Could Legalization Help The US Debt Issue?


Well-Known Member
I know it wouldnt solve the 15 trillion $ hole we are in but do you think it would help?
I think it would very interesting to watch the correction that is needed unfold. You still have to cut the spending though. Military(all a soldier needs is a gun, uniform and a helmet, cut all the gold toilets out). Welfare has to be curbed. People shouldn't be buying twinkies with foodstamps. Welfare moms should not be allowed to breed uncontrollably either. Hemp must be part of the equation. Hemp over time can create jobs we outsource to Canada. You have to vote the sons of bitches out of office too that don't support the legislation. You don't vote the lesser of two evils either. It's a big problem. Boycotting corporate America is also a good way to change policy. Big pharma doesn't want weed legalized so stop buying their stuff. Plant a vegetable garden too to save on food and to stop supporting monsanto(makers of roundup all humans and give them cancer). It's a war that is fought with concepts and idea. I have my doubts Americans even have a clue though...
I sure don't want to be singled out and taxed selectively. People forget where this revenue would come from. The pockets of marijuana users.
i think they should do it. on a federal platform it might not get us out of debt but it would get alot of states out of debt
China is becoming a vast super power, both militarily and more importantly, economic. This is a huge detriment to the west, especially US/Canada. When all ecomomic wells dry up over here where do you think the rest of the world will be looking? Not North America, too risky and even Europe is aware of this. They're scared.

What's more, Iran is sending a lot of oil China's way. The Christian right moralists and the corporate fat cats have killed the US economy by increasing foreign investment and decreasing jobs here. As well, the dollar will take a nose dive within 16 months, when that happens gold is going to skyrocket, hence why you see all those ads everywhere offering to buy up your gold, and leaving you holding the bag and a dollar soon to be worth about 40 cents. Legalization and reinstituting a hemp crop isn't on the books nor do they see it as an agenda to rise from the ashes of a failing base.

The Blue Meanies are in everyone's pocket these days, the great cons of our time (global warming, carbon credits, peak oil) is quickly becoming a burden to bare for us all, kicking us when we're down even further is going to shut off any sort of bail-out by other countries, most have planned to jump ship so to speak. So, to put it bluntly, stop relying on government hand-outs or looking for answers from the civil servants who are neck deep in the sand, saying all is going to be good. Ride it out by yes, planting a veg garden, hold onto that gold broach grandma left you and don't believe in what they say in the media. Debt is on the rise.
hemp is a good answer to a lot of our pollution related issues - it is a hard to put a price on environmental damage.. that can be on a geologic scale..
but, i have considered it for some time - here are some of my points -

cartels get billions of dollars from the US funneled not even into Mexican business, but right into the criminal market - lets keep those 10- 20 B a year on american soil

DEA agents get vast funds to do dumb things like rip up wild hemp and also bust you, the smoker, at a huge price - 40 - 60 B

prisons are a frighteningly bloated privatized industry in the US - i estimate 10 - 30 B from pot crimes alone

take away the employ-ability of a young black man - or say 1,500,000 citizens each year and what do you lose in taxes, etc? i would say at least 1 - 2 B

not employing the sale of cannabis and cannabis related products must be gaint.. 20 M lbs of pot + paraphernalia + hemp clothing sales = 40 - 50 B

using hemp for it's god intended benefit - i going to guess 25 B

pot will compete with alcohol and tobacco so count the value of 150,000 lives or so as well as 30B in treatment for cancer and get this - 50 B for saving 1 out of 10 alcohol users from going down the tubes..

so, thus far 15 + 50 + 20 + 1.5 + 45 + 25 + 30 + 50 = $236,500,000,000 in annual savings and revenue.. i may be way off on some of these figures - but, there are tons of factors and they all point toward making pot and hemp legitimate products, both for health and industry as well as recreation..

it is a good start and i will not estimate how much the economy could be stimulated by not throwing everyone in jail and giving them criminal records.. separating parents from children.. wasting tons of money of the black market instead of normal taxable goods..

by the way - i think that Obama is probably doing a good job and we will see those GWB debts shrink - we'll find out in 2019 when the numbers finally come out..

if hemp were legal commercially we'd be so fuckin rich it wouldn't matter.
it could easily replace oil as far as manufacturing went(toothbrushes, medicine, lubricants). and maybe even fuel. the amount of ethanol producable from hemp is incredible.

here's hopin. if we get our way it will literally catapult us into a new wave of technology.
Hemp can reduce the plastic industry too which is a major contributor to jobs outsourcing. Plastics are poison subsequently they are mostly manufactured in China. You can make composite products out of hemp. Hemp on the smallest of scales allows a small farmer a cash crop to supply local industries that could and should pop up. With a daydreaming hat on the possibilities are endless. Hemp houses, hemp dome shelters, hemp computer monitors, etc...just look around at all the plastic Chinese good and think replacement. If hemp composites do not add plastics or unnatural substances hemp products could be recycled.

Bottom line is screw big business whether it be the industrial military complex, corporate prisons, welfare state, corporate welfare state.

Hold exxon, monsanto accountable for their destruction of their earth. Seize all their assets and start building solar panels.
lol they do it and make the price of a gram like $50. id rather keep it illegal tbh

You,... are stupid.

$50 a gram or a few years in prison,... hrmm That's a really hard decision I'ma have to think about it for a while.
oh - i forgot - if we effectively ended the mexican war on drugs by defunding the cartels - not only do we save tens of thousands of lives, but we save our government $2,000,000,000 a year in donations to that cause.. it is being discussed that the mexican cartel war could be extended 25 more years.. from what i have read - these organizations make more than half of their funding from pot - way more than half and a good chunk of those billions goes to bribing officials so that they can maintain their operations..
25 years x 12,000 brutal murders = 300,000 mexicans chainsawed into pieces and flung in the streets as a warning.. mostly because of pot prohibition? people are going to look back and laugh ironically that pot was ever illegal.. like laws about stepping on a white man's shadow...
here is a new piece of related news - July 14, 2011 - The Mexican Army discovers the largest marijuana plantation ever found in the country, 320 km (200 mi) south of San Diego, CA., in the Mexican state of Baja California; consisting of 120 hectares (300 acres) that would have yielded about 120 tons, and was worth about USD $160 million.
I highly believe that it would mos def help the debt issue......but why should we get taxed on it. The reason that we are in debt are 1. the u.s.a is always trying to be captain save a hoe and be the world police, 2. we have been fighting a unnecessary war in both Iraq and Afghanistan they dont want us there and im pretty sure the troops dont want to be either, 3. And most important if they did legalize it it would b one less thing that they would be fighting on the war on "drugs" and all the other dumb shit that come up with to fund money that we dont have. Dont get me wrong if i would have to pay a tax so i didnt go to jail or prison i am so willing to pay a tax but just dont feel like getting raped even more by our crooked ass government. we all can look at our paychecks and see that they are getting more then there fare share.......
i don't think that personal cultivation and selling to friends should have any kind of tax, but if we want it to be a normal commodity and legitimate then i think that it will need to be taxed like cigs or alcohol or any other consumer product when sold at stores..
i do agree that without pot in the mix, the US 'War on Drugs' takes on a very different light and situation - you are then going after a very small < 1% of the population who use actually dangerous substances..
agreed how many people do you know that have over dosed smoking marijuana......I personal cant name anyone only can say the worst thing would be a bad case of the munchies.
I've actually got extremely baked and threw up a couple times, felt like I had vertigo or something. I blame that on my EXTREMELY low tolerance and I hit 3 tokes of good ass dro from a 3 liter bucket bong as a wake and bake lol so I was destroyed haha.

I most definitely think it would help so much with so many things, it really just pisses me off that a majority of people AND the government don't want to recognize that. A friend of mine even told me I was dumb for thinking legalizing weed would help anything, and hes the biggest fucking stoner I know! Lost a lot of respect for him today.:cuss:
hmm.. right - the hope i see is that politicians and authorities of all kinds are wising up to the loud spoken truth about cannabis and it won't be that long before the truth is out and cannot be taken back..
it must be a tough position to be in - imagine the company that you worked for did something like dumping waste into water sheds for 100 years and you were high up on the executive ladder before you realized it fully.. now you are responsible for the lie and the wrongdoing, but if you step out of line you will lose your job and your friends, probably your house and family and you will never work in the business of your choice again.. that is what even obama must consider before he steps out of line and says 'oh, by the way, your government has been lying to you for 100 years. we are wrong, but we aren't going to do anything about it.' he would be impeached.
it will take the will of the people to show politicians how to represent them since it has not happened on its own for five generations. but, it is happening..!