Could slavery make america great again?


Well-Known Member
Cause I feel the need to when people say dumb shit. Like blaming the president for our problems when he is the last person to sign off on everyone else decisions. Tell me that's not true.
well yes and no he can also veto shit and he dose a lil bit more than just sign stuff......but over all he is just a puppet that is constantly trying to impress his party....


Well-Known Member
Cause I feel the need to when people say dumb shit. Like blaming the president for our problems when he is the last person to sign off on everyone else decisions. Tell me that's not true.
I'll tell you what's true. Calling people names is against forum rules and you've been getting away with it for too long now. You'll end up getting banned soon anyway, so carry on.:-P


Well-Known Member
I'll tell you what's true. Calling people names is against forum rules and you've been getting away with it for too long now. You'll end up getting banned soon anyway, so carry on.:-P
Hell yeah i said douche once and got an infraction but the mods let this guy make a thread about slavery. Y because he didnt direct it tword blck ppl when we all know he meant some minority group!!!! Fuck this things seem alil one sided round here


Well-Known Member
who said anything about "black people"?

other then the black dude.

china men make nice slaves.

maybe children.

the world is full of slavery today. who did you think made the jacket you are wearing?



Well-Known Member
Hell yeah i said douche once and got an infraction but the mods let this guy make a thread about slavery. Y because he didnt direct it tword blck ppl when we all know he meant some minority group!!!! Fuck this things seem alil one sided round here
Fuckin right touchy subject im black too fucker dang why you had to go there that shit never did anything but hate for the country what are you some type of nazi and becareful what you wish for because it could be the other way around this time. Dang RIU is better then this BS
You gotta be joking. And who do you propose we enslave?
I think I should be alowed to start a thread like this its called free speech and i'm looking for discussion or debate. If you want to call me a douch i'm ok with that that's your right-I don't report posts and I have thick skin I wouldn't want anyone banned for disagreeing with me or calling me names- if you want to insult me try to make it origional and funny- I could use a laugh. I didn't direct this to or about any group- U.S. blacks seem to have it pretty good now compaired to those in africa and i believe the slave trade exsisted before the U.S.A. and I think they bought slaves from other africans they were P.O.W.'s and stuff. American indians were sold into slavery and sent to the islands and their were slaves of all diffrent races and nationalitys thriughout history. I think the first obvious populations to enslave would be prisoners and p.o.w."s take everyone out of the jails and put them to work. Iraqi and afgahni solders we capture could be used to mine and pump oil. maybe you could buy iraqi's to cut your grass or do your laundry or whatever.


Well-Known Member
I think I should be alowed to start a thread like this its called free speech and i'm looking for discussion or debate. If you want to call me a douch i'm ok with that that's your right-I don't report posts and I have thick skin I wouldn't want anyone banned for disagreeing with me or calling me names- if you want to insult me try to make it origional and funny- I could use a laugh. I didn't direct this to or about any group- U.S. blacks seem to have it pretty good now compaired to those in africa and i believe the slave trade exsisted before the U.S.A. and I think they bought slaves from other africans they were P.O.W.'s and stuff. American indians were sold into slavery and sent to the islands and their were slaves of all diffrent races and nationalitys thriughout history. I think the first obvious populations to enslave would be prisoners and p.o.w."s take everyone out of the jails and put them to work. Iraqi and afgahni solders we capture could be used to mine and pump oil. maybe you could buy iraqi's to cut your grass or do your laundry or whatever.
that wont be smart i dont wanna have to worry about the guy cutting my grass exploding in my front yard..


Well-Known Member
im down with the prisoners doin the dirty work... Put those head exploding calors on their necks lmao.... FREE LABOR FOR ALL!!!!


Well-Known Member
Hell yeah i said douche once and got an infraction but the mods let this guy make a thread about slavery. Y because he didnt direct it tword blck ppl when we all know he meant some minority group!!!! Fuck this things seem alil one sided round here
haha..white people are the minority buddy!! i say we enslave all canadians..


Well-Known Member
Most of us are already slaves and just don't know it yet. Slaves to Currency and Bankers.
your right-that's kind of what I was thinking and why I started this thread. most people just don't really think about things they accept what they were told to think or believe. we are slaves to the dollar our work our bills our cars and clothes and when you can't keep it up if you get sick or lose your job you loose it all and can end up eating from the garbage and sleeping in the street while people step over you. you can go to jail for being poor and sleeping outside. I think slave owners had some intrest in making sure their slaves were taken care of- if you bought a slave you would feed him because you would want him strong you would cloth him because you wouldn't want him getting sick you might even want to treat him well so he would work well and not be a problem. now if you cant afford food or housing your boss doesn't care because if you become to sick to work he can just replace you. a slave owner wants to keep the same slave as long as possible.


Well-Known Member
your right-that's kind of what I was thinking and why I started this thread. most people just don't really think about things they accept what they were told to think or believe. we are slaves to the dollar our work our bills our cars and clothes and when you can't keep it up if you get sick or lose your job you loose it all and can end up eating from the garbage and sleeping in the street while people step over you. you can go to jail for being poor and sleeping outside. I think slave owners had some intrest in making sure their slaves were taken care of- if you bought a slave you would feed him because you would want him strong you would cloth him because you wouldn't want him getting sick you might even want to treat him well so he would work well and not be a problem. now if you cant afford food or housing your boss doesn't care because if you become to sick to work he can just replace you. a slave owner wants to keep the same slave as long as possible.
sound like big govt. people always want a handout or to be taken care of, instead of being innovative and working would rather someone just own you and take care of you?? thanks..i'll take what little freedom i have, and sit on my couch that i the assortment of vehicles and motorcycles i own, or make music with the instruments that i one owns me, and i dont want no one taking care of me...if you feel like you are a slave to the simple things in life, you are probably living out of your means..


Well-Known Member
sound like big govt. people always want a handout or to be taken care of, instead of being innovative and working would rather someone just own you and take care of you?? thanks..i'll take what little freedom i have, and sit on my couch that i the assortment of vehicles and motorcycles i own, or make music with the instruments that i one owns me, and i dont want no one taking care of me...if you feel like you are a slave to the simple things in life, you are probably living out of your means..
The govt is taking care of you if they were not then you wouldn't have the things you do-if no one owns you why do you have a SSN? why can you be drafted? you are owned. Do you have a plan for the day bread costs 100$ a loaf?


Well-Known Member
The govt is taking care of you if they were not then you wouldn't have the things you do-if no one owns you why do you have a SSN? why can you be drafted? you are owned. Do you have a plan for the day bread costs 100$ a loaf?
dont really use my SSN, and i cant be drafted..and if bread costs $100 a loaf i will earn enough to afford it. or i'll just bake damn the bread..

but that will NEVER goes on, and one day we're all gonna be old as fuck, and the new generation is gonna be saying the same dumb shit youre all saying.


Active Member
slaves to currency and bankers? Come on man. You expect everything to be free? Regardless of how fucked up this world is and how fucked up America is, we still have freedom. Ive been around the world and before i left i thought this place sucked ass. When i got back i kissed the ground. I now know first hand theres no other place i wanna be. We as people get out of bed and go earn a living. Thats what we do. Thats what humanity has done since the beginning of time. I'd much rather be on a beach somewhere sipping on a pina colada everyday but i know thats not gonna happen. If you want something you have to buy it. If you wanna buy it you have to earn it. Thats the way it works. It doesnt make us slaves.


Active Member
dont really use my SSN, and i cant be drafted..and if bread costs $100 a loaf i will earn enough to afford it. or i'll just bake damn the bread..

but that will NEVER goes on, and one day we're all gonna be old as fuck, and the new generation is gonna be saying the same dumb shit youre all saying.
exactly. sounds like some of these guys watch too much conspiracy theory tv


Active Member
and the only time ive been asked for my SSN is to prove i am a citizen for a job or to borrow money from someone.