Cotton candy, Crazy miss Hyde, Green Love Potion

Omgwtfbbq Indicaman

Well-Known Member
So, i got these freebies and they are now about a month old, showing sex and smelling damn good! Just Fim'd them and transferred them from 20oz cups into 6L pots last friday, they are taking off for real now! starting 12/12 today and i thought i'd let you all know my observations.

Green Love potion: By Samsara seeds- Tallest of these 3 and the best smelling so far, from a stem rub it smells like Lime-Cheese, in the BEST way! definitely not a bad smelling plant with vigor. looks more sativa than indica but its definitely a hybrid of some sort.

Crazy miss Hyde: By Samsara Seeds- Loved being FIM'd, not alot of stretch on this girl, but node spacing is very tight, i assume this plant will stretch alot in flower or not at all. Smells alot like Aurora Indica by Nirvana seeds, except a much sharper scent, like Pinesol and skunk that singes your nose. stem rub smells just like a skunk doused in pinesol lol.

Cotton Candy: By Delicious Seeds- VERY VERY sweet. cotton candy for sure, stem rub smells like i just got done eating some cotton candy, pritty sticky too and strong branching, this plant also likes being topped, i got 6 tops from one FIM! badass...

I'll be updating this again in the near future with video's or pictures of them in flower, the Crazy miss Hyde showed sex first, some of the biggest preflowers i've ever witnessed. I'm someone who likes to give a plant 2 runs, 1 in which i give them exactly what they need, and another run to test its integrity, i stress them to the max and see if they break under the pressure(anything but light leaks) and go hermaphrodite. only a few passed this second run with results i liked, most go herm pretty easily especially fems from my experience.


New Member
i have some experience with delcious seeds. thumbs up imo.

cool that your growing out some freebies... cant wait to see those samsara pics.

i just cracked & put into a rapid rooter the eva "veneno" freebie i got from the 'tude.

stoked to run eva's best product & peeps the results.

Sims da smoker (Qboro)

Well-Known Member
Nice.. I'm growing the cotton candy & green love potion also right now (guess we ordered the same week) & I like them a lot .. I know what u mean about the glp, it's prob my fav right now.. But mine is def more infica looking. I'm a little past a month from seed but mine is only 8 inches but Is fat as shit!! & my cotton candy is tall , about 18 inches but I'm def having problems keeping it looking healthy (idk if it's burn,deficiencies or what) but I would def like to see some pics from u & keep me updated on how everything turns out.. I'm a little pissed that we are around the same stage & I have yet to see preflowers (but I'm a noob so who knows where I went wrong) but how tall are your plants ?? When Do u plan on flowering ? What's ur expected yield??

Omgwtfbbq Indicaman

Well-Known Member
I decided that they could use some more veg and i can get my clones ready by the time 420 orders came, so I'm Going to Be flowering come june:

Cotton Candy- Delicious seeds- smells sweet like cotton candy. I have 2 clones of this and a mother plant. One clone has three bud sites per node, i guess a Triploid plant clone even though the mother does not display these traits... great cloner! Hope that triploid yields well as i will be flowering her.

Crazy Miss Hyde- Very very bushy, healthy and not very demanding on nutes. hasn't cloned as well, takes a day or 2 longer than the others. seems like a hybrid, loves to be topped or fim'd. smells like Northern lights, very piney lime smell after about a 8 weeks veg, currently outdoors, getting huge for a autumn harvest :D this thing just spits out new nodes on every branch..

Green Love Potion- Smells just like mint and lavender as they describe, very stretchy in veg, i have a tall sativa dominant hybrid, nitrogen hungry. great cloner, takes 5-7 to get developed roots. this plant has hybrid vigor in spades, i took the 7 tops i made after the fim, and super cropped them and fim'd each one, so the mother has about 25-30 new tops forming and bushed out real good. Currently in a 3 gallon pot transferring to a 5 gallon for veg untill around july before moving into final pots. still a bit of lime smell if you don't rub against it, not smelly in veg, but smells great still.

Super Haze- CH9 seeds- New, mystery to me, supposed to be fast flowering like the rest of this stuff though. got it from the 420 promo's.

Pineapple Chunk- Barney's Farm- Haven't bought BF stuff in a while but i got this freebie and its a few days old, supposed to take up to 9 weeks. haven't had a bad pineapple strain yet, hope this has the pineapple flavor i like. another 420 promo

Critical Kush- Another BF promo seed, Supposed to be Critical Mass x OG Kush, bred for bigger yields but better potenct than the original critical mass apparently. 420 Promo as well

Lemoneese- Freebie from Sea of seeds, Cheese x Lemon. 2 regs seeds germed and above soil, cheese x lemon sounds good to me!

all of these are freebies from the attitude or Sea of seeds, if anyone has any info on these feel free to chime in.


Active Member
I received Green Love Potion as an attitude freebie not too long ago... about a month away from flowering it.

Very interested to see what your's looks like.

Omgwtfbbq Indicaman

Well-Known Member
they are fucking huge, already 5+ feet on the GLP in veg outdoors, the CMH looks amazing in veg as well. flowering cotton candy indoors now.


Active Member
Nice. You'll have to put up some bud porn for us before long :P

Is your Cotton Candy triploid still exhibiting 3 sites per node or did it grow out of it?

Omgwtfbbq Indicaman

Well-Known Member
Nice. You'll have to put up some bud porn for us before long :P

Is your Cotton Candy triploid still exhibiting 3 sites per node or did it grow out of it?
for clarification purposes, i was mistaken calling it "triploid" being it would require 3 sets of chromosomes or some shit like that, i misdiagnosed what is actually "Whorled Phyllotaxy"- whorled meaning a spining almost spiral like arrangement of nodes along the main stem (hence it no longer having 3 nodes but a rather spiraling set of 3 bud sites along the main stem).
but yea, it grew out of it :( it still has about 4-5 nodes though that are triple nodes :D so it looks really sweet: like it smells :O


Active Member
Lol you're well-versed compared to me...

Whatever the hell it's called I hope it turns out well.

The only reason I asked is because I had one do something similar a little while ago but it grew out of it as well.

Omgwtfbbq Indicaman

Well-Known Member
Lol you're well-versed compared to me...

Whatever the hell it's called I hope it turns out well.

The only reason I asked is because I had one do something similar a little while ago but it grew out of it as well.
yea, i've had plants germinate with this trait, then lose it in flower, others had flat stems and wouldn't lose the triple node. some strains are very odd and prone to mutations though, generally they are fems from my experience though.


Well-Known Member
killer strains for freebies bro,i caught in on the 420 thing runnin all mine...if i do get a hermie or 2 i jus pik them off... always good to make swipes through the garden lookin for hermies doin any strains...i've had regs herm so i dont have top faith in no breeder of 12 yrs,and i run ac in the GR.


Well-Known Member
The Crazy Miss Hyde is one awesome plant! bad ass weed one of the best I've grown and I have been growing for years many defrent strains.

Make sure you top the plant it stays shorter and you get a hell of a lot more flowers..

Omgwtfbbq Indicaman

Well-Known Member
I had a freebie that was 5 feet tall and bushed out, one day i went to water and the deer were eating her, never got to smoke her sadly. I harvested some Green love potion 2 weeks ago roughly. cotton candy was nice, have some from 2 weeks ago as well curing atm. smoke reports soon.


Well-Known Member
My Green love potion yielded about 3 indoors I topped it, vegged about 4 weeks flowered for 8 weeks Green love potion looked ok but was a very light weight smoke 'a little better than dried alfalfa' :(
I really like the Crazy Miss Hyde only got 1.5 off her but the look and the smell was godly smelled like pine tree sap to me, very odd smell but very nice. the taste was good also smooth with a nice high.
another thing was the height 4 week veg and 7 to 8 weeks flowering indoors about 4 foot not to tall.

I think I'm changing my main strain from blue mistic ( also very good weed but tall for my space) to the miss hyde .