Well-Known Member
Dont know if this in the correct forum @ RIU, but I think I may be developing some sort of an allergy to "smoking" pot. I have smoked all day for about 12 solid years now. I have taken a few weeks off here and there due to tolerance and canna-droughts. Having said this, lately if I take a significant bong load or just smoke more than 5 hits off a joint (schwag or chronic) I get the symptoms of having a bad athsma attack. It first starts off with my nasal passages becoming inflamed and closing off (not completely, but enough to force breathing through the mouth). Then 20 minutes later I get chills as if I were in a cold climate room (even though I was perfectly fine in the room moments earlier). Of course the heart takes off to about 100+ bpms.
It comes in a wave of shitty symptoms.... then levels off...then in a wave again a little worse. It usually takes about 5 cycles/waves before returning back to a bearable state of being. Anywhere from 1-4 hours. I dont even get the "high" feeling in the mind or body that I am used to when smoking - just the unwanted physical effects. I read many other posts on different sites and read other's claims of having similar experiences with MJ. After smoking just fine for many years, they all of a sudden cant breathe, nose closes for business, heart races, etc. I remember when I was younger the elevated heart thing would happen after a large bong load, but it never felt like an out of control scary thing like it has been lately...
Also, if I take less of a hit and monitor it carefully, I dont get these symptoms as bad. Always the stuffy nose though. Its just that when I take small hits, I dont get high at all - just a stuffy head. I have smoked the Original Alaskan Thunder Fuck, the real Deisel, some very real Haze in my time and never had anything less than positive experiences with them. I am talking giant bongrips, never had a problem. Currently, when I am not high, I feel no anxiety (a term/diagnosis which doctors love to throw around these days) and have no unpleasant thoughts that put a sour note on my face. I am generally happy and positive about life. No history of mental illness (no, not even in the family) so I cant possibly accept that it could be emotionally related. Everything is copacetic in my life.
Could I have developed some kind of allergy to MJ? Or possibly another chemical in my beloved cannabis? The way alcoholics develop an allergy to alcohol after prolonged use/abuse? I always used to see homeless people on the streets, acting all smashed with a half drank 40oz in their hand, and wondered how they got so smashed from a half a 40. Then I saw this thing on CNBC about how alcoholics develop an allergy to their alcohol to the point where drinking only a small amount gets them bombed. I read of some hardcore tokers who have this problem and just take allergy medicine which takes away all bad symtoms, these people describe situations where they ended up in the hospital due to unbearable symtoms. Anaphylactic shock, etc;.
Any experience, speculation, or just plain old opinion welcome.... Post away.
It comes in a wave of shitty symptoms.... then levels off...then in a wave again a little worse. It usually takes about 5 cycles/waves before returning back to a bearable state of being. Anywhere from 1-4 hours. I dont even get the "high" feeling in the mind or body that I am used to when smoking - just the unwanted physical effects. I read many other posts on different sites and read other's claims of having similar experiences with MJ. After smoking just fine for many years, they all of a sudden cant breathe, nose closes for business, heart races, etc. I remember when I was younger the elevated heart thing would happen after a large bong load, but it never felt like an out of control scary thing like it has been lately...
Also, if I take less of a hit and monitor it carefully, I dont get these symptoms as bad. Always the stuffy nose though. Its just that when I take small hits, I dont get high at all - just a stuffy head. I have smoked the Original Alaskan Thunder Fuck, the real Deisel, some very real Haze in my time and never had anything less than positive experiences with them. I am talking giant bongrips, never had a problem. Currently, when I am not high, I feel no anxiety (a term/diagnosis which doctors love to throw around these days) and have no unpleasant thoughts that put a sour note on my face. I am generally happy and positive about life. No history of mental illness (no, not even in the family) so I cant possibly accept that it could be emotionally related. Everything is copacetic in my life.
Could I have developed some kind of allergy to MJ? Or possibly another chemical in my beloved cannabis? The way alcoholics develop an allergy to alcohol after prolonged use/abuse? I always used to see homeless people on the streets, acting all smashed with a half drank 40oz in their hand, and wondered how they got so smashed from a half a 40. Then I saw this thing on CNBC about how alcoholics develop an allergy to their alcohol to the point where drinking only a small amount gets them bombed. I read of some hardcore tokers who have this problem and just take allergy medicine which takes away all bad symtoms, these people describe situations where they ended up in the hospital due to unbearable symtoms. Anaphylactic shock, etc;.
Any experience, speculation, or just plain old opinion welcome.... Post away.