Could someone help with plant deficiencies please?


Well-Known Member
Hey guys I was wondering when is a good time to flower my plants the smallest 16 inch and tallest 22 all plants are bushy and 1 I topped 5 days ago is starting to grow like crazy and just don't want them getting too tall. I have 4 plants in a 4x4x7 grow tent



Well-Known Member
the goal is to fill the space

figure your plants (in most cases) are going to at least double in size and height(not counting the pot) if you flip them today

looking at the pics.. you got some tight short bushy plants
on occasion I will find a short plant that barely stretches and those plants id veg longer
but youd have to grow it out at least 1x to know because a short plant could also stretch like a bitch in bloom

I don't top my plants within 2 weeks of 12/12
if I have a stretchy problem I would bend and tie it down or use netting

a picture further back showing the entire space would be easier to judge

Buba Blend

Well-Known Member
Hey guys so I just changed my light cycle to 12/12 three days ago here's a picture is this normal or deficiency?
They are gonna want a picture in normal light, the color does look a bit weak in the new growth but a pic without the grow lights will help. The bucket on the right, do you have drainage holes in it?


Well-Known Member
its hard to say for sure with the grow light on

but that looks like a micro nute def or light bleaching from light being too close
(do you check your ph?)

most likely def would be iron

less likely manganese or zinc

have you been fertilizing? what fertilizer and how much?

I wouldn't freak out about it a small bit of yellowing in the new growth is common and not a big deal

and its very common in the first two weeks of bloom

but its hard to tell with the color distortion if its a def or just something that requires nothing

doing nothing would be better than doing the wrong thing so take it slow and easy


Well-Known Member
its hard to say for sure with the grow light on

but that looks like a micro nute def or light bleaching from light being too close
(do you check your ph?)

most likely def would be iron

less likely manganese or zinc

have you been fertilizing? what fertilizer and how much?

I wouldn't freak out about it a small bit of yellowing in the new growth is common and not a big deal

and its very common in the first two weeks of bloom

but its hard to tell with the color distortion if its a def or just something that requires nothing

doing nothing would be better than doing the wrong thing so take it slow and easy
Hey guys thanks for the reply my ph is around 6.7 and just started using foxfarm grow big


Well-Known Member
I don't think theres anything to do except maybe dial back on the grow big dose

I think its an illusion.... the tops look as light as they do because the large fan leaves are so dark likely from a bit too much N in your fertilizer

maybe mix it weaker in the future

another thing
take a look at your grow big bottle... how much calcium % does it say is in it?
you might fair well to also use some calmag in your future