to come back to the page lol. And I never even made it to the last page (!) but the video above is a lifesaver! I had the same issue many of you expressed, even when ingesting weed I would feel the pain in my chest. I just figured maybe I had developed some kind of intolerance to it after years of smoking. But years after quitting, I was still having that pain, which worried me :( I started researching, which is how I found this page and ultimately I found the video with the chiropractor and it works! There’s a duo of chiropractors on YouTube who site the above video but show how you can achieve the same result with a tennis ball, which was right up my alley. Placed the tennis ball in those trigger points just next to your spine and relax. Within 20 minutes the tenderness was gone! It’s amazing, I’m literally telling anyone who will listen about this because I’m just so grateful and impressed. Now I’m realizing that it probably wasn’t the weed causing the pain, it just exasperated a problem that I had been ignoring. It’s amazing what our bodies can do, good or bad, and I’m so happy this guy was actually able to figure out the root cause. Please try this before taking any medications.
Guys, I’ve had this tab open for weeks because I found a solution to this problem but kept forgetting to come back to the page lol. And I never even made it to the last page (!) but the video above is a lifesaver! I had the same issue many of you expressed, even when ingesting weed I would feel the pain in my chest. I just figured maybe I had developed some kind of intolerance to it after years of smoking. But years after quitting, I was still having that pain, which worried me :( I started researching, which is how I found this page and ultimately I found the video with the chiropractor and it works! There’s a duo of chiropractors on YouTube who site the above video but show how you can achieve the same result with a tennis ball, which was right up my alley. Placed the tennis ball in those trigger points just next to your spine and relax. Within 20 minutes the tenderness was gone! It’s amazing, I’m literally telling anyone who will listen about this because I’m just so grateful and impressed. Now I’m realizing that it probably wasn’t the weed causing the pain, it just exasperated a problem that I had been ignoring. It’s amazing what our bodies can do, good or bad, and I’m so happy this guy was actually able to figure out the root cause. Please try this before taking any medications.
Mine’s from RA. It’s definitely not a joke and hurts like a motherfucker.
lol I was so happy to read this thread to know that im not the only one going through this but I was also diagnosed with chosto about 4 months ago in june 2020 I had just turned 18 and I had the same situation as the replies above me I started feeling the pain while smoking weed , the first two weeks that I felt the pain was actual hell for me I wanted to die. Ive tried smoking a few times these past 4 months but everytime I do it triggers the chest pain although i’ve noticed that the pain isn’t as strong as it used to be as when I first started smoking. The chest pain isnt also as consistent or strong as it used to be even when im not smoking, I really do miss smoking weed with friends but when im offered weed the dull pain starts to return I think it’s my anxiety triggering the chosto pain cause I saw another person mention the same thing above in the thread. I also would put my arm under my left boob when I got the pain as another girl had mentioned. Anyways I have heard that the “backpod” that is sold on Amazon helps with chosto it is a bit pricey though around 60$ and the reviews are really good but I am definitely gonna try a heating pad soon and the backpod as well ill let yall know if it works. lol but if this pain lasts longer than a year fuck it im going to remove my rib. Wish y’all the best and we just gotta remind ourselves we aren’t dying and its just fluid build up.