Could this be Mg def?


Well-Known Member
I have some slight discoloration spotting. And something that almost looks like rust spots appearing. It is a LA Diva from delicious seeds. It is in its 5th week now.
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Active Member
The later in flower a plant is, the bottom leaves start to yellow and fall off because the plant is soaking up all its nutes and energy through unwanted leaves... totally normal. Your plant is focusing on producing buds this late in flower, so all the nutes go to producing buds and not older leaves... :) hope this helps. But it does look like a mg problem... also if the bottom leaves are necrotic like spots on leaves, it could be lack of side lighting...


Well-Known Member
looks like overfeeding to me creating lockout. See how overly dark green your leaves are still for this stage of life. I wouldnt worry about it though. Just start giving plain water at end of 6th week until harvest.


Well-Known Member
I have looked at the backs of the leaves an have not noticed anything. The soil I am using is FFoF with cut about 35% with perlite, and some dolomite lime added. I have only fed her maybe 3 times. First at 1/4 strength, then 1/3, and the last was 1/2.

jessica d

Well-Known Member
are you watering until there is runoff? i also think plain water until runoff is ur best solution.


Well-Known Member
Yeah I water until there is run off. It usually gets about 1/2 gallon to 3/4 of water each watering. I have been alternating plain water with nutrient water every watering. So it's getting fed maybe once a week. Last time it was watered with plain water. Should I do another cycle of plain water? I checked today and the first single leaf picture in my post that was showing a slight yellow discoloration, has spread throughout the leaf and seems to be almost drying out.


Well-Known Member
Buy a ppm meter for next grow. Cut your FFOF with Promix 50:50 ratio for bloom plants. The damage is done now id just start tapering off the nutes until its time to fade them out.


Well-Known Member
I do have me a ppm meter. Just hadn't used it for the past couple waterings. Should i do a semi flush?


Well-Known Member
no i wouldnt flush her shes at the stage of life where she eats the most so flushing would be bad. Just water with weaker nute solution next time, like half what you did last time. Test the runoff and if its over 1100-1200 ppm thats your issue. Really i wouldnt worry about it. The plants more worried about buds at this stage then leaves.


Well-Known Member
I gave her a light dose of cal/mag and tiger bloom and big bloom all at 1/4 strength, about 250ppm. I collected some runoff, you were right booms111, the ppm was at 1120 with a ph of 6.2. Hoping she will pull through.


Well-Known Member
Here are some pictures of the places on the leaves where it is getting worse. First one was with flash and seemed to hide the colors more so I took the others without the flash.
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Well-Known Member
Just keep giving light dose every water until ppm is around 800. By then you will be ready to cut the nutes at end of next week or so for a good fade.


Well-Known Member
I feed every watering, how much nutes i use is based on ppm from previous readings. I keep a running log so i know if theres build up or if there eating right. 250ppm is low but good starting point for you. Id feed alittle higher like 400ppm next time and if your runoff is 1000ppm or lower your plant is eating and the build up is going away.