could these be little male hermie flowers opened?


Active Member
I accidentally topped my plant right when it started budding. I had it inside under 12/12 because I thought it might be male but then it started throwing a bunch of pistils so I put it back out where its getting 14 hours of daylight and dropping. I had to pick off a few immature dangley hermie balls but Im worried about what the tops of the plant look like. I think it might be single little male balls sprouting at the top of the budsite. Im worried because I had a few autos nearby that are a couple weeks from harvest. What do you guys think

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Well-Known Member
It's hard to see anything from these pictures. My only advise if your worried about this plant possibly pollinating your girls is to put it somewhere away from them, maybe outside in the shade somewhere. If your other plants are that close to being harvested I'm not even sure this plant could pollinate them and get seeds. Don't take my word for this though... I've never dealt with male plants other than culling them as soon as I found them to be male.


Active Member
Ok man I understand the pics suck. There are a lot of pistils but right at the very bud tip some of them almost look like male balls right at the tip.. But I could be wrong and that might just be how the little colas will look since i topped it early in flower


Well-Known Member
Ok man I understand the pics suck. There are a lot of pistils but right at the very bud tip some of them almost look like male balls right at the tip.. But I could be wrong and that might just be how the little colas will look since i topped it early in flower
If your just starting to notice then you will have ample time to know for sure before it would become a problem ......but the pics are to hard to see there fuzzy it could be just cause I'm old and can't see shit anyways from treating my body so good over the years ......try to get some better images up

Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member
its hard to see from the pics, but i highly doubt male flowers are sprouting out of the growing terminus. it could happen i guess, but i would expect to see them at a juncture, not a terminus.
i guess i'd keep an eye on them, if you don't see any white hairs growing out of it, pinch em off.
not sure if you want to save this plant or not. if you like it a lot, i'd keep an eye on it and try to pick off any male flowers...but thats usually not a good miss one banana and you're whole tent/room is fucked