could it be re vegging??


New Member

I have 5 plants on their 9th week of flowering. on the last few days one of them (barneys farm tangerine dream) started to act weird, it looks like it's suddenly continued growing like on the vegging phase. I don't know if it's re vegging and if this is it I son't know how it's possible because all of the other 4 plants are fine. what do you think?20150203_171530.jpg20150204_205625.jpg 20150204_205633.jpg
I checked and I dont have any light leak... could there be another reason for revegging else then light leaking?
but I have 5 plants and it happened only to 1 of them. if it keeps growing like that does it mean that I'll need to throw it away? what should I do? :(
You most likely bumped your timer. If this is the case, you're basically fucked. Don't do it again next time.

Something tells me you already know the timer was switched, and you simply decided to leave that part out.
I checked the timer and its fine. I believe that if there was a problem with the timer so all of the other plants were spouse the show the same symptoms. someone told me that the tangerine dream strain is prone to mutate. now my dilemma is if to let it be or to cut off the upper part.
Revegging is odd at times. I had two plants that revegged among reason for it to have happened as it did...but it did. Reveg is all about interrupted dark cycles....are you being a bit cavalier about kicking the lights-on during lights-off?

Keep an eye on the other plants....they may be slow to reveg.

You're in your 9th week of flower....I don't know how much longer you would have had to wait to chop, but if it were my plants and they were close I'd just chop 'em now. A plant that mature will not take undoing a reveg in any short period of time....we're talking an extra month to six weeks to get back to flowering again.
this strain spouse to have maybe 11 weeks of flowering. I'm worried that if I'll chop it now the psychoactive effect will be weak, and that all of the hard work was for nothing. the floweres doesn't look ripe at all, I would let it at least 2-3 more weeks. the question is - if I chop only the new revegging growth , will the already exsiting flowers continue to get ripen?
about the interrupted dark cycles: I checked the timer itself and the light hours settings are ok. the timer is analog so I don't think that there is any chance that it will turn on the light just like that. also I closed myself inside the grow tent to check for light leak and there was none.
lilroach - the two plants that revegged where sativa or indica?
yes its feminized. churchhaze only now I saw what you said about me knowing that the timer was switched. you're wrong. if it was true so the answer was obvious and I wouldn't bother write that post.
No, cutting off the top won't stop it from being ruined. Tell your girlfriend to stop pointing flashlights at your plants while you sleep.

Someone is lying to you and clearly went in your tent, or you are lying about the timer. That IS reveg from light interruption, and cutting off the top won't do anything to stop it from revegging.

That is not a hermy.. I don't see what reveg symptoms have anything to do with hermy plants. The 2 are not synonymous..

Reveg is such terrible news, nobody ever believes it's happening to them. Someone fucked that thing up, and it's not redeemable now. Cutting off the top will not stop the sequence you or your girlfriend or mom or whoever started! If you don't harvest, it's just going to become airy, stretch for a few weeks, then start the flowering sequence all over again from day 1 flowering.

Plants don't just start revegging on their own. your symptoms must be related to light interruptions and not having long enough nights..

yes its feminized. churchhaze only now I saw what you said about me knowing that the timer was switched. you're wrong. if it was true so the answer was obvious and I wouldn't bother write that post.
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Yes I agree with @churchaze, it is more likely that something threw off the photoperiod on only that plant, it could have been a light leak that disappeared. Like he said, take it out. You can put it under 18 hours light per day for a few weeks, and then take about 30 clones from her, that will take the lemon and turn it into lemonade :)
i have had a lot of anolog timers burn out on me and never turn off, switch gets melted in the on position. did u see ur lights shut off? 9 weeks is a long time for a plant to decide it wants to start over, it wouldn't survive the reveg more than likely humans and lemmings only things i know that kill themselfs.

I have 5 plants on their 9th week of flowering. on the last few days one of them (barneys farm tangerine dream) started to act weird, it looks like it's suddenly continued growing like on the vegging phase. I don't know if it's re vegging and if this is it I son't know how it's possible because all of the other 4 plants are fine. what do you think?View attachment 3345014View attachment 3345015 View attachment 3345016
u have past the time of when it needed to be pulled and she will start to reveg again pull it asap or it could be dud genetics
if I'll keep the plant for 2 more weeks, the flowers that already there won't get more ripe? more potent? at the pic that I uploaded toy can see only white hairs bu now I can see a few brown ones.
rob333 - it's can't be the case, the strain is tangerine dream, it's a sativa dominant and usually it's flowers for about 11 weeks.