Cotton Mouth?All Time Fav Beverage


bud bootlegger
I forgot Jariotos. So good. There all pretty good.
man, i love this site for this reason.. i love to see how each area of the country has their own products.. i've never even heard of jariotos.. i'm gonna assume its a west coast thang..

i guess we on the east coast have our own products, but i just never realize it cuz i see them everyday.. i honestly don't know how i would ever life without tasty kakes though.. yummo..

Kodank Moment

Well-Known Member
ok.. now i see the bottle, i think i've seen them before.. are they kinda like an ethnic thing?? i kinda think i remember seeing them in the lil spanish stores around when i used to go to the hood to get my hardcore drugs back in the day..
Ya but I'm Italian and my city is 90%+ white and they sell em at a lot of places. But it they aren't popular they would be found inside of Mexican drug fronts, yes. Lol.


Active Member
Whats wrong with sweet tea Kodank?

You just havent had my mothers, we go thru...goodness...4 pitchers a day EASY.

Dr. Pepper
Live wire/Code red
Water from the fridge
Titty Milk-added for humor, hope it worked lol.


Well-Known Member
I love water and ginger ale (the type with cane sugar, not corn syrup). I am drinking a jamba juice right now and it is quite enjoyable.


Dr. Pepper with Imperial Sugar.
Or Regular Dr. Pepper...
Or Cherry Dr. Pepper...
not that vanilla shit though... that one doesn't taste good. Not one bit.



bud bootlegger
damn, i don't know how i forgot all about good old milk as well till i just read someone else post about it.. i prefer 2% myself, and i could easily go through a gallon of it a day, especially if i had some chocolate and caramel cadbury's easter eggs to wash down, or any chocolate and caramel combo for that matter.. good, i love chocolate and caramel.. yummo..


Active Member
I used to be a waterboy so i like all types of water.Lemon water,sugar water,vitamin water,cold water, warm water etc.