coughing blood.. anyone else??


Well-Known Member
OK well at this point I have to go back to my original post go to a clinic or ER... DON'T BE A DUMB ASS YOU DUMB ASS!!!... stay high... but seriously go to the doc!!
cant afford it. no insurance. cant afford it (said with an iron type taste in my mouth)


Well-Known Member
cant afford it. no insurance. cant afford it (said with an iron type taste in my mouth)
I've been out of work since oct of 2010... I too have no insurance or money. I had my tooth pulled on Sat... still fucking hurts. but I'm starting to feel so much better, hell I even got a lil codeine for the pain, didn't realize how well it worked. Doesn't fuck me up but no pain!
What I'm getting at is we find away and it's worth it. Also you can make payments to an ER or once again I'm sure there are a shit load of clinics in Vegas that aren't just for getting rid of VDs... go handle it son. you'll thank yourself later!


New Member
go see a doctor and dont blmae the mj

u got something else wrong u aint smoked long enough toi cough blood

i smoke 3-4 blunts ,3 packs of cigs, and a 12 pack of beer a night ad i dont cough blood
go see doc not ask for medical advice from a bunch of fucked up people
cuz our advice would be to take another hit


Well-Known Member
by the way it took me a full week of extreme pain and suffering before I finally broke down. I waited because I don't have insurance, so I get it


Well-Known Member
thanks for all the replies / concern for my "condition"
Not to be a downer, but Captin Phil on Deadliest Catch had a blood clot in his lungs (and he coughed blood for days), and he didn't make it, he refused to go to the doctor. My good friend died of one that was in his leg, he refused to go to the doctor, and a good friend of mine had a brain anurism (sorry for the mis-spell), she died instantly.

I hope you go could be serious.


Well-Known Member
yep. here as well. for a decade now.

I work in heathcare and monitor my vitals very closely. Sp02 is still perfect so I never really care :) I do PetCT / MRI / Xray scans frequently on my body and no cancer. We have to check and commission systems as such.

Might sound like a total prick thing to say (sorry!) but I am here for a good time, not a long time.

Hugo Phurst

Well-Known Member
I'm going to say this a bit differently.

I've been smoking pot, probably longer than your parents have been alive.


Go see a Doctor, now - or - a Funeral Director. Whichever, your chioce.

The only thing that goes away, when you ignore it, is your heath.


Well-Known Member
5 days with no blood at all :bigjoint:

haven't seen a doctor yet.. most-likely won't
stopped smoking / havent bought weed porously for about a week - IT FUCKING SUCKS

been saving what little cash i do have for 420 - i need at least an 1/8 for myself


Well-Known Member
5 days with no blood at all :bigjoint:

haven't seen a doctor yet.. most-likely won't
stopped smoking / havent bought weed porously for about a week - IT FUCKING SUCKS

been saving what little cash i do have for 420 - i need at least an 1/8 for myself
We can half assume its the weed aggravating it then..