could this be the best ever LED grow??

9inch bigbud

Well-Known Member
i agree that 2 x UFO lights that they clame 1 is as good as a 400w HPS that video just goes to show 2 of them and a shit load of other led's grow less than a 250w HPS. anyone who goes out to buy a LED set up hoping to grow better than a HPS needs to have their heads looked at. when they come down in price like $20 ill by them just to add to my HPS room, but i will never grow with LED as my main light.

dirt clean

Well-Known Member
you see those panels he has on the sides? when I first started growing I hung one touching the plants. One the side I stuck 2 26 watt cfls in parabolics pointing in at the plants.

Plant growth. First the plants headed each towards one of the blue leds. one led. then i added the cfls on the sides like a foot from the center where the plants were.

the plants actually bent sideways to get to the 26 watt cfls rather than the led that was touching the plants. those panels are jokes.

I then bought a 400 watt and all the proper cooling. lol.

recently I have thought for fun if I could find 4 watt or higher? IDK I have not read about the subject in depth. sodering a few for a veg chamber for 3 plants might be fun. But not the ufo and no fucking way for those panels.

they have to touch and be like 3 or higher watt and only for veg.