Could I Grow Using


Well-Known Member
Looks great man... Hope to see some results soon.
What's your growing environment?.. Soil.. pot size... strain.. nutes.. water.. etc.



Well-Known Member
Looks great man... Hope to see some results soon.
What's your growing environment?.. Soil.. pot size... strain.. nutes.. water.. etc.

Soil: Ocean Forest
Pot Size: 3 Gallon and a Solo Cup (for the babies)
Strain: Bagseed, Bubblegum, and some other un-named strain. (currently testing on bagseed, which came from some fire stuff)
Nutes: Fox Farm (Grow and Bloom)
Water: H20
Anything else?


Well-Known Member
Looks like you've done a good job out of the box... Try to get some mylar and do the inside, it'll make a huge difference. And it's cheap so no stress.
And leave it open so the air around it is ventilated, unless you've got a fan in there.