i am building a grow box that is 5 foot long 3 feet wide and 5 feet high. the grow box is going in my shed but the problem is where i live its really cold temperatures in the 20s some times. I was thinking if possible could i put a very small space heater i have seen very cheap ones for 12 bucks and put it right in my grow box i am however going to buy a very good quality thermostat that is for growing so it stays at the right temperature. the grow box is going to be insulated. My other option is to insulate the whole shed and heat the whole shed but i looked into this and its very expensive. i mean i will if i have to life goes on. i guess the only thing im worried about is that the heater will dry out the plants if i heat it and keep it more humid with maybe a humidifier or something would this do the trick?any help would be awesome thanks guys